Publications [#247368] of Berndt Mueller

Papers Published
  1. de Reus, T; Reinhardt, J; Müller, U; Müller, B; Greiner, W; Soff, G, Positron and delta electron emission in the systems Ta + Th and Au + U, Physica B+C, vol. 144 no. 2 (January, 1987), pp. 237-246, Elsevier BV [doi] .

    We present theoretical positron- and δ-electron spectra for the sub-critical systems Ta + Th (Ztot = 163) and U + Au (Ztot = 171) as a function of impact parameter b and laboratory angle θL. For the system Ta + Th in addition the excitation function for dynamical positron emission in the vicinity of the Coulomb barrier was evaluated. Assuming the formation of long-lived giant nuclei, we determine the kinetic energy Te+ at which spontaneous positron emission occurs as a function of Ztot. For constant values of Te+ we evaluated the corresponding nuclear densities in dependence on the total nuclear charge. © 1987.

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