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Publications of Helen Solterer    :chronological  by type  bibtex listing:

  1. Solterer, H, "Aimer un pays tout autre: Christine de Pizan, Alain Chartier, & Compagnie”, in Sens, Rhétorique, et Musique : Études réunies en hommage à Jacqueline Cerquiglini-Toulet, edited by Lefèvre, S; Lucken, C; Doudet, E (2015), pp. 769-782, Champion
  2. H. Solterer, "Another Land’s End of Literature”, in Founding Feminisms in Medieval Studies (2016), pp. 153-168, Boydell & Brewer
  3. H. Solterer, "Love to Hate: A Premodern Legacy?" (2013)
  4. Solterer, H, A timely villon: Anachrony and premodern poetic fiction, New Literary History, vol. 52 no. 2 (June, 2021), pp. 311-334 [doi]
  5. Solterer, H, Another Land's End of Literature, in Founding Feminisms in Medieval Studies Essays in Honor of E. Jane Burns (March, 2016), pp. 153-168, Boydell & Brewer, ISBN 9781843844273
  6. Solterer, H, Calais-enclave: Fictions for locking in and opening up, 2018-1346, in Migrants Shaping Europe, Past and Present: Multilingual Literatures, Arts, and Cultures (November, 2022), pp. 171-196, ISBN 9781526166166
  7. Solterer, H, Defense of Women, in Women and Gender in Medieval Europe, edited by Stuard, S; Schaus, M; Izbicki, T (2005), pp. 64-68, Routledge
  8. SOLTERER, H, Dismembering, Remembering the Châtelain de Couci, Romance Philology, vol. 46 no. 2 (November, 1992), pp. 103-124, ISSN 0035-8002 [Gateway.cgi]
  9. Solterer, H, European Medieval Studies under Fire, 1919-45, edited by Solterer, H, vol. 27 no. 3 (September, 1997)
  10. co-authored, ; Burns, EJ; Kay, S; Krueger, RL, Feminism and the Discipline of Old French Studies: "Une Bele Disjointure", in Medievalism in a Modernist Temper, edited by Bloch, RH; Nichols, SG (1995), pp. 225-266, Johns Hopkins University Press
  11. Solterer, H, Fiction versus Defamation: The Quarrel over the Romance of the Rose, The Medieval History Journal, vol. 2 no. 1 (1999), pp. 111-141, SAGE Publications [doi]  [abs]
  12. SOLTERER, H, Figures for Female Militancy in Medieval France, SIGNS, vol. 16 no. 2 (1991), pp. 522-549, University of Chicago Press, ISSN 0097-9740 [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  13. Solterer, H, Gustave Cohen at Pont-Holyoke : The Drama of Belonging to France, in Artists, Intellectuals and World War II, edited by Benfey, C; Remmler, K (2006), pp. 145-161, University of Massachusetts Press
  14. Raimond, E; Wardle, M; Vilches, E; José, A; Lasch, P; de Prada, RS; Hurli, S; Solterer, H, In transit, in Migrants Shaping Europe, Past and Present: Multilingual Literatures, Arts, and Cultures (November, 2022), pp. 229-254, ISBN 9781526166166
  15. Solterer, H; Joos, V, Introduction (November, 2022), pp. 1-16, ISBN 9781526166166
  16. Curran, CP, James Joyce Remembered, edition 2022, edited by Solterer, H; Ryan, A (2022), University College Dublin Press
  17. Solterer, H, La Belle Dame sans Merci, in Medieval Women: An Encyclopedia, edited by Wilson, KM; Margolis, N (2004), pp. 80-84, New York: Greenwood Press
  18. SOLTERER, H, Letter-Writing & Picture Reading: Medieval Textuality and the "Bestiaire d'amour", WORD & IMAGE, vol. 5 no. 1 (1989), pp. 131-147, Informa UK Limited, ISSN 0266-6286 [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  19. Solterer, H, Making Names, Breaking Lives: Women & Injurious Language, in Cultural Performances in Medieval France: Essays in Honor of Nancy Freeman, edited by Doss-Quinby, E; Krueger, R; Burns, EJ (2007), pp. 207-21, Boydell & Brewer
  20. Solterer, H, Medieval Roles in Modern Times: Theater and the Battle for the French Republic (February, 2010), pp. 271 pages, 40 figures pages, The Pennsylvania State University Press
