Publications of Kevin A Pelphrey

%% Journal Articles   
   Author = {Ornstein, P. A. and Baker-Ward, L. and Gordon, B. N. and Pelphrey, K.
             A. and Tyler, C. S. and Gramzow, E},
   Title = {The influence of prior knowledge and repeated questioning on
             children's long-term retention of the details of a pediatric
   Journal = {Developmental Psychology},
   Volume = {42(2)},
   Pages = {332-344},
   Year = {2006},
   Key = {fds52191}

   Author = {Cantlon, J. F. and Brannon, E. M. and Carter, E. J. and Pelphrey,
             K. A},
   Title = {Functional imaging of numerical processing in adults and
             four-year-old children},
   Journal = {PLoS: Biology},
   Volume = {4},
   Number = {5},
   Pages = {844-854},
   Year = {2006},
   url = {},
   Key = {fds51866}

   Author = {Morris, J. P. and Pelphrey, K. A. and McCarthy,
   Title = {Occipitotemporal activation evoked by the perception of
             human bodies is modulated by the presence or absence of the
   Journal = {Neuropsychologia},
   Volume = {44},
   Number = {10},
   Pages = {1919-1927},
   Year = {2006},
   url = {},
   Key = {fds51872}

   Author = {Pelphrey, K. A. and Morris, J. P},
   Title = {Brain mechanisms for interpreting the actions of others from
             biological-motion cues},
   Journal = {Current Directions in Psychological Science},
   Year = {2006},
   url = {},
   Key = {fds51873}

   Author = {Carter, E. J. and Pelphrey, K. A},
   Title = {School-aged children exhibit domain-specific responses to
             biological motion},
   Journal = {Social Neuroscience},
   Volume = {1},
   Number = {3-4},
   Pages = {394-411},
   Year = {2006},
   url = {},
   Key = {fds51876}

   Author = {Morris, J. P. and Pelphrey, K. A. and McCarthy,
   Title = {Controlled scanpath variation alters fusiform face
   Journal = {Social Cognitive Affective Neuroscience},
   Volume = {in press},
   Year = {2006},
   Key = {fds51879}

   Author = {Pelphrey, KA and Morris, JP and Michelich, CR and Allison, T and McCarthy, G},
   Title = {Functional anatomy of biological motion perception in
             posterior temporal cortex: An fMRI study of eye, mouth, and
             hand movements.},
   Journal = {Cerebral Cortex},
   Volume = {15},
   Number = {12},
   Pages = {1866-1876},
   Year = {2005},
   Key = {fds45161}

   Author = {Pelphrey, KA and Morris, JP and McCarthy, G},
   Title = {Neural basis of eye-gaze processing deficits in
   Journal = {Brain},
   Volume = {128},
   Number = {5},
   Pages = {1038-1048},
   Year = {2005},
   Key = {fds45162}

   Author = {Morris, JP and Pelphrey, KA and McCarthy, G},
   Title = {Regional brain activation evoked when approaching a virtual
             human on a virtual walk},
   Journal = {Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience},
   Volume = {17},
   Number = {11},
   Pages = {1744-1752},
   Year = {2005},
   Key = {fds45163}

   Author = {Mosconi, MW and Mack, PB and McCarthy, G and Pelphrey,
   Title = {Taking an “intentional stance” on eye-gaze shifts: A
             functional neuroimaging study of social perception in
   Journal = {NeuroImage},
   Volume = {27},
   Pages = {247-252},
   Year = {2005},
   Key = {fds45164}

   Author = {Pelphrey, KA and Reznick, JS and Goldman, BD and Sasson, N and Morrow, J and Donahoe, A and Hogdson, K},
   Title = {Development of visuospatial short-term memory in the second
             half of the 1st year},
   Journal = {Developmental Psychology},
   Volume = {40},
   Number = {5},
   Pages = {836-851},
   Year = {2004},
   Key = {fds45165}

   Author = {Pelphrey KA and Morris JP and McCarthy G},
   Title = {Grasping the intentions of others: the perceived
             intentionality of an action influences activity in the
             superior temporal sulcus during social perception},
   Journal = {Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience},
   Volume = {16},
   Number = {10},
   Pages = {1706-1716},
   Year = {2004},
   Key = {fds45166}

   Author = {Pelphrey K and Adolphs R and Morris JP},
   Title = {Neuroanatomical substrates of social cognition dysfunction
             in autism},
   Journal = {Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities Research
   Volume = {10},
   Number = {4},
   Pages = {259-271},
   Year = {2004},
   Key = {fds45167}

   Author = {Pelphrey, KA and Viola, RJ and McCarthy, G},
   Title = {When strangers pass: Processing of mutual and averted gaze
             in the superior temporal sulcus},
   Journal = {Psychological Science},
   Volume = {15},
   Pages = {598-603},
   Year = {2004},
   Key = {fds45168}

