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Publications of Karla Holloway    :chronological  alphabetical  combined  bibtex listing:


  1.  Legal Fictions: Constituting Law, Composing Literature. Duke University Press, 2014.
  2. Holloway, K. Legal Fictions: Constituting Race, Composing Literature. Duke University Press, 2014. [854980326]
  3. Holloway, K. Private Bodies/Public Texts: Race, Gender, and a Cultural Bioethics. Duke University Press, 2011.
  4. Holloway, K. BookMarks: Reading in Black and White–A Memoir. Rutgers University Press, 2006.
  5. Holloway, K. Passed On: African American Mourning Stories. Duke UP, 2002. (2nd printing (2002); paperback (2003; 3rd printing (2011))
  6. Holloway, K. Codes of Conduct: Race, Ethics, and the Color of Our Character. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers UP, 1995.
  7. Holloway, K. Moorings & Metaphors: Figures of Culture and Gender in Blk Women’s Lit. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers UP, 1992.
  8. Holloway, K. New Dimensions of Spirituality: A BiRacial and BiCultural Reading of the Novels of Toni Morrison. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1987. (with S. Demetrakopoulos)
  9. Holloway, K. The Character of the Word: The Texts of Zora Neale Hurston. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1987.

Essays/Articles/Chapters in Books

  1. Holloway, KFC; Demetrakopoulos, S. "Remembering our foremothers: Older black women, politics of age, politics of survival as embodied in the novels of Toni Morrison." The Other within Us: Feminist Explorations of Women and Aging.  2018. 177-195. [doi]  [abs]
  2. Holloway, KFC. "Revision and (Re)membrance: A theory of literary structures in literature by african-American women writers." African American Review 50.4 (December, 2017): 765-779. [doi]
  3. Holloway, KFC. "Their Bodies, Our Conduct: How Society and Medicine Produce Persons Standing in Need of End-of-Life Care.." Journal of Palliative Medicine 19.2 (February, 2016): 127-128. [doi]
  4. K.Holloway. "Beloved: America's Grammar Book." Daedalus, the Journal of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences 1.143 (Winter, 2014)
  5. Holloway, K. "Beloved: An American Grammar Book." Daedalus 143.1 (2014): 107-114.
  6. Holloway, KFC. "“Vulnerable” populations—Medicine, race, and presumptions of identity." The Virtual Mentor : Vm 13.2 (January, 2011): 124-127. [html], [doi]
  7. Holloway, K. "Composing Private Bodies." Hastings Center Matters Fall 2011 (2011) [pdf]
  8. Holloway, K. "Bury the Thought." Shaping Memories. Ed. Gabbin, J. Univ of Mississippi Press, 2009. 
  9. Holloway, K. "W.E.B.DuBois and The Right to Privacy." African American Culture and Legal Discourse. Ed. King, L; Schur, R. Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. 
  10. Holloway, K. "Nothing’s Secret." Duke Magazine 95.3 (2009)
  11. Holloway, K. "Genomics, Arts & Popular Culture." Annals of Scholarship: Arts Practices; Human Science in a Global Culture Fall (2009)
  12. Holloway, K. "The Passing of a Repast." The Forum–American Assn of Education and Counseling  (October, 2008)
  13. Holloway, K. "The Right to Privacy: Home Invasions–Standing Naked Before the Law."    under review
  14. Holloway, KFC. "Editor's afterword: Private bodies/public texts: Literature, science, and states of surveillance." Literature and Medicine 26.1Johns Hopkins University Press, (January, 2007): 269-276. [doi]
  15. Holloway, K. "Private Bodies/Public Texts: Literature, Science, and States of Surveillance." Literature and Medicine 26.1 (2007)
  16. Holloway, K. "What Would DuBois Do?." Black Issues Book Review  (2007)
  17. Holloway, KFC. "Response to open peer commentaries on "accidental communities: Race, emergency medicine, and the problem of PolyHeme®": The "R" word: Bioethics and a (Dis)regard of race [2]." The American Journal of Bioethics : Ajob 6.3Informa UK Limited, (July, 2006): W46-W48. [doi]
  18. Holloway, KFC. "Accidental communities: race, emergency medicine, and the problem of polyheme.." The American Journal of Bioethics : Ajob 6.3Taylor and Francis, (May, 2006): 7-17. [doi]  [abs]
  19. Holloway, K. "Don’t Discount DNA Dangers." Raleigh News and Observer  (March, 2006)
  20. Holloway, K. "Foreword: On Monuments and Documents." Uncrowned Queens: African American Community Leaders of Western New York. 3 2006. 
  21. Holloway, K. "The "R" Word: Bioethics and a (Dis)Regard of Race." American Journal of Bioethics 6.3 (2006)
  22. Holloway, K. "Coda: Bodies of Evidence." S&F (Scholar and Feminist) Online Ed. Jakobsen, J. http://www.barnard.edu/sfonline/4.3Barnard College, (Summer, 2006)
  23. Holloway, K. "Cruel Enough to Stop the Blood: Global Feminisms and the U.S. Body Politic, or: ’They Done Taken My Blues and Gone’." Meridians: feminism, race, transnationalism 7.1 (Fall, 2006)
