Curriculum Vitae
Ebrahim MoosaClick here for a printer-ready version, or
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118C Gray Building Durham, NC 27708
(919) 660-3520 (office)
- Education
PhD | University of Cape Town | 1995 |
- Areas of Research
Law, Moral Philosophy, Ethics, and Critical Islamic Thought
- Areas of Interest
- Studies in al-Ghazali
intellectual traditions of pre-modern Islam madrasas of south Asia contemporary Islamic thought Muslim ethics neuroethics humanities neurohumanities
- Awards, Honors, and Distinctions
Best First Book in the History of Religions 2006, American Academy of Religion, November, 2006
Philanthropy for Social Justice in Muslim Societies, The Ford Foundation, July, 2005
Carnegie Scholars Award 2005, Carnegie Corporation of New York, May, 2005
Mapping Knowledge, Shaping Muslim Ethics: Seeking a Paradigm Shift, The Ford Foundation
- Professional Service
- A&S Council
- Chair, Lectures Committee, August 01, 2011 - present
- Member, CDC, August 01, 2011 - present
- Associate Editor, Journal of the American Academy of Religion, October 1, 2010 - present
- Associate Director, Duke Islamic Studies Center, June 1, 2006 - December 1, 2008
- University Committee
- Faculty Member, Graduate Program in Religion, 2012 - present
- Member of the Advisory Board, Franklin Humanities Institute, June 1, 2008 - present
- member of the executive committee, Duke Human Rights Center, 2006 - present
- Member of the Steering Committee of Ethics Certificate committee, Kenan Institute for Ethics, 2006 - present
- Dept Committee
- Chair, Lectures Committee, August, 2011 - present
- chair of Islamic Studies search committee, Search Committee for Islamic Studies tenure track position, August 30, 2007 - May 30, 2008
- Gateway Course on Religion, December 2007
- Professional Activities
- member, Contending Modernities Working project on Science and the Human Person, University of Notre Dame, 3 year project, 2012 - present
- Member of the Advisory Board, Journal for Islamic Studies (JIS), 15 August 2004
- Member editorial collective, Worlds and Knowledges Otherwise, 15 August 2004
- Member of the Advisory Board, UCLA Journal of Islamic and Near Eastern Law (JINEL), UCLA School of Law, 2003
- Member Editorial Board, Journal for the American Academy of Religion (JAAR), 2001-
- Committee member, American Academy of Religion: History of Religions Best First Book Jury & conveners of the American Lectures of the History of Religions Centennial Sc, undefined 1, 2007 - present
- Member, Advisory Board for the Encyclopedia of Women in Islamic Cultures published by E.J. Brill (Leiden), general editor, Suad Joseph, August 15, 2003 - 2007
- Member, International Connections Committee of the American Academy of Religion, January 15, 2000 - 2007
- Member, Advisory Council of the Centre for Studies in Religion and Society (CSRS), August 15, 2003 - January 01, 2007
- American Academy for the Advancement of Science: Advisory Committee Dialogue of Science, Ethics and Religion, 2003 - January 01, 2006
- University Services
- Editorial Board, Duke University Press, 2007 - June 06, 2009
- Special Projects
- Reviewer, Tenure Review, October 15, 2010
- referee, Oxford University Press- reviewed 2 book manuscripts, December 2008
- Service to the Graduate Program in Religion
- Co-Convener, Religion & Modernity, September 09, 2010 - present
- Convenor of the Islamic Studies Track, July 1, 2008 - present
- member, Graduate Admissions committee member for 2011-2012
- Member, MA Committee, January 1, 2008
- Member, Religion & Modernity Track, December 2007
- Admissions Committee, Graduate Program, February 15, 2007
- Selected Recent Invited Talks
- Critical Issues in Contemporary Islam, MUIS Academy, Singapore, September 12, 2013
- Critical Islam: Perspectives from the Middle East and Asia, National University of Singapore, September 08, 2013
- Muslim Ethics in the Public Sphere, March 25, 2013
- Muslim Minorities Leadership Colloquium, Paris, France, 2013/03/29-31
- The Great Debates: Sharia & Islamic Law, Asia Society, New York, December 08, 2011 [great-debates-islamic-debate]
- Muslim-Jewish Scholars Conference, New York, October 30, 2011 [ancient-texting]
- Constructing Public Life in the Madrasa-Sphere: Public Good as Salvation, University of Cape Town, October 14, 2011
