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Martin P. Golding, Professor Emeritus    editMartin P. Golding

Martin P. Golding (Ph.D. 1959, Columbia) joined the Duke faculty on September 1, 1976, as Professor of Philosophy and Law. He has taught at Columbia University and John Jay College of Criminal Justice and held visiting appointments at the University of California (both Berkeley and Los Angeles), Bar-Ilan University of Israel, University of Southern California, New York University Law School and the University of Colorado. He has held fellowships from the Social Science Research Council, the National Endowment of the Humanities, the National Humanities Center, and was a Senior Fulbright Lecturer in Australia. He is the editor of The Nature of Law (1966), and Jewish Law and Legal Theory (1994), and the Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Law and Legal Theory (2005); and the author of Philosophy of Law (1975), Legal Reasoning (1984), and Free Speech on Campus (2000) and has contributed chapters to a number of books, including various volumes of the Nomos series. He has published numerous articles in a variety of journals, including the Journal of Philosophy, Columbia Law Review, The Monist, Vanderbilt Law Review, Philosophy East and West, Cornell Law Review, Law and Contemporary Problems, Rechtstheorie, The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy and others. Many of these articles have appeared subsequently in anthologies. From 1969 to 1989 he was secretary-treasurer of the American Society for Political and Legal Philosophy.

Office Location: 201K West Duke Bldg, Durham, NC 27708
Office Phone: (919) 660-3062
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Political Philosophy

Research Interests:
Martin P. Golding (Ph.D. 1959, Columbia) joined the Duke faculty on September 1, 1976, as Professor of Philosophy and Law. He has taught at Columbia University and John Jay College of Criminal Justice and held visiting appointments at the University of California (both Berkeley and Los Angeles), Bar-Ilan University of Israel, University of Southern California, New York University Law School and the University of Colorado. He has held fellowships from the Social Science Research Council, the National Endowment of the Humanities, the National Humanities Center, and was a Senior Fulbright Lecturer in Australia. He is the editor of The Nature of Law (1966), and Jewish Law and Legal Theory (1994), and the Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Law and Legal Theory (2005); and the author of Philosophy of Law (1975), Legal Reasoning (1984), and Free Speech on Campus (2000) and has contributed chapters to a number of books, including various volumes of the Nomos series. He has published numerous articles in a variety of journals, including the Journal of Philosophy, Columbia Law Review, The Monist, Vanderbilt Law Review, Philosophy East and West, Cornell Law Review, Law and Contemporary Problems, Rechtstheorie, The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy and others. Many of these articles have appeared subsequently in anthologies. From 1969 to 1989 he was secretary-treasurer of the American Society for Political and Legal Philosophy.

Areas of Interest:
Philosophy of Law, 
Political Philosophy

Recent Publications   (More Publications)
  • M.P. Golding. "Faux Pas." 13 Jahrbuch fur Recht und Ethik 103-22 (2005)
  • with William Edmundson. Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Law and Legal Theory. Blackwell Publishing, 2005.
  • M.P. Golding. "Forthcoming Publication: Chapter on "Responsibility"." Blackwell Guide to Legal Philosophy. Ed. M. P. Golding and William Edmundson of the Georgia State Law School.  2004. 
  • M.P. Golding. "Forthcoming chapter on "Responsibility"." Blackwell Guide to Legal Philosophy. Ed. William Edmundson of the Georgia State Law School.  2004. 
  • M. P. Golding. "The Legal Analog of the Principle of Bivalence." Ratio Juris 16 (2003): 450-468.

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