Papers Published

  1. Jackson, J. B. and Westcott, S. L. and Hirsch, L. R. and West, J. L. and Halas, N. J., Controlling the surface enhanced Raman effect via the nanoshell geometry, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, vol. 82 no. 2 (January, 2003), pp. 257--259 [doi] .
    (last updated on 2012/02/23)

    Systematic variation of the internal geometry of a dielectric core-metal shell nanoparticle allows the local electromagnetic field at the nanoparticle surface to be precisely controlled. The strength of the field as a function of core and shell dimension is measured by monitoring the surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) response of nonresonant molecular adsorbates (para-mercaptoaniline) bound to the nanoparticle surface. The SERS enhancement appears to be directly and exclusively due to nanoparticle geometry. Effective SERS enhancements of 10(6) are observable in aqueous solution, which correspond to absolute enhancements of 10(12) when reabsorption of Raman emission by nearby nanoparticles is taken into account. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.