Erin Davisson

Research Scientist, C-StARR

Erin Davisson is associate director of the Administrative Core in the Center for the Study of Adolescent Risk and Resilience (C-StARR). Davisson joined the Center in June 2013 as a research scientist with the C-StARR. Her research focuses on self-regulation broadly, including self-control and its impact on health and problem behaviors, as well as measurement issues related to self-regulation and self-control.

Research Interests:
Social Psychology


Recent Publications   (More Publications)

  1. vanDellen, MR; Shea, CT; Davisson, EK; Koval, CZ; Fitzsimons, GM (2014). Motivated misperception: Self-regulatory resources affect goal appraisals. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 53, 118-124. [doi]  [abs]

  2. Burnette, JL; Davisson, EK; Finkel, EJ; Van Tongeren, DR; Hui, CM; Hoyle, RH (2014). Self-Control and Forgiveness: A Meta-Analytic Review. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 5(4), 443-450. [doi]  [abs]

  3. Shea, CT; Davisson, EK; Fitzsimons, GM (2013). Riding other people's coattails: individuals with low self-control value self-control in other people.. Psychological Science, 24(6), 1031-1036. [doi]  [abs]

  4. vanDellen, MR; Campbell, WK; Hoyle, RH; Bradfield, EK (2011). Compensating, resisting, and breaking: a meta-analytic examination of reactions to self-esteem threat.. Personality and Social Psychology Review : an Official Journal of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Inc, 15(1), 51-74. [doi]  [abs]

  5. vanDellen, MR; Bradfield, EK; Hoyle, RH (2010). Self-Regulation of State Self-Esteem Following Threat: Moderation by Trait Self-Esteem, 430-446. [doi]

Curriculum Vitae

Erin Davisson

Erin Davisson
Office: Erwin Square Mill Building, Bay B, Room 123
Phone: (919) 684-1088
Fax: (919) 681-4183
E-mail:  send me a message

Mailing Address:
Duke Box 90420, Durham, NC 27708-0420

Research Interests: (from Specialties)
Social Psychology Specialties:

Social Psychology