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Christina M. Gibson-Davis, Professor and Associate Dean for Academic Programs  

Office Location: 178 Rubenstein Hall, Box 90312, Durham, NC 27708
Duke Box: Duke Box 90312
Email Address: cgibson@duke.edu
Web Page: https://sanford-files.cloud.duke.edu/sites/default/files/Gibson-Davis%20CV%202022_summer.pdf

Areas of Expertise

  • Social Policy
    • Child well-being
    • Demography
    • Economic Inequality and Poverty

Ph.D., Northwestern University, 2001
M.A., Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, 2001
B.A., Bates College, 1992

Research Categories: Class differences in family formation; family formation and inequality

Representative Publications   (More Publications)

  1. Gibson-Davis, C. "Magic moment? Maternal marriage for children born out of wedlock.." Demography 51.4 (August, 2014): 1345-1356. [repository], [doi]  [abs]
  2. Gibson-Davis, C; Rackin, H. "Marriage or carriage? Trends in union context and birth type by education." Journal of Marriage and Family 76.3 (January, 2014): 506-519. [repository], [doi]  [abs]
  3. Gassman-Pines, A; Ananat, EO; Gibson-Davis, CM. "Effects of statewide job losses on adolescent suicide-related behaviors.." American journal of public health 104.10 (October, 2014): 1964-1970. [repository], [doi]  [abs]
  4. Rackin, H; Gibson Davis, CM. "The role of pre- and postconception relationships for first time parents." Journal of Marriage and Family 74.3 (2012): 526-539. [repository], [doi]  [abs]
  5. Ananat, EO; Gassman-Pines, A; Gibson-Davis, C. "Community-wide job loss and teenage fertility: evidence from North Carolina.." Demography 50.6 (December, 2013): 2151-2171. [repository], [doi]  [abs]
  6. Gibson-Davis, C. "Mothers but not wives: The increasing lag between nonmarital births and marriage." Journal of Marriage and Family 73.1 (February, 2011): 264-278. [repository], [doi]  [abs]
  7. Gibson Davis, CM; Gassman Pines, A. "Early Childhood Family Structure and Mother-Child Interactions: Variation by Race and Ethnicity." Developmental Psychology 46.1 (2010): 151-164. [20053014], [doi]  [abs]
  8. Gibson Davis, CM. "The Effect of Family Structure on Maternal and Paternal Parenting." Journal of Marriage and Family 70.2 (2008): 452-465. [pdf], [doi]  [abs]
  9. Gibson Davis, CM. "Money, Marriage, and Children: Testing the Financial Expectations and Family Formation Theory." Journal of Marriage and Family 71.1 (2009): 146-161. [pdf], [doi]  [abs]
  10. Gibson Davis, CM; Edin, K; McLahanan, S. "High Hopes but Even Higher Expectations: The Retreat from Marriage Among Low-Income Couples." Journal of Marriage and Family 67.5 (2005): 1301-1312. [pdf], [doi]  [abs]

Curriculum Vitae

Christina M. Gibson-Davis is a professor in the Sanford School of Public Policy, Duke University, with a secondary appointment in sociology. Her research interests center around social and economic differences in family formation patterns. Her current research focuses on the how divergent patterns of family formation affect economic inequality.

Current Ph.D. Students   (Former Students)

  • Sarah C. Fuller  
  • Ashley K. Brown  
  • Lane Destro  
  • Heather Rackin  

Christina M. Gibson-Davis