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Curriculum Vitae

Michael A. Gillespie

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Box 90204, Durham, NC 27708-0204 +1 919 660 4300 (office)

Ph.D.The University of Chicago1981
Research fellowRuhr Universität-Hegel Archives, Bochum, Germany1976
A.B. magna cum laudeHarvard University1973
Areas of Interest

Political Philosophy, 
Modern Continental Philosophy, 
History of Political Philosophy

Professional Experience / Employment History

Duke University
Jerry G. and Patricia Crawford Hubbard Professor of Political Science in Trinity College of Arts and Sciences, 2003 - 2009
Professor, Department of Philosophy, 1998-present
Professor, Department of Political Science, 1995-present
Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, 1991-1995
Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, 1983-1990
University of Chicago
Instructor, The College and Department of Political Science, 1981-1983
St. Olaf College
Instructor, Department of Political Science, 1979-1980
Loyola University of Chicago
Lecturer, Department of Political Science, 1975-1976
Awards, Honors, and Distinctions

Phi Beta Kappa-Honorary, Unknown, May, 2010
Fellow, National Humanities Center, September, 2004-2005
Bass Society of Fellows, Duke University, April, 2003
Leo Strauss Award, American Political Science Association, 1982
Earhart Fellowship, 1975-1976
Hawley Scholar, University of Chicago, 1974-1975
Recent Grant Support

  • Constitution Day 2023, Jack Miller Center, 2023/07-2024/06.      
  • The John Locke Project for the Visions of Freedom Living Learning Community, Jack Miller Center, 2020/09-2023/12.      
  • Constitution Day 2022, Jack Miller Center, 2022/07-2022/12.      
  • The American Founding and Political Development in the Context of Western Civilization: A Proposal for funding PhD students in Political Science at Duke University, Department of Education, 2018/10-2022/09.      
Selected Recent Invited Talks

