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Kerilyn D. Schewel, Lecturing Fellow  

Office Phone: (919) 613-9230
Email Address: kerilyn.schewel@duke.edu

Areas of Expertise

    Ph.D., University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands), 2019
    M.S., University of Oxford (United Kingdom), 2015
    B.A., University of Virginia, 2009

    Recent Publications   (More Publications)

    1. Iyer, M; Schewel, K. "Articulating and Claiming the Right to Stay in the Context of Climate Change." (March, 2024).
    2. Schewel, K; Debray, A. "Global trends in south-south migration." The Palgrave Handbook of South-South Migration and Inequality. Springer International Publishing, December, 2023: 153-181. [doi]  [abs]
    3. Debray, A; Ruyssen, I; Schewel, K. "The Aspiration to Stay: A Global Analysis." International Migration Review (December, 2023). [doi]  [abs]
    4. Schewel, K. "Migration, Development and Social Change in the Himalayas: An Ethnographic Village Study Migration, Development and Social Change in the Himalayas: An Ethnographic Village Study , by Madleina Daehnhardt, London, Routledge, 2019, pp. 266, ISBN 9780367150969." Journal of Human Development and Capabilities 24.2 (April, 2023): 307-308. [doi]
    5. Schewel, K; Dickerson, S; Madson, B; Nagle Alverio, G. "How well can we predict climate migration? A review of forecasting models." Frontiers in Climate 5 (January, 2023). [doi]  [abs]

    Kerilyn D. Schewel