Yu Bai

Statistician III

Yu Bai, a statistician, has been with the Center for Child and Family Policy since 2008. Bai serves as statistician for Family Connects International, a program that connects families to community services via nurse home visits. As a senior data analyst of Durham Children’s Data Center, he currently is working with educators from Durham County Public School on several projects, which evaluate intervention program effectiveness. Previously, he worked with his Center colleagues on several projects, including America’s Promise Alliance, the Child and Family Support Teams Initiative, and Evaluation of Early Childhood Program (Smart Start and More at Four). His duties include data management and data analysis, drafting the method and results sections of peer-review manuscripts, and independently preparing manuscripts for publication as the lead author.

Bai is interested in using advanced methodology to answer research questions, such as proportionate hazard model, multilevel modeling, multiple imputation approach, survey-design data analysis, propensity score approach, Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition approach, and semi-parametric modeling.

Originally from China, Bai earned a Ph.D. in health policy and administration at The Pennsylvania State University in 2007.


Representative Publications   (More Publications)

  1. Foster, E.M., Hillemeier, M.M., & Bai, Y. (2011). Explaining the disparity in placement instability among African-American and white children in child welfare: A Blinder–Oaxaca decomposition. Children & Youth Services Review, 33(1), 118-125.

  2. Wells, R., Hillemeier, M. M., Bai, Y., and Belue, R. (2009). Health service access across racial/ethnic groups among children in the child welfare system. Child Abuse & Neglect, 33(5), 282-292.

  3. Bai, Y., Wells, R., and Hillemeier, M. (2009). Coordination between child welfare agencies and mental health providers, children’s service use, and outcomes. Child Abuse and Neglect, 33(6), 372-381.

  4. Bai Y., Hillemeier M.M., and Lengerich, E.J. (2007). Race/ethnic disparities in symptom severity among children hospitalized with asthma. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 18(1), 54-61.

  5. Hillemeier M.M., Gusic M., and Bai Y (2006). Rural and Urban Children with Asthma: Are School Health Services Meeting Their Needs?. Pediatrics, 118(3), 1097-1103.

Recent Presentations
  1. Putting Youth and Families First, Building on Family Strengths Conferences, Portland, Oregon, June, 2009
  2. Do mental health needs affect safety or permanence for children?, National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect, Portland, Oregon, April, 2007
  3. Mental health services utilization for Pennsylvania children involved in child welfare, The 133rd Annual Meeting of American Public Health Association, New Orleans, LA., November, 2005
  4. Communication with school nurses about asthma and perceived obstacles to care, Pediatric Academic Society’s Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, May, 2005
  5. Effects of insurance status on length of stay among hospitalized children with asthma in Pennsylvania, 2001, The 132nd Annual Meeting of American Public Health Association, Washington, DC, November, 2004

Yu Bai

Yu Bai
Office: Erwin Square Mill Building, Bay C, Room 214
Phone: (919) 613-6408
Fax: (919) 668-6923
E-mail:  yb17@duke.edu  send me a message

Mailing Address:
Duke Box 90539, Durham, NC 27708-0539