Publications of Markos Hadjioannou    :chronological  alphabetical  combined  by type  bibtex listing:

Digital Cinema

  1. Hadjioannou, M, From Light to Byte: Toward an Ethics of Digital Cinema (December, 2012), University of Minnesota Press, ISBN 978-0-8166-7762-7 [from-light-to-byte]  [abs] [Digital Cinema, Film and New Media]
  2. Hadjioannou, M, Waking Life: The Destiny of Cinema’s Dreamscape; or the Question of Old and New Mediations, Excursions, vol. 1 no. 1 (2010), pp. 53-72, ISSN 2044-4095 [11]  [abs] [Digital Cinema]
  3. Hadjioannou, M, How Does the Digital Matter? Envisioning Corporeality through Christian Volckman’s Renaissance, Studies in French Cinema, vol. 8 no. 2 (June, 2008), pp. 123-136, Intellect, ISSN 1471-5880 [doi]  [abs] [Digital Cinema]
  4. Hadjioannou, M, Into Great Stillness, Again and Again: Gilles Deleuze’s Time and the Constructions of Digital Cinema, edited by Ashton, D; Callen, D, Rhizomes, vol. 16 (Summer, 2008), ISSN 1555-9998 [available here]  [abs] [Digital Cinema]