Romance Studies
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  Research Interests: Semiotics of representation and Modes of Discourse

19th and 20th Centuries French literature and culture, Poetry and Poetics, French and General Linguistics, Semiotics, New World Francophone Studies

Recent Papers, Books and Preprints
  1. J.-J. Thomas, « Photographic Memories of French Poetry : Denis Roche, Jean-Marie Gleize»,, edited by J. Baetens and Ari Blatt eds, Yale French Studies (2008), Yale University.
  2. J.-J.Thomas, « DADA », Twenty Century Literature Criticism, vol. 168 (Spring, 2007), Dallas: Gale Group [pdf].
  3. J.-J. Thomas, «Jean-Marie Gleize ou la poétique de l’aporie herméneutique », in Ecrire l’énigme, edited by Christelle Reggiani, Bernard Magné eds (2007), pp. 215-230., Paris : Presses Universitaires de Paris-Sorbonne [aff_livre.php].
  4. J. Thomas, « Gleize’s Poetic Pix », edited by Alison James, L'Esprit Créateur (2007), University of Minnesota.
  5. J.-J. Thomas, «Roubaud Proprose”, in Jacques Roubaud, écrivain, mathématicien, edited by Agnès Dixon, Véronique Montémont eds (2007), Paris : Presses Universitaires du CNRS.