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Brian Murray, Research Professor in the Division of Environmental Sciences and Policy  

Office Location: 140 Science Drive, Gross Hall, Ste 101 Box 90467, Durham, NC 27708
Office Phone: +1 919 613 1324
Duke Box: 90467
Email Address: bcmurray@duke.edu

Areas of Expertise

    Ph.D., Duke University, 1992
    M.S., Duke University, 1987
    B.S., University of Delaware, 1983

    Representative Publications   (More Publications)

    1. Kim, MK; McCarl, BA; Murray, BC. "Permanence discounting for land-based carbon sequestration." Ecological Economics 64.4 (February, 2008): 763-769. [doi]  [abs]
    2. Murray, BC; Sohngen, B; Ross, MT. "Economic consequences of consideration of permanence, leakage and additionality for soil carbon sequestration projects." Climatic Change 80.1-2 (January, 2007): 127-143. [doi]  [abs]
    3. Ross, M.T., B.C. Murray, R.H. Beach, and B.M. Depro. "State-level Economic Impacts of Global Climate Change Policies: Analysis of the Climate Stewardship Act of 2003."  Pew Center on Global Climate Change, 2007 Forthcoming
    4. Murray, B.C., and J.P. Prestemon. "Timber Market Structure and Efficiency: Theory and Evidence." Forests in a Market Economy Kluwer, 2007.
    5. McCarl, Bruce A., Kim, Man-Keun, Lee, Heng-Chi, Murray, Brian C., Sands, Ronald D., and Schneider, Uwe A. "Insights from Agricultural and Forestry GHG Offset Studies that Might Influence IAM Modeling." In Integrated Assessment of Human Induced Climate Change. Ed. Michael Schlesinger, Haroon Kheshgi, Joel Smith, Francisco de la Chesnaye, John Reilly, Tom Wilson, and Charlie Kolstad. 2007.  (Forthcoming)
    6. Pattanayak, S; Dickinson, K; Corey, C; Murray, B; Sills, E; Kramer, R. "Deforestation, Malaria and Poverty: A Call for Transdisciplinary Research to Support the Design of Cross-Sectoral Policies." Sustainability: Science, Practice, & Policy 2.2 (2006): 1-12.
    7. B.C. Murray. "Carbon Sequestration: A Jointly Produced Forest Output." Forests in a Market Economy Kluwer, 2003
    8. DeAngelo, B.J., F. de la Chesnaye, R.H. Beach, A. Sommer, and B.C. Murray.. "ethane and Nitrous Oxide Mitigation in Agriculture." The Energy Journal. Special issue (2006): 89-108.
    9. Lee, H-C, B.A. McCarl, D. Gillig, and B. Murray. "U.S. Agriculture and Forestry Greenhouse Mitigation Over Time." Rural Lands, Agriculture and Climate beyond 2015: Usage and Management Responses. Ed. F. Brouwer and B.A. McCarl. Dordrect, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2006
    10. Burkett, V; R. Ritschard; S. McNulty; J. O'Brien; R. Abt; J. Jones; U. Hatch; B. Murray; S. Jagtap; and J. Cruise.. "The Potential Consequences of Climate Variability and Change for the Southeastern United States." Climate Change Impacts on the United States: The Potential Consequences of Climate Variability and Change Foundation Report of the National Assessment Synthesis Team. U.S. Global Change Research Program. Cambridge University Press, 2000
    11. Jackson, RB; Jobbágy, EG; Avissar, R; Roy, SB; Barrett, DJ; Cook, CW; Farley, KA; le Maitre, DC; McCarl, BA; Murray, BC. "Trading water for carbon with biological carbon sequestration.." Science (New York, N.Y.) 310.5756 (December, 2005): 1944-1947. [doi]  [abs]
    12. Sohngen, B., M. Gytarsky, G. Korovin, L Laestadius, B. Murray, A. Utkin, D. Zamolodchikov. "Stocks and Flows: Carbon Inventory and Mitigation Potential of the Russian Forest and Land Base."  World Resources Institute, Washington, DC (available at www.wri.org), 2005
    13. Watson, R.T. and 34 others. "Summary for Policymakers." Special Report on Land Use, Land Use Change, and Forestry. Ed. R.T. Watson, I.R. Noble, B. Bolin, N.H. Ravindranath, D.J. Verardo, and D.J. Dokken. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Geneva, Switzerland: Cambridge University Press, 2000
    14. Beach, RH; Pattanayak, SK; Yang, JC; Murray, BC; Abt, RC. "Econometric studies of non-industrial private forest management: A review and synthesis." Forest Policy and Economics 7.3 (January, 2005): 261-281. [doi]  [abs]
    15. Murray, B.C., B.L. Sohngen, A.J. Sommer, B.M. Depro, K.M. Jones, B.A. McCarl, D. Gillig, B. DeAngelo, and K. Andrasko. "Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Potential in U.S. Forestry and Agriculture."  Washington, D.C: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Atmospheric Programs, 2005 EPA-R-05-006
    16. Pattanayak, SK; McCarl, BA; Sommer, AJ; Murray, BC; Bondelid, T; Gillig, D; DeAngelo, B. "Water quality co-effects of greenhouse gas mitigation in U.S. agriculture." Climatic Change 71.3 (August, 2005): 341-372. [doi]  [abs]
    17. Andrasko, K., S. Rose, R.J. Alig, J. Lewandrowski, R. MacGregor, and B.C. Murray. "Agriculture, Forestry, and Greenhouse Gases: Research Provides Insights for Public Policy."  Issue Report (6), Oak Brook, IL: Farm Foundation, 2005
    18. Murray, BC; Keeler, A; Thurman, WN. "Tax interaction effects, environmental regulation, and "rule of thumb" adjustments to social cost." Environmental and Resource Economics 30.1 (January, 2005): 73-92. [doi]  [abs]
    19. Prestemon, J.P, and B.C. Murray. "Timber Production and Markets. - Section 1 introduction." Forests in a Market Economy Kluwer., 2003