  24. Holloway, K. "Zora Neale Hurston." The Oxford Companion to Women’s Literature in the United States. Ed. Davidson, C; Wagner-Martin, L. Oxford UP, 2003. 408-10.
  25. Holloway, K. "The Race for Theory." Literature on the Move: Comparing Diasporic Ethnicities in Europe and the Americas. Ed. Marcais, D; al, E. 97Heidelberg: Universitaetsverlag Carl, 2002. 347-354.
  26. Holloway, K. "The Death of Culture." The Massachusetts Review  (Spring, 1999): 31-41.
  27. Holloway, K. "The Ladies Speak Out." Review of Wearing Purple, edited by Otis Owens et al., The Raleigh News and Observer  (February, 1997)
  28. Holloway, K. "Narrative Time/Spiritual Text." Faulkner/Morrison, Morrison/Faulkner. Ed. Kolmerten, C; Ross, S; Wittenberg, J. UP of Missisippi, 1997. 
  29. Holloway, K. "Gender." The Oxford Companion to African-American Literature. Ed. al, WAE. New York: Oxford UP, 1997. 312-15.
  30. Holloway, K. "Cultural Narratives Passed On: African American Mourning Stories." College English 59.1 (1997): 32-40.
  31. Awkward, M; Johnson, M. "Zora Neale Hurston." Ed. Fox, R; Kloppenberg, J. New York University Press,
  32. Holloway, K. "My Tongue is In My Friend’s Mouth." Talking Gender: Public Images, Personal Journeys, and Political Critiques. U of North Carolina P, 1996. 124-37.
  33. Holloway, K. "The Body Politic." Subjects and Citizens: From Ooronoko to Anita Hill. Ed. Davidson, C; Moon, M. Durham: Duke UP, 1995. 481-97.
  34. Holloway, K. "Review of Nathaniel Mackey’s Djbot Baghostus’s Run." African American Review 29.4 (Winter, 1995): 698-700.
  35. Brogan, JV; Dubek, L; Holloway, KF; Innes, SA; Martin, W; Rogers, JM; Schwartz, L; Sprencnether, M; Torry, R. "Notes on Contributors." Women'S Studies 23.4Informa UK Limited, (September, 1994): 397-398. [doi]
  36. Holloway, KF. "Private Parts/Public Spaces: Or, “My Tongue is in My Friend's Mouth”." Women'S Studies 23.4Informa UK Limited, (September, 1994): 307-319. [doi]
  37. Holloway, K. "Image, Act, and Identity in Ernest Gaines’s In My Father’s House." New Perspectives on Ernest Gaines. Ed. Estes, D. Athens, GA: U of Georgia P, 1994. 180-94.
  38. Holloway, K. "Language, Culture, and the Implications of Assessment." Alternative Perspectives in Children’s Language and Literacy. Ed. Bloome, D; al, E. New Jersey: Ablex Publishing Corp., 1994. 11-21.
  39. Holloway, K. "The Lyrical Dimensions of Spirituality." Embodied Voices: Female Vocality in Western Culture. Ed. Jones, N; Dunn, L. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge UP, 1994. 
  40. Holloway, K. "Private Parts/Public Spaces." Women’s Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal 23.4 (1994): 307-19. [doi]
  41. Holloway, K. "The Emergent Voice: The Word within its Texts." Zora Neale Hurston: Critical Perspectives, Past and Present. Ed. Gates, HL; Appiah, A. New York: Amistad P, 1993. 
  42. Holloway, K. "Cultural Politics in the Academic Community: Masking the Color Line." College English 55.6 (1993): 610-17.
  43. Holloway, K. "Economies of Space: Markets and Marketability in Our Nig and Iola Leroy." The (Other) American Traditions: 19th Century American Women. Ed. Warren, J. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers UP, 1992. 126-40.
  44. Holloway, K. "The Thursday Ladies." Double Stitch: Black Women Write About Mothers&Daughters. Boston: Beacon P, 1991. 
  45. Holloway, K. "Holy Heat: Rituals of the Spirit in Zora Neale Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God." Journal of Religion and Literature 23.3 (Fall, 1991): 127-41.
  46. Holloway, K. "Beloved: A Spiritual." Callaloo 13.3 (Fall, 1990): 516-25.
  47. Holloway, K. "Review of Toni Morrison’s Beloved." Black American Literature Forum 23.1 (Spring, 1989): 179-82.
  48. Holloway, K. "Review of Gloria Naylor’s Talking Vines and Whispering Rocks: Mama Day." Belle Lettres  (August, 1988)
  49. Holloway, K. "A Question of Identity." Counterpoint and Beyond: A Response to Becoming a Nation of Readers. NCTE, 1988. 43-50.
  50. Holloway, KFC; Demetrakopoulos, S. "Remembering our foremother: Older black women, politics of age, politics of survival as embodied in the novels of toni morrison." Women & Politics 6.2 (June, 1986): 13-34. [doi]  [abs]
  51. Holloway, K. "The Effects of Basal Readers on Oral Language Complexity." Jrnl of Psycholinguistic Research 15.2 (March, 1986): 141-51.
  52. Holloway, KFC. "The effects of basal readers on oral language structures: A description of complexity." Journal of Psycholinguistic Research 15.2 (March, 1986): 141-151. [doi]  [abs]
  53. Holloway, K. "Women as Elders: Images, Visions, and Issues (report)." Ed. Bell, MJ. New York: Haworth P,
  54. Holloway, K. "Remembering Our Foremothers: Older Black Women - Politics of Age, Politics of Survival." Women and Politics 6 (1986): 13-34.
  55. Holloway, K. "Learning to Talk - Learning to Read." Tapping Potential: English Language Arts for the Black Child. NCTE, 1985. 


