Sanford School of Public Policy
Duke University
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- Braga, AA; Cook, PJ. Policing gun violence: Strategic reforms for controlling our most pressing crime problem. January, 2023. 1-241 pp. [doi] [abs]
- Cook, PJ. Foreword. Routledge, January, 2018. xiii-xiv pp. [doi]
- Krawiec, K; Cook, P. If We Allow Football Players and Boxers to Be Paid for Entertaining the Public, Why Don't We Allow Kidney Donors to Be Paid for Saving Lives?.81 2018. 9-35 pp.
- Cook, PJ; Goss, KA. The Gun Debate: What Everyone Needs to Know. Oxford University Press, 2014. 336 pages pp. [abs]
- Cook, PJ; Machin, S; Marie, O; Mastrobuoni, G. Lessons from the Economics of Crime: What Reduces Offending?. MIT Press, 2013.
- Cook, Philip J., Ludwig, Jens and McCrary, Justin. Controlling Crime: Strategies and Tradeoffs.
Edited by Cook, PJ; Ludwig, J; McCrary, J. University of Chicago Press, 2011. [html]
- Frank, RH; Cook, PJ. The Winner-Take-All Society. Virgin Books, 2010. [author's comments]
- Cook, PJ. Paying the Tab: The Economics of Alcohol Policy. Princeton University Press, 2007.
- Evaluating Gun Violence.
Edited by J Ludwig and PJ Cook. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, 2003.
- Evaluating Gun Policy.
Edited by Ludwig, J; Cook, PJ. Brookings Institution Press, 2003.
- PJ Cook and J Ludwig. Gun Violence: The Real Costs. Oxford University Press, 2000.
- Cook, PJ; Ludwig, J. Gun Violence: The Real Costs. Oxford University Press, 2000. 1-256 pp. [doi] [abs]
- Cook, PJ; Ludwig, J. Guns in America results of a comprehensive national survey on firearms ownership and use. The Police Foundation, January, 1996. 94 pages pp. [abs]
- Cook, PJ. Kids, Guns and Public Policy.
Edited by Cook, PJ.59.1Duke University School of Law, Winter, 1996.
- Frank, RH; Cook, PJ. The Winner-Take-All Society. New York: The Free Press, 1995. (Named a "Notable Book of the Year, 1995" by the New York Times Book Review; named one o the ten Best Business Books of 1995 by Business Week; given The Critics' Choice Award 1995-96 by the San Francisco Review of Books. Paperback edition (Penguin Books, 1996). Named "One of Ten best books of the year, 1996" by The China Times. Portuguese, Korean, Chinese, and Japanese editions)
- Cook, PJ; Slawson, D. The Costs of Adjudicating Murder Cases in North Carolina. Administrative Office of the Courts, 1993.
- Clotfelter, CT; Cook, PJ. Selling Hope: State Lotteries in America. Harvard University Press, 1989. [html]
- Vice. Law and Contemporary Problems.
Edited by PJ Cook. Winter, 1988. [online]
- Cook, P. Robbery in the United States an analysis of recent trends and patterns. National Institute of Justice, September, 1983. 32 pages pp.
- Blose, J; Cook, PJ. Regulating Handgun Transfers Current State and Federal Procedures, and an Assessment of the Feasibility and Cost of the Proposed Procedures in the Handgun Crime Control Act of 1979. Institute of Policy Sciences and Public Affairs, Duke University, 1980. 136 pages pp.
- Cook, PJ; Nagin, D. Does the Weapon Matter? An Evaluation of a Weapon Emphasis Policy in the Prosecution of Violent Offenders. Institute of Law and Social Research, 1979.
- Vaupel, JW; Cook, P. Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Self-hazardous Behavior. Institute of Policy Sciences and Public Affairs, Duke University, 1978. 158 pages pp.
- Cook, PJ; Austin, J; Levi, R. A Summary of State Legal Codes Governing Juvenile Delinquency Proceedings. Institute of Policy Sciences and Public Affairs, Duke University, 1977.
- Cook, PJ. Criminal Process in the Seventies.
Edited by Pye, AK; Cook, PJ.41.1Winter, 1977.
- Cook, PJ; Fischer, GW. Citizen Cooperation with the Criminal Justice System. 1976. 158 pages pp.
- Cook, PJ. Valuing Lives.
Edited by Cook, PJ.40 1976. 17-22 pp. [sici] [abs]
- Cook, PJ; University of California, BIOIR; Administration, USDOLM. The effect of legitimate opportunities on the probability of parolee recidivism. 1971. 96 pages pp.