- Legalism and Religion, Hartford Seminary, September 19, 2011 [aspx]
- Biotechnology and Justice, London, 8-10 July, 2011
- Divine Action and Human Response, Paderborn University, Germany, 23-28 July, 2011
- Religion, Peacebuilding and Development, Asilimaar, California, 5-9 June, 2011
- Norms in the Madrasa-Sphere, Berkeley University, 6-7 May, 2011
- Between Freedom of Religion and Respect for Cultural Values, American University of Beirut/Heinrich Boell Foundation, 1-2 April, 2011
- Encounters with Traditional Muslim Discourses: Discursive Legitimacy in Contemporary Islam, al-Ghat, Saudi Arabia, 11-14 January, 2011
- The Politics of Love, Syracuse University, April 16, 2009
- Four Lectures on Contemporary Muslim Ethics, Institute d'études de l'islam et des Sociétés du Monde Musulman (IISM) at L'Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), June 2, 2008
- Educating Identities, Loyola Marymount, Los Angeles, March 28, 2008
- History and Normativity in Traditional Indian Islamic Thought, King's College London conference on Traditions in the Present, March 15, 2008
- Challenges to Islamic Education, Averroes Academy, Chicago, March 07, 2008
- Ethical Challenges in Contemporary Islamic Thought delivered as part of Dourous Hassaniyya-Hasaniyya Lectures invited by King Muhammad VI of Morocco, Fez, Morocco, October 09, 2007
- Series in Muslim Ethics, International Islamic University, Islamabad, June 2, 2007
- Inter-Religious Dialogue: An Encounter between Islam and Christianity, Coimbra University, Portugal, May, 2007
- Faculty Member 22nd Annual Cross Currents Research Colloquium, Union Theological Seminary, New York, July, 2005
- Science, Technology and Ethics, Gadjah Mada University, Center for Religion & Cross-Cultural Studies, Yogjakarta, Indonesia, 2005
- Neuropolitics: The Dialogics of Life and Death, Plenary address to the International Association for the History of Religion, Tokyo Japan, March, 2005
- Issues in Muslim Bioethics, American Society for Bioethics and Humanities in Baltimore, October 2002
- Invited to deliver plenary talk, Sun Valley Writer’s Conference, August 2002
- Invited by the office of the deputy prime minister of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur International Islamic Forum, July 2002
- Invited to deliver talk on Rethinking Islam in Modernity, Isfahan, Iran, March 2002
- Invited to speak at conference on Informed Consent in Islamic ethics, Fordham University, January 2002
- Invited to speak on a special panel of the American Academy of Religion, on “September 11, 2001”, Boulder Colorado, November 2001
- Accepted an invitation to deliver three seminars on “Intellectual Modernity in Islam”, Institute for the Study of Islam in the Modern World (ISIM), Leiden University, March 2001
- Wiegand Lecturer on “The Struggle for Muslim Personal Law in South Africa,” in distinguished Wiegand lecture series on Pivotal Ideas in World Civilisation, Duke University, North Carolina, January 2001
- Dissonance of Gazes Towards the Body in Islamic Law, conference on “God, Life & Cosmos: Theistic Perspectives”, Islamabad, Pakistan, November 5-8, 2000
- Re-interpreting Islam, World Affairs Council, San Francisco, May 2000
- Revisiting Islam and Modernity, Institute for Study of Islam in the Modern World, Leiden, April 24-30, 2000
- Reinterpreting Women in Islam, Conference on Colonizing Women, University of California Los Angeles, Law School, 14 April 2000
- Islam and Constitutionalism in South Africa, Islam and Constitutionalism conference, Harvard University, April 7-9, 2000
- Implications of Language in the Reconstruction of Islamic law and Theology, Mini-conference on Islamic Theology, Emory University, Atlanta, February 2000
- Notion of the Other in Muslim Theology, Delivered at the Sawyer Seminar on “Hatred: Encountering the Other”, University of Chicago, February 2000
- Public Lectures, Haverford College, Swarthmore College and Temple University, 1 July 1999
- Ghazali and the Poetics of Imagination, workshop on Image, Matter, Body-Bodies of Texts in Spaces of Art, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, June 19-22, 2005
- Doctoral Theses Directed
- SherAli Tareen, (2004 - May 30, 2012)
- Youshaa Patel, (2003 - May 30, 2012)
- Hina Azam, (July 1, 2001 - 2005)
- Kecia Ali, (2001 - February 3, 2004)
- Publications (listed separately)
Last modified: 2015/05/14