publications by Robert Plonsey.

Papers Published

  1. Altman, K.W. and Plonsey, R., A two-part model for cuff electrode nerve stimulation, Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Conference of the IEEE/Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (Cat. No. 86CH2368-9) (1986), pp. 687 - 9 .
    (last updated on 2007/04/16)

    A two-part model for determining the electrophysiological behavior of a cuff electrode designed for unidirectional peripheral nerve stimulation is presented. In the first part, a model is described which evaluates the potential field of the cuff electrode system in an infinite isotropic conductive medium, in the absence of the nerve. The unknown source strengths of discretized elements on the cuff surface are found through the solution of a Fredholm integrated equation. In the second part, the predetermined potential field from the cuff is taken to be the applied field of a myelinated nerve fiber considered through a linear core-conductor model and Frankenhauser-Huxley membrane. The result corresponds to that obtained experimentally, and suggests the applicability of such models to determine optimum cuff electrode designs

    bioelectric phenomena;neurophysiology;patient treatment;physiological models;