Sanford School of Public Policy
Duke University
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Journal Articles
- Gibson-Davis, C; Keister, LA; Gennetian, LA. "Net worth poverty and child Well-being: Black-White differences.." Children and youth services review 169 (February, 2025): 108047. [doi] [abs]
- Jones, EJ; Miller, P; Gibson-Davis, CM; Hanson, JL; Votruba-Drzal, E. "Family wealth and adolescent physical health.." Health psychology review (January, 2025): 1-29. [doi] [abs]
- Rackin, HM; Gibson-Davis, CM. "Youth's political identity and fertility desires." Journal of Marriage and Family 86.4 (August, 2024): 1132-1148. [doi] [abs]
- Zang, E; Gibson-Davis, C; Li, H. "Beyond parental wealth: Grandparental wealth and the transition to adulthood." Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 89 (February, 2024). [doi] [abs]
- Nur, AA; Leibbrand, C; Curran, SR; Votruba-Drzal, E; Gibson-Davis, C. "Managing and Minimizing Online Survey Questionnaire Fraud: Lessons from the Triple C Project.." International journal of social research methodology 27.5 (January, 2024): 613-619. [doi] [abs]
- Boen, CE; Keister, LA; Gibson-Davis, CM; Luck, A. "The Buffering Effect of State Eviction and Foreclosure Policies for Mental Health during the COVID-19 Pandemic in the United States.." Journal of health and social behavior (June, 2023): 221465231175939. [doi] [abs]
- Gibson-Davis, C; Boen, CE; Keister, LA; Lowell, W. "Net worth poverty and adult health.." Social science & medicine (1982) 318 (February, 2023): 115614. [doi] [abs]
- Rackin, HM; Gibson-Davis, CM. "Familial Deaths and First Birth." Population and Development Review 48.4 (December, 2022): 1027-1059. [doi] [abs]
- Percheski, C; Gibson-Davis, CM. "Marriage, Kids, and the Picket Fence? Household Type and Wealth among U.S. Households, 1989 to 2019.." Sociological science 9.7 (April, 2022): 159-183. [doi] [abs]
- Gibson-Davis, C; Keister, LA; Gennetian, LA; Lowell, W. "Net Worth Poverty and Child Development.." Socius : sociological research for a dynamic world 8 (January, 2022): 237802312211116-237802312211116. [doi] [abs]
- Gibson-Davis, C; Hill, HD. "Childhood wealth inequality in the United States: Implications for social stratification and well-being." RSF 7.3 (August, 2021): 1-26. [doi]
- Bitler, M; Genetian, LA; Gibson-Davis, C; Rangel, MA. "Means-Tested Safety Net Programs and Hispanic Families: Evidence from Medicaid, SNAP, and WIC.." The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 696.1 (July, 2021): 274-305. [doi] [abs]
- Gibson-Davis, C; Keister, LA; Gennetian, LA. "Net Worth Poverty in Child Households by Race and Ethnicity, 1989-2019.." Journal of marriage and the family 83.3 (June, 2021): 667-682. [doi] [abs]
- Tome, R; Rangel, MA; Gibson-Davis, CM; Bellows, L. "Heightened immigration enforcement impacts US citizens' birth outcomes: Evidence from early ICE interventions in North Carolina.." PloS one 16.2 (January, 2021): e0245020. [doi] [abs]
- Holbein, JB; Hillygus, DS; Lenard, MA; Gibson-Davis, C; Hill, DV. "The Development of Students' Engagement in School, Community and Democracy." British Journal of Political Science 50.4 (October, 2020): 1439-1457. [doi] [abs]
- Gibson-Davis, C; Gassman-Pines, A; Lehrman, R. ""His" and "Hers": Meeting the Economic Bar to Marriage.." Demography 55.6 (December, 2018): 2321-2343. [doi] [abs]
- Rackin, HM; Gibson-Davis, CM. "Social Class Divergence in Family Transitions: The Importance of Cohabitation.." Journal of marriage and the family 80.5 (October, 2018): 1271-1286. [doi] [abs]
- Gibson-Davis, CM; Percheski, C. "Children and the Elderly: Wealth Inequality Among America's Dependents.." Demography 55.3 (June, 2018): 1009-1032. [doi] [abs]
- Rackin, HM; Gibson-Davis, C. "Low-income Childless Young Adults' Marriage and Fertility Frameworks.." Journal of marriage and the family 79.4 (August, 2017): 1096-1110. [doi] [abs]
- Ananat, EO; Gassman-Pines, A; Francis, DV; Gibson-Davis, CM. "Linking job loss, inequality, mental health, and education." Science 356.6343 (June, 2017): 1127-1128. [doi]
- Schenck-Fontaine, A; Gassman-Pines, A; Gibson-Davis, CM; Ananat, EO. "Local Job Losses and Child Maltreatment: The Importance of Community Context.." The Social service review 91.2 (June, 2017): 233-263. [doi] [abs]
- Gibson-Davis, CM; Vernot, C; Butler, M; Hall, N; Taylor, L; Eastwood, K; Zhang, X. "They Should Say "I Don't": Norms About Midpregnancy Marriage and Job Loss.." Journal of marriage and the family 79.2 (April, 2017): 405-418. [doi] [abs]
- Gibson-Davis, CM; Ananat, E; Gassman-Pines, A. "Midpregnancy Marriage and Divorce: Why the Death of Shotgun Marriage Has Been Greatly Exaggerated." 53.6 (December, 2016): 1693-1715. [doi] [abs]
- Gassman-Pines, A; Gibson-Davis, CM; Ananat, E. "How Economic Downturns Affect Children’s Development: An Interdisciplinary Perspective on Pathways of Influence." Child Development Perspectives 9.4 (December, 2015): 233-238. [repository], [doi] [abs]
- Rackin, H; Gibson-Davis, CM. "Money, marriage, and children: Qualitative evidence using Network Text Analysis." (September, 2015).