  21. Migrants shaping Europe, past and present: Multilingual literatures, arts, and cultures, edited by Solterer, H; Joos, V (November, 2022), Manchester University Press, ISBN 9781526166180  [abs]
  22. Solterer, H, Parcours d’un militant de théâtre: Moussa Abadi, in Le texte critique : expérimenter le théâtre et le cinéma aux XXe et XXIe siècles, edited by Alev, VVEMC (2013), pp. 207-220., Presses universitaires François-Rabelais
  23. Solterer, H, Performer le passé, in Paul Zumthor ou l’invention permanente. Critique, histoire, poésie, edited by Cerquiglini-Toulet, J; Lucken, C (1998), pp. 117-159, Droz
  24. Solterer, H, Performing pasts: A dialogue with Paul Zumthor, Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies, vol. 27 no. 3 (1997), pp. 595-640, Duke University Press, ISSN 1082-9636 [Gateway.cgi]
  25. Solterer, H; Dominguez, V, Réactivations scéniques, in Le Théâtre du XIIe au XIIe siècles, edited by Halévy, O; Parussa, G; Smith, D (2014), L’Avant-Scène
  26. Solterer, H, review of Carol Symes, "A Common Stage:Theater and Public Life in Medieval Arras, Theatre Survey, vol. 51 no. no. 1 (2010), pp. 135-137
  27. Solterer, H, review of Jody Enders, Murder by Accident: Medieval Theater, Modern Media, Critical Intentions, H-France Review, vol. 10 (October) no. 156 (2010)
  28. SOLTERER, H, Seeing, Hearing, Tasting Woman : The Senses of Medieval Reading, Comparative Literature, vol. 46 no. 2 (1994), pp. 129-145, Duke University Press, ISSN 0010-4124 [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  29. Solterer, H; Delabroy, J, Teaching Abroad With Obama, (2008)
  30. Solterer, H, Teaching Free Speech in Times of War, edited by I com, (September, 2007)
  31. Solterer, H, The Freedoms of Fiction for Gender in Premodern France, in Gender in Debate from the Early Middle Ages to the Renaissance, edited by Fenster, TS; Lees, CA (2002), pp. 135-163, New York: Palgrave Press
  32. Solterer, H, The master and Minerva: Disputing women in French medieval culture (September, 2023), pp. 1-301, University of California Press, ISBN 9780520088351 (co-awarded The Modern Language Association Scaglione Prize, 1995.)  [abs]
  33. Solterer, H, The Waking of Medieval Theatricality, Paris 1935-1995, New Literary History, vol. 27 no. 3 (1996), pp. 257-290, ISSN 0028-6087 [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  34. Solterer, H, The Waking of Medieval Theatricality: Paris 1935-1995, New Literary History, vol. 27 no. 3 (1996), pp. 357-390, ISSN 0028-6087 [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  35. Solterer, H, Theatre and Theatricality, in The Cambridge Companion to Medieval French Literature (2008), pp. 181-194, Cambridge University Press
  36. Solterer, H, Timely Fictions (2017)
  37. Solterer, H, Un Moyen Âge républicain : paradoxes du théâtre en temps de guerre (2014), Presses universitaires Paris-Sorbonne, (translated by Chénetier Alev, M.) [un-moyen-age-republicain]
  38. Solterer, H, “Jouer le Moyen Âge: Gustave Cohen et la troupe théophilienne,”, in Les Pères des études médiévales: examen critique de la constitution d’un savoir académique, edited by Bouhaïk-Gironès, M; Dominguez, V; Koopmans, J (2010), pp. 255-281 [8 figures], Presses universitaires de Rennes
  39. Solterer, H, “Le Jeu de Robin et Marion,” “Le Jeu de la Feuillée,” “La Farce de Maître Pathelin, Mystères et Moralités," Le Mystère de la Passion" [articles on medieval theater] (2001), Microsoft
  40. Solterer, H, “Strange or Elegant or Foul Matter,”, Exemplaria, 25 (2013) (2013), pp. 79-92 (A Book-review essay.) [1041257312Z.00000000026]