Psychology and Neuroscience Graduate Students Database
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Laura A Thomas, Graduate Student    Edit

Laura A Thomas

Research Summary:
I was driven to this field by my general curiosity of how we are the way we are. What makes us us. Our previous experiences obviously play a large role in who we are. We can consciously recollect a past episode and use that to shape our thoughts and behavior today. However, these previous events also influence us on a nonconscious level. I am fascinated by the phenomenon that information not available to us consciously can still affect our actions, decisions, emotions, and thoughts. I am also interested in emotional development in childhood and adolescence and how brain development plays into emotional comprehension.

Representative Publications:   (More Publications)   (search)

  1. Thomas, L.A., De Bellis, M.D., Graham, R., & LaBar, K.S. (2007). Development of emotional facial recognition in late childhood and adolescence. Developmental Science, 10(5), 547-558. [x]  [abs]
  2. Thomas , L.A., & LaBar, K.S. (2007). Emotional modulation of strategy use in a probabilistic classification learning task. Poster presented at annual meeting of Cognitive Neuroscience Society.
  3. Thomas, L.A., & LaBar, K.S (2006). Probabilistic classification learning is time dependent and modulated by emotional outcomes. Poster presented at Society for Neuroscience annual meeting, October 2006..
  4. Thomas, L.A., & LaBar, K.S (2005). Emotional arousal enhances word repetition priming. Cognition and Emotion, 19(7), 1027-1047.  [abs]
  5. Thomas, L.A., DeBellis, M., Graham, R., & LaBar, K.S (2005). Development of emotional facial recognition in late childhood and adolescence. Poster presented at Society for Neuroscience annual meeting, Nov. 2005.

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