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Bahar Leventoglu, Associate Professor of Political Science

Bahar Leventoglu

Bahar Leventoglu is a formal theorist with substantive interests in international relations and political economy. Currently, she has four different ongoing lines of research. One line of research focuses on how leaders use public statements to affect their bargaining position in international negotiations. A second line of research deals with rational explanations of war. A third line of research concerns habit formation in bargaining situations as well as use of strategic tools, e.g. sanctions, in bargaining. A fourth line of research concerns regime transitions: One project focuses on the effect of social mobility on regime transitions, where as another one examines how coalition formation among groups that are ethnically as well as economically divided have an impact on democratization.

Contact Info:
Office Location:  140 Science Drive, 208 Gross Hall, Durham, NC 27708
Email Address: send me a message
Web Page:

Teaching (Spring 2025):

    Reuben-Coo 126, MW 01:25 PM-02:40 PM
    (also cross-listed as PUBPOL 228.01)
    Gross Hall 111, MW 10:05 AM-11:20 AM
    Gross Hall 111, F 12:00 PM-12:50 PM

Ph.D.University of Rochester2001
M.A.University of Rochester1999
B.S.Bilkent University (Turkey)1994
Graduate Coursework, Economics, 1994-1996Bilkent University, Turkey

Security, Peace, & Conflict
Political Economy
Research Interests:

Professor Leventoglu specializes in the study of game theory, international relations, and political economy. Her research has specifically investigated such variables as models of war, international bargaining, regime transitions, social mobility, and ethnic conflict. Her work stems into three lines of research, the first involving leaders’ public statements in relation to negotiation bargaining position; the second deals with explanation of war; and the third follows regime transitions and the variables affecting democracy. Some of her published research papers include, “The Armed Peace: A Punctuated Equilibrium Theory of War,” “Social Mobility and Political Transitions,” “Public Commitment in Crises Bargaining,” and “Does Private Information Lead to Delay or War in Crisis Bargaining?” Her work has appeared in various prestigious academic journals, including the International Studies Quarterly, the American Journal of Political Science, and the Journal of Theoretical Politics. Professor Leventoglu’s latest project, funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation, is a study of “Public Commitment in International Relations.” She is currently writing a paper, in collaboration with Ahmer Tarar, covering her recent research discoveries.


Democratization • Game Theory • Social Mobility

Curriculum Vitae  Bio
Recent Publications   (More Publications)

  1. Leventoğlu, B; Malesky, EJ; Wen, T, Synthesizing Theories of Authoritarian Elections: A Game-Free Analysis, Comparative Political Studies (January, 2024) [doi]  [abs]
  2. Leventoğlu, B, Bargaining power in crisis bargaining, Review of Economic Design, vol. 27 no. 4 (December, 2023), pp. 825-847 [doi]  [abs]
  3. Leventoğlu, B; Metternich, NW, Born Weak, Growing Strong: Anti-Government Protests as a Signal of Rebel Strength in the Context of Civil Wars, American Journal of Political Science, vol. 62 no. 3 (July, 2018), pp. 581-596, WILEY [doi]  [abs]
  4. Leventoğlu, B, Bargaining with habit formation, Economic Theory, vol. 64 no. 3 (October, 2017), pp. 477-508, Springer Nature [doi]  [abs]
  5. with Epstein, D; O'Halloran, S, Minorities and Democratization, Economics and Politics, vol. 24 no. 3 (2012), pp. 259-278, WILEY, ISSN 0954-1985 [Gateway.cgi], [doi]  [abs]

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