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Publications of Samy Alim    :chronological  alphabetical  combined  bibtex listing:


  1. Spady, James G., Charles G. Lee and H. Samy Alim. Street Conscious Rap. Philadelphia, PA: Black History Museum Publishers, 1999. 592 pp.


  1.  Language, Education and Social Change in African America and Beyond.  forthcoming
  2. H. Samy Alim, ed.. Hip Hop Culture: Language, Literature, Literacy and the Lives of Black Youth (special issue). special issue of The Black Arts Quarterly 6.2Stanford, CA: Stanford University/Committee on Black Performing Arts, (2001).

Essays/Articles/Chapters in Books

  1. "On some serious next millinnium rap ishhh: Pharoahe Monch, Hip Hop poetics, and the internal rhymes of Internal Affairs." Journal of English Linguistics  (Mar. 2003)
  2. "Hip Hop Nation Language." Language in the USA. Ed. Edward Finnegan and John Rickford. New York: Cambridge UP, forthcoming.
  3. "Nation Language in the African Diaspora: Language use in contemporary African American expressive culture." Black Language in the US and the Caribbean: Structure, History, Use and Education. Ed. Blackwell Publishers.  forthcoming.
  4. "Twenty-first century literacy lessons: harnessing the pedagogical power of Hip Hop culture." Language, Education and Social Change in African America and Beyond. Ed. H. Samy Alim and John Baugh.  forthcoming.
  5. S. Alim. "Street-conscious copula variation in the Hip Hop Nation." American Speech 77.3 (2002): 288-304.
  6. S. Alim. "'We Are the Streets': African American Language and the strategic construction of a street conscious identity." Black Linguistics: Language, Society, and Politics in Africa and the Americas. Ed. Makoni, S., Smitherman, G., Ball, A., Spears, A.. New York and London: Routledge, 2002. 
  7. S. Alim. "Diversifying our approaches to language and literacy development." Language Magazine  (Dec. 29-31): 29-31.
  8. S. Alim. "THREE-X-BLACK: Mos Def, Mr. Nigga (Nigga, Nigga) and Big Black Afrika xamine Hip Hop's cultural consciousness." Hip Hop Culture: Language, Literature, Literacy and the Lives of Black Youth (special issue of The Black Arts Quarterly) 6.2 (2001): 5-8.
  9. S. Alim. "360 degreez of Black Art comin at you: Sista Sonia Sanchez and the dimensions of a Black Arts Continuum." BMa: The Sonia Sanchez Literary Review 6.1 (2000): 15-35.

Book Reviews

  1. S. Alim. Review essay of Geneva Smitherman's Talkin That Talk: Language, Culture and Education in African America.  Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 22.5 (2001): 672-75.

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