Sarcophagus fragment
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Home > Faculty > Publications: Lauren Ginsberg

Fragment of a marble Sarcophagus
ca. 230-240 ACE
Duke Museum of Art


  1. Ginsberg, LD; Krasne, DA. After 69 CE - Writing Civil War in Flavian Rome.  Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG,  499 pages.  [abs]
  2. Ginsberg, LD. Staging Memory, Staging Strife Empire and Civil War in the Octavia.  Oxford University Press,  240 pages.  [abs]


  1. Ginsberg, L. "“History as Intertext and Intertext as History in the Octavia” in Roman Drama and its Contexts. (S. Frangoulidis, S. Harrison, G. Manuwald, eds.). Trends in Classics Supplementary Volumes 34: 417-32.."    .
  2. Ginsberg, L. "Tragic Rome? Roman Historical Drama and the Genre of Tragedy (Brill Companion to Roman Tragedy)."    .

Papers Published

  1. Ginsberg, LD. "Great expectations: Wordplay as warfare in caesar's bellvm civile." Classical Quarterly  vol. 73 no. 1,   184-197. [doi]  [abs]
  2. Ginsberg, LD. "Nero-Antichrist: The Founding and Fashioning of a Paradigm by Shushma Malik." Classical Journal  vol. 117 no. 3, Project MUSE  369-371. [doi]
  3. Ginsberg, LD. "Allusive Prodigia: Caesar's Comets in Neronian Rome (Tac. Ann. 15.47)." TAPA  vol. 150 no. 1, Project MUSE  231-249. [doi]
  4. Ginsberg, L. "“The Failure of Female Fides in the Octavia” in Fides in Flavian Literature (A. Augoustakis, E. Buckley, and C. Stocks, eds). Phoenix Supplementary Volumes 56.."    .
  5. Ginsberg, LD. "VT ET HOSTEM AMAREM: JOCASTA AND THE POETICS OF CIVIL WAR IN SENECA'S PHOENISSAE." Ramus  vol. 46 no. 1-2, Cambridge University Press (CUP)  58-74. [doi]  [abs]
  6. Lauren Ginsberg, . "Jocasta's Catilinarian Oration (Sen. <em>Phoen.</em> 632–43)." The Classical Journal  vol. 111 no. 4, Classical Association of the Middle West and South, Inc (CAMWS)  483-483. [doi]
  7. Ginsberg, LD. "Don’t Stand So Close to Me: Antigone’s Pietas in Seneca’s Phoenissae." TAPA  vol. 145 no. 1, Project MUSE  199-230. [doi]  [abs]
  8. Ginsberg, LD. "Wars More Than Civil: Memories of Pompey and Caesar in the Octavia." American Journal of Philology  vol. 134 no. 4, Project MUSE  637-674. [doi]  [abs]
  9. Donovan Ginsberg, L. "Ingensas an Etymological Pun in theOctavia." Classical Philology  vol. 106 no. 4, University of Chicago Press  357-360. [doi]