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Robert J Garlick, Assistant Professor of Economics  

Office Location: 204 Social Sciences, Box 90097, Durham, NC 27708-0097
Duke Box: 90097
Email Address: robert.garlick@duke.edu
Web Page: https://www.robgarlick.com/

Areas of Expertise

    Ph.D., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 2013

    Research Description: Garlick works at the intersection of development economics, the economics of education, and labor economics. His current research focuses on the role of limited information in schooling decisions, job search, and employment outcomes. He also studies peer effects in education, focusing on methodological challenges in measuring peer group composition.

    Teaching (Fall 2024):

    • Econ 442.01, Development econ: thry/evi/pol Synopsis
      Perkins 087, Tu 01:25 PM-03:55 PM
    • Econ 642.01, Development econ: thry/evi/pol Synopsis
      Perkins 087, Tu 01:25 PM-03:55 PM

    Office Hours:
    Graduate students can sign up for office hours at https://robertgarlick.youcanbook.me/.

    Recent Publications

    1. Garlick, RJ; Orkin, K; Quinn, S. "Call Me Maybe: Experimental Evidence on Using Mobile Phones to Survey Microenterprises." Economic Research Initiatives at Duke (ERID) 224 (July, 2016): 49 pages.  [abs]
    2. Garlick, RJ; Hyman, J. "Data vs. Methods: Quasi-Experimental Evaluation of Alternative Sample Selection Corrections for Missing College Entrance Exam Score Data." Economic Research Initiatives at Duke (ERID) 221 (June, 2016): 96 pages.  [abs]
    3. Garlick, RJ. "Academic Peer Effects with Different Group Assignment Policies: Residential Tracking versus Random Assignment." Economic Research Initiatives at Duke (ERID) 220 (March, 2016): 53 pages.  [abs]

    Robert Garlick joined the economics department as an assistant professor in 2014. He previously worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the World Bank's Development Research Group and holds a PhD in economics and public policy from the University of Michigan. Garlick was born and raised in South Africa, where he studied economics, mathematics and philosophy at the University of Cape Town and managed a small education nonprofit.

    Garlick studies education and labor economics in developing countries. He is currently working on peer and network effects in education, determinants of education investments by households, and transitions between education and the labor market. This work spans empirical and methodological topics, and includes primary data collection in and analysis of secondary data from Kenya, Nigeria, and South Africa.

    Robert J Garlick