- Gassman-Pines, A; Ananat, EO; Gibson-Davis, CM. "Effects of statewide job losses on adolescent suicide-related behaviors.." American journal of public health 104.10 (October, 2014): 1964-1970. [repository], [doi] [abs]
- Gibson-Davis, C. "Magic moment? Maternal marriage for children born out of wedlock.." Demography 51.4 (August, 2014): 1345-1356. [repository], [doi] [abs]
- Gibson-Davis, C; Rackin, H. "Marriage or carriage? Trends in union context and birth type by education." Journal of Marriage and Family 76.3 (January, 2014): 506-519. [repository], [doi] [abs]
- Ananat, EO; Gassman-Pines, A; Gibson-Davis, C. "Community-wide job loss and teenage fertility: evidence from North Carolina.." Demography 50.6 (December, 2013): 2151-2171. [repository], [doi] [abs]
- Rackin, H; Gibson Davis, CM. "The role of pre- and postconception relationships for first time parents." Journal of Marriage and Family 74.3 (2012): 526-539. [repository], [doi] [abs]
- Jiang, M; Foster, EM; Gibson-Davis, CM. "Breastfeeding and the child cognitive outcomes: a propensity score matching approach.." Maternal and child health journal 15.8 (November, 2011): 1296-1307. [20848171], [doi] [abs]
- Gibson-Davis, C. "Mothers but not wives: The increasing lag between nonmarital births and marriage." Journal of Marriage and Family 73.1 (February, 2011): 264-278. [repository], [doi] [abs]
- Jiang, M, Foster, E.M., and Gibson-Davis, C.M.. "Breastfeeding and child cognitive." Maternal and Child Health Journal. 15 (2011): 1296-1307. [s10995-010-0677-5#page-1] [abs]
- Foster, EM; Jiang, M; Gibson Davis, CM. "The Effect of WIC on the Health of Newborns." Health Services Research 45.4 (2010): 1083-1104. [20459450], [doi] [abs]
- Gibson Davis, CM; Gassman Pines, A. "Early Childhood Family Structure and Mother-Child Interactions: Variation by Race and Ethnicity." Developmental Psychology 46.1 (2010): 151-164. [20053014], [doi] [abs]
- Miang, J; Foster, EM; Gibson Davis, CM. "The Effect of WIC on Breastfeeding: A New Look at an Established Relationship." Children and Youth Services Review 32.2 (2010): 264-273. [S0190740909002497], [doi] [abs]
- Gibson Davis, CM. "Money, Marriage, and Children: Testing the Financial Expectations and Family Formation Theory." Journal of Marriage and Family 71.1 (2009): 146-161. [pdf], [doi] [abs]
- Gibson-Davis, CM. "Family structure effects on maternal and paternal parenting in low-income families." Journal of Marriage and Family 70.2 (May, 2008): 452-465. [doi] [abs]
- Gibson Davis, CM. "The Effect of Family Structure on Maternal and Paternal Parenting." Journal of Marriage and Family 70.2 (2008): 452-465. [pdf], [doi] [abs]
- Gibson-Davis, CM; Brooks-Gunn, J. "The association of couples' relationship status and quality with breastfeeding initiation." Journal of Marriage and Family 69.5 (December, 2007): 1107-1117. [doi] [abs]
- Gibson Davis, CM; Brooks Gunn, J. "The Association between Maternal Relationship Status and Breastfeeding Behaviors." Journal of Marriage and Family 69.5 (2007): 1107-1117. [x], [doi] [abs]
- Duncan, GJ; Gibson-Davis, CM. "Connecting child care quality to child outcomes: drawing policy lessons from nonexperimental data.." Evaluation review 30.5 (October, 2006): 611-630. [16966678], [doi] [abs]
- Gibson Davis, CM; Brooks Gunn, J. "Breastfeeding and the Verbal Ability of Three-Year-Olds in a Multi-City Sample." Pediatrics 118.5 (2006): e1444-e1451. [17079545], [doi] [abs]
- Gibson Davis, CM; Brooks Gunn, J. "Couples’ Immigration, and Ethnicity as Determinants of Breastfeeding." American Journal of Public Health 96.4 (2006): 641-646. [16507724], [doi] [abs]
- Gibson Davis, CM; Foster, EM. "A Cautionary Tale: Using Propensity Scores to Estimate the Impact of Food Stamps on Food Insecurity." Social Service Review 80.1 (2006): 93-126. [doi] [abs]