    Curriculum Vitae


    Dr. Brian C. Murray is Director of the Nicholas Institute for Energy, Environment & Sustainability, Research Professor at the Nicholas School of the Environment (primary) and Sanford School of Public Policy (secondary), and Faculty Associate of the Duke Initiative for Science & Society. In 2015 he was Fulbright Visiting Research Chair in Environment and Economy at University of Ottawa’s Institute of the Environment.  He is widely recognized for his work on the economics of energy and climate change policy, including the design of market based mechanisms to reduce greenhouse gases and deploy low-carbon energy. Members of the United States Congress, state legislators and regulators have sought the counsel of Dr. Murray and colleagues in developing energy and climate legislative proposals and regulatory options.  Their development of the cost containment reserve mechanism is now in use in several greenhouse cap-and-trade programs in North America.  Dr. Murray has been invited as a co-author of several national and international assessments of natural resources, especially related to energy and climate change. Of particular note, he serves on a National Academy of Sciences panel on greenhouse gases and the tax code, where he led the panel’s efforts on biofuel subsidies.  He was a convening lead author of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s Special Report on Land Use, Land Use Change, and Forestry. He has convened several forums of economic modeling experts to examine and communicate the results of their climate, energy and land use policy efforts to the public and private sectors.  His research has examined the economic effects of traditional command-based regulatory strategies for pollution control and more market-oriented approaches such as cap-and-trade programs and emission taxes.  He has been a consultant to a wide range of clientele in the public and private sector, including numerous federal government agencies, members of Congress and their staff, state regulatory agencies, CEOs and senior staff from Fortune 500 companies, trade groups, nongovernmental organizations, and other academic institutions.   He has authored or co-authored over 100 publications in books, edited volumes, and professional journals across a range od disciplines.  From 2017-21 he was a regular contributor to Forbes. Prior to coming to the Nicholas Institute in 2006, Dr. Murray was Director of the Center for Regulatory Economics and Policy Research at RTI International, a university-affiliated not-for-profit research institution. 

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