Sarcophagus fragment
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Home > Faculty > Publications: Joshua D. Sosin

Fragment of a marble Sarcophagus
ca. 230-240 ACE
Duke Museum of Art


  1. Oates, JF; Bagnall, RS; Clackson, SJ; Brien, AAO; Sosin, JD; Wilfong, TG; Worp, KA. Checklist of Editions of Greek, Latin, Demotic and Coptic Papyri, Ostraca and Tablets.  David Brown, .

Papers Published

  1. Sosin, JD. "Manumission at Chaironeia." Zeitschrift fur Papyrologie und Epigraphik  no. 227,   81-96.
  2. Sosin, JD. "The Margins of a Law: The Compositioon of IG IX.12.3 718." Zeitschrift fur Papyrologie und Epigraphik  vol. 221   70-76.
  3. Sosin, JD. "MANUMISSIONS AT ELATEIA (IG IX, 1 124-127)." Zeitschrift fur Papyrologie und Epigraphik  no. 223,   63-70.
  4. Sosin, JD. "Ransom at Athens ([Dem.] 53.11)." Historia: Zeitschrift fuer Alte Geschichte  vol. 66 no. 2,   130-146. [available here]  [abs]
  5. Sosin, JD. "A Metic was a Metic." Historia  vol. 65 no. 1,   13 pages. [repository]  [abs]
  6. Sosin, JD. "Death on a Road (Dem. 23.53)." Historia  vol. 65 no. 2,   155-169. [repository]  [abs]
  7. Sosin, JD. "Manumission with paramone: Conditional freedom?."    .  [abs]
  8. Sosin, JD. "“Those who live apart” were Mercenaries." Historia  vol. 64 no. 3,   413-418. [available here]  [abs]
  9. Sosin, JD. "Manumission with Paramone: Conditional Freedom?." TAPA  vol. 145 no. 2,   73 pages. [repository]  [abs]
  10. Sosin, JD. "Endowed Eponymous Festivals on Delos." Kernos: revue internationale et pluridisciplinaire de religion grecque antique  no. 2014,   30 pages. [repository]  [abs]
  11. Sosin, JD. "“Those who live apart” were Mercenaries."    .  [abs]
  12. Sosin, JD. "A Metic was a Metic."    .  [abs]
  13. Sosin, JD. "Tax exemption and Athenian imperial politics: The case of Chalkis." Transactions of the American Philological Association  vol. 144 no. 2, Johns Hopkins University Press  263-306. [repository], [doi]  [abs]
  14. Sosin, JD. "Notes on Inscriptions." Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik  vol. 189   147-148. [repository]
  15. Sosin, JD. "Notes on Inscriptions."   vol. 186   163-170. [repository]
  16. Sosin, JD. "Magnesian inviolability." Transactions of the American Philological Association  vol. 139 no. 2,   369-410. [repository], [doi]  [abs]
  17. Sosin, JD. "The New Letter from Pasion." ZPE  vol. 165   105-108. [repository]
  18. Sosin, JP. "Unwelcome dedications: Public law and private religion in Hellenistic Laodicea by the sea." Classical Quarterly  vol. 55 no. 1, Cambridge University Press (CUP)  130-139. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  19. Sosin, JD. "A Common Market on Syros (IG XII.5 658)." Historia  vol. 54 no. 2,   222-226. [repository]
  20. Sosin, JD. "Alexanders and Stephanephoroi at Delphi." Classical Philology  vol. 99 no. 3, University of Chicago Press  191-208. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  21. Sosin, JD. "Homer in the Papyri." DIG Magazine  vol. 6 no. 1,   14-15. (an archaeology magazine for young readers)
  22. Bauschatz, J; Sosin, JD. "Stealing Livestock at Oxyrhyncha." Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik  vol. 146   167-169.
  23. Sosin, JD. "Half again More." Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete  vol. 50 no. 1, WALTER DE GRUYTER GMBH  42-44. [repository], [doi]
  24. Sosin, JD. "An Endowed Peace." Museum Helveticum  vol. 61 no. 1,   2-8. [repository]
  25. Sosin, JD. "Acraephia Counts: Π for Π(ΕΤΤΑΡΕΣ)." Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik  vol. 148   193-195. [repository]
