William Villalba, Lecturing Fellow of Romance

William Villalba

Please note: William has left the "Romance Studies" group at Duke University; some info here might not be up to date.

William J. Villalba was born in Caracas, Venezuela. He received his Licenciatura en Artes, Mención Música from the Universidad Central de Venezuela. He came to the U.S. in 1989. William received his M.A. from Emory University and his doctorate in Spanish American Literature from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 2006. His dissertation was titled: From Indigenismo to Testimonio: Peruvian Intellectuals, Globalization, and the Politics of Knowledge. William is currently working on an article titled “Old Reforms, Old Genres: Indigenismo, Neo-Indigenismo, and Testimonial Narrative in El tiempo de descanso by Rodrigo Montoya Rojas." The work traces how the novel represents the Peruvian agrarian reform’s failure to vindicate the indigenous community, and in turn plays out the parallel (im) possibility of fictionalizing an anthropological report that attempts to represent the indigenous. It is a (post) discourse on location, trans-subjectivity, and hegemonic (neo) indigenista posturing. He is also researching testimonios produced during the Senderista war in Peru, particularly the works of Andrés Chirinos' Itinerario de una barbarie: El caso Chumbivilcas (Pathway of Savagery: The Chumbivilcas Case). This text is a compilation of testimonies provided by survivors and witnesses of the events that took place in Cusco, Peru between April 19 and May 5, 1990. In addition, he is examining Alejo Maque Capira's Eros andins, which was co-produced with Chirinos Rivera and provides an interesting departure from the traditional testimonial. William’s research interests are varied, and include Testimonial Literature, indigenismo and neo-indigenismo, Post-Colonial Studies, Literary Theory, Poetry, and Salsa and Popular Culture. He longs to write on the famous Venezuelan sonero Oscar D'León as a prime example of the interplay between urban narratives as popular, urban knowledge production and its representation via musical expression as portrayed in Salsa. At Duke William has taught a variety of courses in the Spanish Language Program, among them Advanced Spanish Writing and the service-learning course “Latino/a Voices: Duke, Durham, and Beyond.” Among his teaching interests are Latin American Human Rights Issues, Language-learning Technologies, Process-writing in Spanish and Feedback on Writing, and Latino/a Studies.

Office Location:  2122
Email Address: send me a message

Office Hours:

Fall 2014: Wednesdays & Fridays 2:15-3:15 p.m. or by appointment

MSEmory University1994
BAUniversidad Central de Venezuela1989

Research Interests:

William J. Villalba was born in Caracas, Venezuela. He received his Licenciatura en Artes, Mención Música from the Universidad Central de Venezuela. He came to the U.S. in 1989. William received his M.A. from Emory University and his doctorate in Spanish American Literature from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 2006. His dissertation was titled: From Indigenismo to Testimonio: Peruvian Intellectuals, Globalization, and the Politics of Knowledge. William is currently working on an article titled “Old Reforms, Old Genres: Indigenismo, Neo-Indigenismo, and Testimonial Narrative in El tiempo de descanso by Rodrigo Montoya Rojas." The work traces how the novel represents the Peruvian agrarian reform’s failure to vindicate the indigenous community, and in turn plays out the parallel (im) possibility of fictionalizing an anthropological report that attempts to represent the indigenous. It is a (post) discourse on location, trans-subjectivity, and hegemonic (neo) indigenista posturing. He is also researching testimonios produced during the Senderista war in Peru, particularly the works of Andrés Chirinos' Itinerario de una barbarie: El caso Chumbivilcas (Pathway of Savagery: The Chumbivilcas Case). This text is a compilation of testimonies provided by survivors and witnesses of the events that took place in Cusco, Peru between April 19 and May 5, 1990. In addition, he is examining Alejo Maque Capira's Eros andins, which was co-produced with Chirinos Rivera and provides an interesting departure from the traditional testimonial. William’s research interests are varied, and include Testimonial Literature, indigenismo and neo-indigenismo, Post-Colonial Studies, Literary Theory, Poetry, and Salsa and Popular Culture. He longs to write on the famous Venezuelan sonero Oscar D'León as a prime example of the interplay between urban narratives as popular, urban knowledge production and its representation via musical expression as portrayed in Salsa. At Duke William has taught a variety of courses in the Spanish Language Program, among them Advanced Spanish Writing and the service-learning course “Latino/a Voices: Duke, Durham, and Beyond.” Among his teaching interests are Latin American Human Rights Issues, Language-learning Technologies, Process-writing in Spanish and Feedback on Writing, and Latino/a Studies.