Ramesh Sreekantan, Assistant Research Professor
 Please note: Ramesh has left the Mathematics department at Duke University; some info here might not be up to date. - Contact Info:
- Office Hours:
- Math 103 Sections 7 and 8
Monday 4-5 pm in Physics 229. Thursday 4-5pm in Trinity Cafe.
- Education:
- PhD. University of Chicago June 1998
SM. University of Chicago December 1993
BSc. St Xavier's College May 1992
- Research Interests: Algebra, Number Theory, Algebraic Geometry
- Recent Publications
- Ramesh Sreekantan, A note on the conjectures of Tate and Beilinson for products of Elliptic curves
(Preprint, 0)
- Ramesh Sreekantan, Indecomposable elements of higher chow groups of products of curves
(Preprint, 0)
- Ramesh Sreekantan, Relations among Heegner Cycles on Families of Abelian Surfaces,
to appear in Comp. Math.
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- Ramesh Sreekantan, Higher Chow groups and CM cycles in families of Abelian surfaces,
Doctoral Dissertation: University of Chicago
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