  26. Sosin, JD. "Grain for Delos." Museum Helveticum  vol. 60 no. 2,   65-79. [repository]
  27. Sosin, JD; Manning, J. "Palaeography and Bilingualism: P.Duk.inv. 320 and 675." Chronique d’Égypte  vol. 78   202-212. [repository], [doi]
  28. Sosin, JD. "Grain for Andros." Hermes - Zeitschrift fur Klassische Philologie  vol. 130 no. 2,   131-145. [Gateway.cgi]
  29. Sosin, JD. "Two Attic Endowments." Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik  vol. 138   123-128. [repository]
  30. Sosin, JD. "Boeotian Silver, Theban Agio and Bronze Drachmas." Numismatic Chronicle  vol. 162   333-339. [repository]
  31. Sosin, JD; Bauschatz, J. "Four Papyri concerning Pesouris, Basilikos Grammateus." Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik  vol. 141   177-190. [repository]
  32. Sosin, JD. "Exempt from tribute (Publication of Greek papyrus document 'P.Aust.inv. 32' concerning allocation of land labeled chersos (kai) aphorologetos)." GREEK ROMAN AND BYZANTINE STUDIES  vol. 42 no. 1,   125-+. (appeared 2002) [Gateway.cgi]
  33. Sosin, JD. "Accounting and Endowments." Tyche: Beiträge zur Alten Geschichte, Papyrologie und Epigraphik.  vol. 16   161-175. (appeared 2003) [repository]
  34. Sosin, JD. "Ausonius' Juvenal and the Winstedt Fragment." Classical Philology  vol. 95 no. 2, University of Chicago Press  199-206. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  35. Sosin, JD. "A missing woman: the Hellenistic leases from Thespiae revisited." GREEK ROMAN AND BYZANTINE STUDIES  vol. 41 no. 1,   47-58. (appeared 2001) [Gateway.cgi]
  36. Sosin, JD. "Agio at Delphi." Numismatic Chronicle  vol. 160   67-80. [repository]
  37. Sosin, JD. "Abduction at the Threshing Floor: P.Duk.inv. 714-716." Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik  vol. 127   131-140. [repository]
  38. Sosin, JD; Oates, J; Weinberg, R; Johnson, P. "Reading Invisible Ink: Digital Imaging of P.Duk.inv. 716." Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik  vol. 127   127-130.
  39. Sosin, JD. "Lucretius, Seneca and Persius 1.1-2." Transactions of the American Philological Association  vol. 129   281-299. [repository]
  40. Sosin, JD. "Tyrian Stationarii at Puteoli." Tyche: Beiträge zur Alten Geschichte, Papyrologie und Epigraphik  vol. 14   275-285.
  41. Sosin, JD. "Ausonian Allusions to Juvenal’s Satires." Wiener Studien  vol. 114   91-112. [repository]
  42. Sosin, JD. "A Word for Woman?"." Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies  vol. 38 no. 1,   75-83.
  43. Sosin, JD. "P.Duk.inv. 677: Aetos, from Arsinoite Strategos to Eponymous Priest." Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik  vol. 116   141-146.
  44. Sosin, JD; Oates, JF. "P.Duk.inv. 314: Agathis, Strategos and Hipparches of the Arsinoite Nome." Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik  vol. 118   251-258.
  45. Sosin, JD; van Minnen, P. "Imperial Pork: Preparations for a Visit by Severus Alexander and Julia Mamaea to Egypt." Ancient Society  vol. 27   171-181.


  1. Sosin, JD. "Endowed Eponymous Festivals on Delos." . .
  2. Sosin, JD. "Endowed Eponymous Festivals on Delos." .  52 ms pp-52 ms pp.  [abs]
  3. Sosin, JD. "Endowments and Taxation in the Hellenistic World." .  43-89. [repository], [doi]  [abs]
  4. team, CBIDP. "The Son of Suda On-Line." . The Institute of Classical Studies University of London, . (This is not a book, but digital humanities infrastructure built by a team that I direct under grant-funded research. [editor]  [abs]
  5. Sosin, JD. "Notes on Inscriptions." . .
  6. team, CBIDP. "Papyrological Navigator." . . [available here]  [abs]