- Duncan, GJ; Gibson Davis, CM. "Childcare Quality and Child Outcomes: Drawing Policy Lessons from Nonexperimental Data." Evaluation Review 30.5 (2006): 611-630. [611], [doi] [abs]
- Gibson-Davis, CM; Magnuson, K; Gennetian, LA; Duncan, GJ. "Employment and the risk of domestic abuse among low-income women." Journal of Marriage and Family 67.5 (December, 2005): 1149-1168. [doi] [abs]
- Gibson Davis, CM; Edin, K; McLahanan, S. "High Hopes but Even Higher Expectations: The Retreat from Marriage Among Low-Income Couples." Journal of Marriage and Family 67.5 (2005): 1301-1312. [pdf], [doi] [abs]
- Gibson, CM. "Privileging the participant: The importance of sub-group analysis in social welfare evaluations." American Journal of Evaluation 24.4 (December, 2003): 443-469. [pdf], [doi] [abs]
- Gibson, C; Weisner, C. "Rational and Ecocultural Circumstances of Program Take-Up Among Low-Income Working Parents." Human Organization 61.2 (2002): 154-166. [pdf], [doi] [abs]
- Huston, AC; Duncan, GJ; Granger, R; Bos, J; McLoyd, V; Mistry, R; Crosby, D; Gibson, C; Magnuson, K; Romich, J; Ventura, A. "Work-based antipoverty programs for parents can enhance the school performance and social behavior of children.." Child development 72.1 (January, 2001): 318-336. [pdf], [doi] [abs]
Chapters in Books
- Gibson-Davis, CM. "Marriage, Partnering, and Fertility." The Oxford Handbook of the Social Science of Poverty.
Ed. Brady, D; Burton, L Oxford University Press, September, 2015
- Ananat, EO; Gassman-Pines, A; Gibson-Davis, CM. "The effects of local employment losses on children's educational achievement." Whither Opportunity?: Rising Inequality, Schools, and Children's Life Chances. January, 2011: 299-313.
- Ananat, E., Gassman-Pines, A., and Gibson-Davis, C.M. "The Effect of Plant Closings on Children's Educational Achievement." Whither Opportunity? Rising Inequality, Schools, and Children's Life Chances.
Ed. G. J. Duncan, R. Murnane 2011: 299-313.
- Ananat, E; Gassman-Pines, A; Gibson-Davis, CM. "The effects of plant closings on children's educational achievement." Whither Opportunity? Rising Inequality, Schools, and Children's Life.
Ed. Duncan, GJ; Murnane, R Russell Sage, 2011: 299-313.
- Gibson-Davis, CM. "Expectations and the economic bar to marriage among low-income couples." Unmarried Couples with Children.
Ed. P. England and K. Edin January, 2007: 84-103. [abs]
- Magnuson, KA; Gibson-Davis, CM. "Child support among low-income noncustodial fathers." Unmarried Couples with Children. January, 2007: 228-251. [abs]
- Magnuson, K; Gibson-Davis, CM. "Explaining the patterns of child support among low income noncustodial fathers." Unmarried Couples with Children.
Ed. Edin, K; England, P Russell Sage, 2007: 228-251.
- C. Gibson-Davis and Duncan, G.J. "Qualitative/Quantitative Synergies in a Random Assignment Program." Discovering Successful Pathways in Childern's Development: New Methods in the Study of Childhood and Family Life.
Ed. T. Weisner Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2005: 283-303.
- Gibson-Davis, CM; Duncan, GI. "Qualitative/quantitative synergies in a random-assignment program evaluation." Discovering Successful Pathways in Children's Development: Mixed Methods in the Study of Childhood and Family Life.
Ed. Weisner, T 2005: 283-303. [Gateway.cgi]
NBER Working Papers
- Ananat, E., Francis, D., Gassman-Pines, A, and Gibson-Davis, C. "Children left behind: The effects of statewide job loss on student achievement." .17104 (2013). [abs]
- Ananat, EO; Gassman-Pines, A; Francis, D; Gibson-Davis, CM. "Children Left Behind: The Effects of Statewide Job Loss on Student Achievement." (June, 2011).
Other Working Papers
- Gibson-Davis, C.M. "The Association between Fathers’ Informal Employment and Marriage." (2008). [abs]