Biographical Info of Clara G. Muschkin

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Clara Muschkin is an assistant research professor of public policy, Associate Director of the Center for Child and Family Policy, and Director of the North Carolina Education Research Data Center(NCERDC), located within the Center for Child and Family Policy. The mission of the NCERDC is to support and develop policy-oriented research on education, providing academic researchers with access to a wealth of data on North Carolina public schools, students, and teachers. Muschkin is a sociologist and demographer with an interdisciplinary research focus. In her research, she asks how education policies that influence the composition and organization of educational institutions can influence student behavior and academic performance. Her current research interests include: the impact of early childhood education policies on subsequent student outcomes; the impact of grade configuration on student behavior; the influence of grade retention and age on behavior and academic performance; impact of school composition by race and immigrant status on student behavior and achievement across grade levels; evaluation of high school reform policies; and successful outcomes for community college students. Muschkin serves as Director for the Child Policy Research certificate program and regularly teaches the cornerstone course. She also serves as oversees undergraduate programs in the Center for Child and Family Policy.

Clara G. Muschkin