Ann T. Skinner
Publications [#220251] of Ann T. Skinner
Journal Articles
- Skinner, AT and Babinski, LM and Gifford, EJ, Teachers' expectations and self-efficacy for working with bullies and victims,
Psychology in the Schools, vol. 51 no. 1
pp. 72--84, ISSN 0033-3085 [doi]
(last updated on 2021/01/29)Abstract:
Bullying is a significant concern in schools, and both bullies and victims are at risk for negative outcomes. In this study, 239 sixth-grade teachers completed questionnaires about their perceptions of four components of school climate: high-risk student behaviors, school-wide barriers to learning, principal support, and cooperation among teachers. Teachers' expectations and self-efficacy for working effectively with both bullies and victims were assessed using case study vignettes. The results indicated that teachers' perceptions of principal support were significantly related to teachers' expectations and self-efficacy for working with bullies. A graduate degree was also related to greater self-efficacy for working with bullies. Administrators and school psychologists should consider the role of perceived principal support as an important factor in influencing teachers' expectations and beliefs in working with bullies. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.