Publications of Gunther W. Peck    :recent first  alphabetical  combined  by tags  bibtex listing:

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  1. Peck, GW. Reinventing Free Labor: Padrones and Immigrant Workers in the North American West, 1885-1930. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000. (Winner of the Taft Award, for best book in North American Labor History, the Ray Allen Billington Award from the OAH, for best book in frontier history, and the Pacific Coast Branch Award from the AHA.)
  2. Peck, GW. The Shadow of White Slavery: Innocence, Rescue, and Empire in Contemporary Human Trafficking Campaigns (In Progress). April, 2016.
  3. Peck, GW. Trafficking in Race: White Slavery and the Rise of a Transatlantic Working Class, 1660-1860 (In Progress). April, 2016.

Book Reviews

  1. David Igler. Industrial Cowboys: Miller & Lux and the Transformation of the Far West, 1850-1920.  The Journal of American History (Winter, 2002).

Occasional Writing

  1. Peck, GW. "Hillary Clinton and the Southern Strategy." Duke Today (March, 2008). [html]
  2. Peck, GW. "I Am Waiting." Duke Chronicle (November, 2010). [i-am-waiting]
  3. Peck, GW. "Big Voter Turnouts and Perceptions of Fraud." Duke University: Sanford School of Public Policy (June, 2011). [voter-turnout-and-fraud]
  4. Peck, GW. "Accepting Syrian Refugees both Humanitarian and in Our National Interest." Raleigh News and Observer (November, 2015). [html]
  5. Peck, GW. "Our Bipartisan Acceptance of Refugees." The Atlanta Journal-Constitution (November, 2015). [available here]

Papers Published

  1. Peck, GW. "Padrones and Protest: "Old" Radicals and "New" Immigrants in Bingham, Utah, 1905-1912." Western Historical Quarterly 24.2 (May, 1993): 157-178. (The article received the Bert Fireman Award and the Bryant Spann prize. Reprinted in Clyde Milner, Ann Butler, & David Lewis, eds., Problems in the History of the American West (Heath, 1997): 328-339. Reprinted in John McCormick & John Sillito, eds., A World We Thought We Knew: Readings in Utah History, (Salt Lake City, 1995, 2002): 154-72)  [abs]
  2. Peck, G. "Review of The Centralia Tragedy of 1919: Elmer Smith and the Wobblies by Tom Copeland." The Western Historical Quarterly 25.4 (Winter, 1994): 553-553. [970396], [doi]
  3. Peck, GW. "Padrones and Protest: "Old" Radicals and "New" Immigrants in Bingham, Utah, 1905-1912." A World We Thought We Knew: Readings in Utah History (1995): 154-172.
  4. Peck, GW. "Padrones and Protest: "Old" Radicals and "New" Immigrants in Bingham, Utah, 1905-1912." Problems in the History of the American West (1997): 328-339.
  5. Peck, GW. "Mobilizing Community: Migrant Workers and the Politics of Labor Mobility in the North American West, 1900-1920." Labor Histories: Class, Politics, and the Working-Class Experience (1998): 175-200.
  6. Peck, GW. "Review of All that Glitters: Class, Conflict, and Community in Cripple Creek by Elizabeth Jameson." The Western Historical Quarterly 30.4 (1999): 509-510.
  7. Peck, GW. "Review of Big Trouble: A Murder in a Small western Town sets off a Struggle for the Soul of America by J. Anthony Lukas." The Western Historical Quarterly 30.4 (1999): 509-510.
  8. Peck, GW. "Manly Gambles: The Politics of Risk on the Comstock Lode." Across the Great Divide: Cultures of Manhood in the U.S. West (2000): 73-96. [doi]  [abs]
  9. Peck, G. "Review of A New South Rebellion: The Battle against Convict Labor in the Tennessee Coalfields, 1871-1896 by Karin A. Shapiro." The Jornal of Social History 25.3 (October, 2000): 373-374. [4286697]
  10. Peck, GW. "In Search of an American Working Class: Nationalist Fictions in the Making of Western Labor History." Mitteilungsblatt des Instituts fur soziale Bewegungen 25 (May, 2001): 29-45.
  11. Peck, G. "Review of Industrial Cowboys: Miller & Lux and the Transformation of the Far West, 1850-1920 by David Igler." The Journal of American History 89.3 (2002): 1065-1066. [3092410], [doi]
  12. Peck, GW. "Contracting Coercion? Rethinking the Origins of Free Labor in the United States and Great Britian." Buffalo Law Review 51.1 (Winter, 2003): 201-218.
  13. Peck, GW. "Review of Anaconda: Labor, Community, and Culture in Montana's Smelter City by Laura Mercier." Labor History (US) (2003).
  14. Peck, GW. "Review of Anaconda: Labor, Community, and Culture in Montana's Smelter City by Laura Mercier." Labor History (US) (2003).
  15. Peck, GW. "White Slavery and Whiteness: A Transnational View of the Sources of Working-Class Radicalism and Racism." LABOR: Studies in Working-Class History of the Americas 1.2 (2004): 41-63.
  16. Peck, G. "The Nature of Labor: Fault Lines and Common Ground in Environmental and Labor History." Environmental History 11.2 (April, 2006): 212-238. [3986230], [doi]  [abs]
  17. Peck, GW. "Feminizing White Slavery in the United States: Marcus Braun and the Transnational Traffic in White Bodies, 1890-1910.." Workers, the Nation State and Beyond (2011): 221-244.
  18. Peck, G. "Feminizing White Slavery in the United States." Workers Across the Americas: The Transnational Turn in Labor History (May, 2011): 221-241. [doi]  [abs]
  19. Peck, G. "Migrant labor and global commons: Transnational subjects, visions, and methods." International Labor and Working-Class History 85.5 (Spring, 2014): 118-137. [doi]  [abs]
  20. Peck, GW. "The Shadow of White Slavery: Race, Innocence, and History in Contemporary Anti-Human Trafficking Campaigns." The Power of the Past: History & Statecraft (2015): 232-260.
  21. Peck, GW. "Reinventing Free Labor: Immigrant Padrones and Contract Laborers in North America, 1885 - 1925 (forthcoming)." The Workers' West (April, 2016).
  22. Peck, GW. "Movement Culture in Durham, North Carolina (forthcoming)." TBD (April, 2016).  [abs]
  23. Peck, G. "Labor abolition and the politics of white victimhood: Rethinking the history of working-class racism." Journal of the Early Republic 39.1 (March, 2019): 89-98. [doi]

Gunther W. Peck