“Human Rights Education,”, National Humanities Center, June 21, 2013  
“Nietzsche, the Greeks, and Our Experience of Sports,”, Harvard University, February 20, 2013  
Doing Nothing or Nothing Doing, Van Leer Institute, Jerusalem, June 25, 2012  
In the Shadow of Modernity, Melbourne Australia, July 4, 2012  
Machiavelli and the Christian Tradition, Bryn Mawr College, Jan. 25, 2012  
The Anti-Trinitarinian Origins of Liberalism, University of Chicago, Oct. 15, 2012  
Religion and Politics, Boston College, April 27, 2012  
Machiavelli and Dante, Boston College,, April 26, 2012  
The Anti-Trinitarian Origins of Liberalism, Boston University, December 01, 2011  
Machivelli's Modernism, Notre Dame, October 28, 2011  
The Nature of Debt, University of Erlangen, July 19, 2011  
The Future of Political Theory, Georgetown University, February 15, 2011  
"Martin Heidegger's Messianism", Central European University, Budapest Hungary, July, 2010  
Martin Heidegger's Messianism, Central European University, Budapest Hungary, 1 July 2010  
"Strategic Planning in College Athletics", Conference on Sport and Society in America, St. Norber College, De Pere, WI, May 26, 2010  
Strategic Planning in College Athletics, Conference on Sport and Society in America, St. Norber College, De Pere, WI, 26 May 2010  
"Who are you?" Phi Bet Kappa Lecture, Duke University, May 13, 2010  
Who are you? Phi Bet Kappa Lecture, Duke University, 13 May 2010  
Beyond the Secular, Yale University, March 01, 2010  
Beyond Secularism: The Inevitable Entanglement of Religion and Political Life, University of North Florida, November 06, 2009  
Toward a New Aristocracy: Nietzsche Contra Plato on the Training of Warriors,”, University of Wisconsin, May 01, 2009  
The Incommmenurability of the Good, East Tennessee State University, March 26, 2009  
Radical Hopes: Apocalyptic Longing in Nineteenth Century German Philosophy, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary, December 07, 2007  
The Contradictions of Enlightenment, American University, Washington D.C., 2006  
The Stoic Idea of Freedom, San Francisco, CA, November 3-6, 2005  
"America and Europe", Amerikahaus Munich, Tutzing, Germany, Sept. 30 - Oct. 2, 2005  
"The Fall of the Roman Republic", Newport Beach, CA, April 22-25, 2004  
Individual and Political Liberty in Early Italian Humanism, Menaggio, Italy, May 20-23, 2004  
Liberty and Responsibility in Sixteenth-Century Continental Humanism, Minneapolis, MN, August 12-15, 2004  
"Arts and Politics", San Antonio, TX, January 30-February 2, 2003  
"Biology and Morality", Key West, FL, July 2003  
"Philosophy, Religion, and Liberty", Chicago, IL, April 24-27, 2003  
"Reviving the Study of Free Institutions in America's Universities", Princeton University, January 9-12, 2003  
"Skepticism, Liberty, and Morality", Arlington, VA, October 2003  
"Sovereign Selves and Sovereign States: Political Theory for a New Millenium", Colorado College, January 28, 2003  
"Sovereign Selves and Sovereign States: Political Theory for a New Millenium", University of Texas, January 30, 2003  
"Interpreting Hobbes", San Francisco, CA, November 21-24, 2002  
"Leadership", Indianapolis, IN, October 18-20, 2002  
"Religion and Modernization", Durham, NC, April 12-13, 2002  
"Self-Knowledge and Modernization", Park City, UT, August 15-18, 2002  
"Shakespeare on Love and Power", Mountain Sky, MT, October 3-6, 2002  
"Luther's Theological Political Philosophy", St. Olaf College, February 28, 2002  
"Luther and Calvin on Romans", Montreal, Canada, May 3-6, 2001  
"The Ties That Bind: Community and Responsibility", Durham, NC, March 30-31, 2001  
"American Public Philosophy", University of Notre Dame, November 10, 2000  
"The Power of Fate: Electra", Santa Fe, NM, August 3-6, 2000  
"The Pursuit of God in English Poetry", Seattle, WA, May 4-7, 2000  
"The Question of Modernity", Tucson, AZ, November 30-December 3, 2000  
Templeton Institute for the Study of Freedom, Galloway, Ireland, June 9-17, 2000  
"Directing Giving to Higher Education", American Council of Trustees and Alumni, Washington, D.C., May 14, 1999  
"Democracy and Leadership", Durham, NC, November 11-14, 1999  
"Liberty in the Western Tradition", Lake Tahoe, CA, July 13-18, 1999  
"Rousseau and the Ancients", North American Rousseau Society, Duke University, Durham, NC, May 20-22, 1999  
"The Future of the American University", Clearwater, FL, February 11-14, 1999  
"The Political Philosophy of Pierre Manent", Albuquerque, NM, December 2-5, 1999  
"Will in the Thought of Martin Luther", Williamsburg, VA, January 14-17, 1999  
Templeton Freedom Institute, Newport, RI, May 22-30, 1999  
"Jane Austen and Shakespeare: Responsibility and Freedom", Tucson, AZ, October 1998  
"Liberty and Literature", Charleston, SC, July 20-26, 1998  
"Liberty and Sin in Bach's St. Matthew's Passion", New York, NY, February 12-15, 1998  
"Nietzsche and Nihilism", Center for Human Values, Princeton University, February 12, 1998  
"Plato's Trilogy", Minneapolis, MN, April 16-19, 1998  
"St. Augustine's Confessions", Pasadena, CA, May 7-10, 1998  
"The American University as a Model for Higher Education: Lessons for German University Reform", University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany, July 9, 1998  
"The Political Philosophy of William and Ockham", Park City, UT, June 18-21, 1998  
"Niezsche Today", Colorado College, Colorado Springs, CO, April 10-12, 1997  
"The Culture of Hope", Provo, UT, July 10-13, 1997  
"The Medieval University", Colorado Springs, CO, November 20-23, 1997  
"Ford Foundation Colloquium in Political Philosophy", Carleton College, May 20-21, 1996  
"Freedom and Responsibility in the Age of Technology", St. Paul, MN, June 27-30, 1996  
"The Future of Higher Education", Harvard University, November 7-10, 1996  
"Tyranny, Wisdom, and Responsibility", Tucson, AZ, January 4-7, 1996  
"Ethics in Everyday Life: Leadership", New York, NY, April 7, 1995  
"Nihilism in Philosophy and Literature", University of Warwick, England, November 4-5, 1995  
"Socrates as a Teacher", Colorado Springs, CO, November 30-December 3, 1995  
"Excellence in Aristotle's Nichomachean Ethics", St. Paul, MN, August 18-21, 1994  
"Machiavelli's Discourses on Livy", Tronoto, Canada, June 9-12, 1994  
"The Political and Aesthetic Education of Romanticism", Durham, NC, November 1994  
"Education and Responsibility", Colorado Springs, CO, December 9-12, 1993  
"Oakeshott on Philosophy and Politics", Indianapolis, IN, January 7-10, 1993  
"Plato's Laws", St. Paul, MN, June 25-28, 1992  
"America, the West and the Liberal Arts", Brigham Young University, Provo, UT, February 20-23, 1991  
"Ancient and Modern Ideas of Education", Colorado Springs, CO, October 3-November 3, 1991  
"Liberty and Modern Science--The Influence of Descartes", Aspen, CO, May 2-5, 1991  
"Pluralism in the Writings of Isaiah Berlin", Indianapolis, IN, October 18-20, 1991  
"Aquinas on Natural Law and Liberty", Colorado Springs, CO, November 1-4, 1990  
"Faulkner's Go Down Moses", Annapolis, MD, March 15-17, 1990  
"Hamilton as Founder", Newport Beach, CA, January 18-21, 1990  
"Nihilism", Roosevelt University, Chicago, Illinois, April 10, 1990  
"Technology and Politics", Michigan State University, Lansing, MI, May 10-13, 1990  
"The Future of Political Parties", Ashland University, Ashland, OH, November 10, 1990  
"The Socratic Movement", Duke University, Durham, NC, April 6-7, 1990  
"Restoring American Education", The Madison Center, Washington, D.C., October 27-29, 1989  
"Revelation, Reason, Imagination and Social Justification", Annapolis, MD, June 8-11, 1989  
"The Legacy of Lament for a Nation", Ottawa, Canada, Spetember 22-24, 1989  
"Michael Oakeshott on Learning and Teaching", Colorado Springs, CO, November 3-6, 1988  
"Reason, Choice, and Responsibility", Jackson Hole, WY, September 29-October 2, 1988  
"The Ratifying Conventions: Elliot's Debates", Savannah, GA, April 14-17, 1988  
"Liberty and Tyranny", Charleston, SC, March 19-22, 1987  
"The Resurgence of Conservatism in Britain, Canada, and the United States", Chateau Lake Louise, Canada, May 1986  
“Plato and Nietzsche on Warriors”, American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, August 2007, 2007  
“Sovereign States and Sovereign Individuals”, University of Toronto, April 2007, 2008  
Publications (listed separately)

Last modified: 2024/07/22

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