Publications of Robert Tate

Essays/Articles/Chapters in Books

  1. Tate, RW, From Attic Mysteries to Paschal Mystery: Shakespeare's Conversions of Tragedy, Religion and Literature, vol. 48 no. 2 (Summer, 2016), pp. 49-77, The University of Notre Dame
  2. Tate, RW, The "War," The "Troops," and the Grammar of "Support", Conversations: the Journal of Cavellian Studies, vol. 3 (2015), pp. 68-74
  3. Tate, RW, Haunted by Beautified Beauty: Tracking the Images of Spenser’s Florimell(s), Spenser Studies, vol. 29 no. 1 (January, 2014), pp. 197-218, University of Chicago Press