Publications of Virginia S. Bryan    :chronological  alphabetical  combined  bibtex listing:

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Papers Published

  1. V.S. Bryan, Specimens Underlying the Systematic Treatment of the Ephemeraceae in the Bryophyte Flora of America, edited by Larry L. St. Clair, Evansia, vol. 22 no. (1) (March, 2005), pp. 13 - 29 .
  2. Apospory in mosses, The Bryologist, vol. 104 no. 1 (2001), pp. 40-46 .
  3. Ephemeraceae W. P. Schimper, Bryophyte Flora of North America (2000) [org] .
  4. Synonymy in Micromitrium, The Bryologist, vol. 102 no. 3 (1999), pp. 409-411 .
  5. M-chromosome behavior in the moss Clasmatodon parvulus, Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden no. 45 (1987), pp. 122-134 .
  6. The question of post-reduction in Sphagnum, American Journal of Botany, vol. 53 no. 10 (1966), pp. 1012-1015 .
  7. with L. E. Anderson, Chromosome numbers in mosses of eastern North America, Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society no. 74 (1958), pp. 173-199 .
  8. with L. E. Anderson, Systematics of the autoicous species of Ditrichum subg. Ditrichum no. 10 (1957), pp. 121-137 .
  9. Cytotaxonomic studies of the Ephemeraceae and Funariaceae, The Bryologist no. 60 (1957), pp. 103-126 .
  10. with L. E. Anderson, The Ephemeraceae in North America, The Bryologist no. 60 (1957), pp. 67-102 .
  11. with L. E. Anderson, A cytotaxonomic investigation of Fissidens cristatus. Wils. and F. adiantoidies (1956) .
  12. Cytological and taxonomic studies of some species of Astomum, Acaulon, and Phascum, The Bryologist no. 59 (1956), pp. 118-129 .
  13. Chromosomes and systematic position of the inoperculate mosses Pleuridium and Bruchia, American Journal of Botany no. 43 (1956), pp. 460-468 .
  14. Chromosone studies in the genus Sphagnum, The Bryologist no. 58 (1955), pp. 16-39 .
  15. with W. C. Steere and L. E. Anderson, Chromosome studies on California mosses, Memoirs Torrey Botanical Club, vol. 20 no. 4 (1954), pp. 1-75 .

Papers Submitted

  1. with David Holyoak, A moss new to Ireland, Journal of Bryology (2004) .