  1. "Speakers for the Dead." (February 3, 2014). [html]  [abs]
  2. "How Black Authors Write About Law and Race." NPR's WUNC The State of Things with Frank Stasio (January 23, 2014). [how-black-authors-write-about-us-law-and-race]
  3. Holloway, K. "Speakers for the Dead (On Brain Death, Race and Cultures of Dying)." NewBlackMan (in Exile) (2014).
  4. Holloway, K. "Shield the Children (On Public Death and Spectacle)." Raleigh News & Observer (2014).
  5. Holloway, K. "‘The Help’ Sues Kathryn Stockett; NPR’s The State of Things with Frank Stasio—King’s Legacy-Today’s Activism (1/2011)." (2011).
  6. Holloway, K. "Media Coverage of Global Health: A Matter of Privacy." Hastings Center Bioethics Forum (2010). [Post.aspx]
  7. Holloway, K. "The False Dividing Line of Race." Raleigh News and Observer (February, 2008).
  8. Holloway, K. "Hillary and Obama." The State of Things WUNC–NPR (January, 2008). Interview w/Frank Stasio
  9. Holloway, K. "The Return of One Drop?." Raleigh News and Observer (November, 2007).
  10. Holloway, K. "The Problem with Cosby." Orlando Sentinel, Durham Herald Sun (October, 2007).
  11. Holloway, K. "Polyheme–An Update?." Durham Herald Sun (September, 2007).
  12. Holloway, K. "Those Faces We Do Not Mourn." Raleigh News and Observer (August, 2007).
  13. Holloway, K. "Quiet As It’s Kept–Without a Name for Grief." National Public Radio–News and Notes (June, 2006).
  14. Holloway, K. "DNA and the Romance of Race." National Public Radio–News and Notes (February, 2006).

Articles in a Collection

  1. Schmidt, P; Cohn, D; Handley, G; Smith, J; Richardson, R; Matthews, J; Trefzer, A; Lowe, J; Monroe, C; Duck, LA; Holloway, K; Bost, S; Fossett, JJ; Wagner, B; Limón, J; Samway, P; Esplin, E; Segrest, M; Henninger, K; Ring, N; Benson, M. "Concluding roundtable: Postcolonial theory, the U.S. South, and New World Studies Joint ALA/SSSL Symposium, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, December 12-15, 2002." December, 2004. 171-194.

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