Publications [#200846] of Alex Harris

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  1. with A. Harris and Elena Rue. "Coming Home."  (Fall, 2011). [available here]
    (last updated on 2011/12/29)

    Author's Comments:
    This is a multi-media website of student work from PubPol 168S focused on Homelessness that has been used for advocacy and fundraising by Housing for New Hope, our sponsoring organization. We have updated the site with 10 multi-media stories of homelessness from the 2011 seminar.

    The fall 2011 seminar will focus on homelessness in Durham. Students will work closely with Housing for New Hope (HNH), a local agency that provides services for homeless and formerly homeless individuals and families. Working with HNH staff members, students will come to know and document the lives and stories of these individuals. Students will learn and refine valuable technical skills such as Photoshop and Final Cut Pro in order to complete a multi-media documentary project by the end of the semester. As a class we will develop a web-based multi-media portrait of homelessness in Durham featuring the combined photographs and audio portraits students produce.

Alex Harris