Graduate Student: Michael G. Swacha  

Email Address:

Dissertation Title:


"Modernist Form: On the Problem of Fragmentation"

Research Areas

Transatlantic and Hemispheric Literary Modernisms

Comparative History of Western Thought (Literary/Aesthetic, Philosophical, Scientific, Institutional)

History of Literary Theory and Criticism


Teaching Areas


British and American Literary Modernism

Global Modernisms/Modernities

20th and 21st Century American Literatures (U.S. in both a Global and Hemispheric Context)

Literary Theory and Criticism



Contemporary Latinx and Caribbean Literatures

Transatlantic 19th C Literatures (Romanticisms and Realisms)

Postcolonial Literatures

Studies in the Novel

Recent Publications

  1. Swacha, M. "Against Teleologism: Notes on Reason, Madness, and Sovereignty from Socrates to the Foucault/Derrida Debate." Diacritics 44.4 (2016): 66-88. [doi]
  2. Swacha, M. "Comparing Structures of Knowledge." Acla Report on the State of the Discipline 2014 2015  (June, 2015).
  3. Swacha, M. "Should We Justify the Humanities? A Round Table with David Damrosch, Lois Zamora, and Marianne Hirsch." Comparative Literature Studies 51.4 (2014): 587-602. [doi]