   Author = {Pelphrey KA and Singerman JD and Allison T and McCarthy
   Title = {Brain activation evoked by perception of gaze shifts: the
             influence of context},
   Journal = {Neuropsychologia},
   Volume = {41},
   Number = {2},
   Pages = {156-170},
   Year = {2003},
   Key = {fds45169}

   Author = {Pelphrey KA and Mitchell TV and McKeown MJ and Goldstein J and Allison
             T, McCarthy G},
   Title = {Brain activity evoked by the perception of human walking:
             controlling for meaningful coherent motion},
   Journal = {Journal of Neuroscience},
   Volume = {30},
   Number = {23},
   Pages = {6819-6825},
   Year = {2003},
   Key = {fds45170}

   Author = {Pelphrey KA and Mack PB and Song A and Guzeldere G and McCarthy
   Title = {Faces evoke spatially differentiated patterns of BOLD
             activation and deactivation},
   Journal = {NeuroReport},
   Volume = {23},
   Number = {14},
   Pages = {955-959},
   Year = {2003},
   Key = {fds45171}

   Author = {Wright, TM and Pelphrey, KA and Allison, T and McKeown, MJ and McCarthy, G},
   Title = {Polysensory interactions along lateral temporal regions
             evoked by audiovisual speech},
   Journal = {Cerebral Cortex},
   Volume = {13},
   Number = {10},
   Pages = {1034-1043},
   Year = {2003},
   Key = {fds45172}

   Author = {Pelphrey, KA and Reznick, JS},
   Title = {Working memory in infancy},
   Volume = {31},
   Pages = {173-227},
   Booktitle = {Advances in Child Development and Behavior},
   Year = {2003},
   Key = {fds45173}

   Author = {Cody H and Pelphrey K and Piven J},
   Title = {Structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging of
   Journal = {International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience},
   Volume = {20},
   Number = {3-5},
   Pages = {421-438},
   Year = {2002},
   Key = {fds45174}

   Author = {Pelphrey KA and Sasson NJ and Reznick JS and Paul G and Goldman BD and Piven J},
   Title = {Visual scanning of faces in autism},
   Journal = {Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders},
   Volume = {32},
   Number = {4},
   Pages = {249-261},
   Year = {2002},
   Key = {fds45175}

%% Chapters in Books   
   Author = {Carter, E. J. and Pelphrey, K. A},
   Title = {Brain mechanisms for social perception},
   Booktitle = {Voice and Emotions},
   Editor = {K. Izdebski},
   Year = {2006},
   Key = {fds51870}

   Author = {Pelphrey, K. A. and Carter, E. J},
   Title = {Brain mechanisms underlying social perception deficits in
   Booktitle = {Human Behavior and the Developing Brain, Second
   Editor = {G. Dawson and K. Fischer and D. Koch},
   Year = {2006},
   Key = {fds51871}

%% Articles Submitted   
   Author = {Carter, E. J. and Pelphrey, K. A},
   Title = {Friend or foe? Brain mechanisms for perceiving social
             signals of threat and affiliation},
   Journal = {Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience},
   Year = {2006},
   Key = {fds52189}

   Author = {Zucker, N. and Losh, M. and LaBar, K. and Piven, J. and Pelphrey, K.
   Title = {Anorexia nervosa and autism spectrum disorders: Guided
             investigation of social cognitive endophenotypes},
   Journal = {Psychological Bulletin},
   Year = {2006},
   Key = {fds52190}

   Author = {Greif, M. L. and Libertus, K. and Needham, A. and Pelphrey, K.
   Title = {A developmental transition in the representation of
             goal-directed action in the first year of life: Tracking
             infants’ attention during a tool-use sequence},
   Journal = {Psychological Science},
   Year = {2006},
   Key = {fds51889}

   Author = {Pelphrey, K. A. and Morris, J. P. and McCarthy, G. and LaBar, K.
   Title = {Perception of dynamic changes in facial affect and identity
             in autism},
   Journal = {Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience},
   Year = {2006},
   Key = {fds51868}

   Author = {Cascio, C. and McGlone, F. and Folger, S. and Tannan, V. and Baranek, G. and Pelphrey, K. and Essick, G},
   Title = {Tactile perception in adults with autism},
   Journal = {Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders},
   Year = {2006},
   Key = {fds51869}

   Author = {Morris, J. P. and Pelphrey, K. A. and McCarthy,
   Title = {Perceived agency influences brain activity evoked by
             biological motion},
   Journal = {Social Neuroscience},
   Year = {2006},
   Key = {fds51882}

   Author = {Saxe, R. and Whitfield-Gabrieli, S. and Pelphrey, K.
   Title = {The development of brain regions for perceiving and
             reasoning about other people},
   Journal = {Neuron},
   Year = {2006},
   Key = {fds51892}

   Author = {Pinkham, A. E. and Hopfinger, J. B. and Pelphrey, K. A. and Piven, J. and Penn, D. L},
   Title = {Schizophrenia and high-functioning autism share neural
             abnormalities when performing a complex social cognitive
   Journal = {Archives of General Psychiatry},
   Year = {2006},
   Key = {fds51867}