- Spady, James G., Charles G. Lee and H. Samy Alim. Street Conscious Rap. Philadelphia, PA: Black History Museum Publishers, 1999. 592 pp.
- Language, Education and Social Change in African America and Beyond. forthcoming
- H. Samy Alim, ed.. Hip Hop Culture: Language, Literature, Literacy and the Lives of Black Youth (special issue). special issue of The Black Arts Quarterly 6.2Stanford, CA: Stanford University/Committee on Black Performing Arts,
Essays/Articles/Chapters in Books
- "On some serious next millinnium rap ishhh: Pharoahe Monch, Hip Hop poetics, and the internal rhymes of Internal Affairs." Journal of English Linguistics
(Mar. 2003)
- "Hip Hop Nation Language." Language in the USA. Ed. Edward Finnegan and John Rickford. New York: Cambridge UP,
- "Nation Language in the African Diaspora: Language use in contemporary African American expressive culture." Black Language in the US and the Caribbean: Structure, History, Use and Education. Ed. Blackwell Publishers.
- "Twenty-first century literacy lessons: harnessing the pedagogical power of Hip Hop culture." Language, Education and Social Change in African America and Beyond. Ed. H. Samy Alim and John Baugh.
- S. Alim. "Street-conscious copula variation in the Hip Hop Nation." American Speech 77.3
(2002): 288-304.
- S. Alim. "'We Are the Streets': African American Language and the strategic construction of a street conscious identity." Black Linguistics: Language, Society, and Politics in Africa and the Americas. Ed. Makoni, S., Smitherman, G., Ball, A., Spears, A.. New York and London: Routledge,
- S. Alim. "Diversifying our approaches to language and literacy development." Language Magazine
(Dec. 29-31): 29-31.
- S. Alim. "THREE-X-BLACK: Mos Def, Mr. Nigga (Nigga, Nigga) and Big Black Afrika xamine Hip Hop's cultural consciousness." Hip Hop Culture: Language, Literature, Literacy and the Lives of Black Youth (special issue of The Black Arts Quarterly) 6.2
(2001): 5-8.
- S. Alim. "360 degreez of Black Art comin at you: Sista Sonia Sanchez and the dimensions of a Black Arts Continuum." BMa: The Sonia Sanchez Literary Review 6.1
(2000): 15-35.
Book Reviews
- S. Alim. Review essay of Geneva Smitherman's Talkin That Talk: Language, Culture and Education in African America. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 22.5
(2001): 672-75.