Journal Articles
- Cook, PJ; Jeuland, M; Ludwig, J. "Valuing the benefits of reducing firearm violence in the United States.." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 122.4 (January, 2025): e2419864122. [doi] [abs]
- Azrael, D; Blocher, J; Cook, PJ; Hemenway, D; Miller, M. "A Critique of Findings on Gun Ownership, Use, and Imagined Use from the 2021 National Firearms Survey: Response to William English." (December, 2024).
- "Corrigendum to Explaining the Extraordinary Decline in Chicago’s Homicide Arrest Rates, 1965 to 1994 and Beyond: Trends in Case Mix Versus Standards for Arrest." Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice (June, 2024). [doi]
- Cook, PJ; Soliman, A. "Evaluation of Durham's ShotSpotter Installation: Results of a 12-Month Pilot Project." (February, 2024).
- Cook, PJ; Lopez, J. "Explaining the Extraordinary Decline in Chicago’s Homicide Arrest Rates, 1965 to 1994 and Beyond: Trends in Case Mix Versus Standards for Arrest." Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice 40.1 (February, 2024): 82-112. [doi] [abs]
- Cook, PJ; Mancik, A. "The Sixty-Year Trajectory of Homicide Clearance Rates: Toward a Better Understanding of the Great Decline." Annual Review of Criminology 7 (January, 2024): 59-83. [doi] [abs]
- Zang, E; Tan, PL; Cook, PJ. "Sibling Spillovers: Having an Academically Successful Older Sibling May be More Important for Children in Disadvantaged Families.." AJS; American journal of sociology 128.5 (March, 2023): 1529-1571. [doi] [abs]
- Guryan, J; Ludwig, J; Bhatt, MP; Cook, PJ; Davis, JMV; Dodge, K; Farkas, G; Fryer, RG; Mayer, S; Pollack, H; Steinberg, L; Stoddard, G. "Not Too Late: Improving Academic Outcomes among Adolescents." American Economic Review 113.3 (March, 2023): 738-765. [doi] [abs]
- Cook, PJ; Parker, ST. "Correcting Misinformation on Firearms Injuries.." JAMA network open 5.12 (December, 2022): e2246434. [doi]
- Barber, C; Cook, PJ; Parker, ST. "The emerging infrastructure of US firearms injury data.." Preventive medicine 165.Pt A (December, 2022): 107129. [doi] [abs]
- Gibson, JA; Gebhardt, MJ; Santos, RERS; Dove, SL; Watnick, PI. "Sequestration of a dual function DNA-binding protein by Vibrio cholerae CRP.." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 119.46 (November, 2022): e2210115119. [doi] [abs]
- Braga, AA; Cook, PJ; Douglas, S. "Prevention Strategies for Policing Gun Violence." Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 704.1 (November, 2022): 158-180. [doi] [abs]
- Cook, PJ; Donohue, JJ. "Regulating Assault Weapons and Large-Capacity Magazines for Ammunition.." JAMA 328.12 (September, 2022): 1191-1192. [doi]
- Donohue, JJ; Cai, S; Bondy, M; Cook, PJ. "Why Does Right-to-Carry Cause Violent Crime to Increase?." (June, 2022).
- Cook, PJ; Parker, ST. "Reducing Misuse of Handguns by Rural Youth-Focus on the Parents.." JAMA network open 5.4 (April, 2022): e225136. [doi]
- Gibson, JM; MacDonald, JM; Fisher, M; Chen, X; Pawlick, A; Cook, PJ. "Early life lead exposure from private well water increases juvenile delinquency risk among US teens.." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 119.6 (February, 2022): e2110694119. [doi] [abs]
- Braga, AA; Brunson, RK; Cook, PJ; Turchan, B; Wade, B. "Underground Gun Markets and the Flow of Illegal Guns into the Bronx and Brooklyn: A Mixed Methods Analysis.." Journal of urban health : bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine 98.5 (October, 2021): 596-608. [doi] [abs]
- Guryan, J; Ludwig, J; Bhatt, M; Cook, PJ; Davis, JMV; Dodge, K; Farkas, G; Fryer, RG; Mayer, S; Pollack, HA; Steinberg, L. "Not Too Late: Improving Academic Outcomes Among Adolescents." University of Chicago, Becker Friedman Institute for Economics Working Paper 2021 (March, 2021).
- White, K; Cook, PJ; Pollack, HA. "Gunshot-victim cooperation with police investigations: Results from the Chicago Inmate Survey.." Preventive medicine 143 (February, 2021): 106381. [doi] [abs]
- Barao, L; Braga, AA; Turchan, B; Cook, PJ. "Clearing gang- and drug-involved nonfatal shootings." Policing 44.4 (January, 2021): 577-590. [doi] [abs]
- Cook, PJ; Berglund, A. "More and better video evidence for police investigations of shootings: Chicago's area technology centers." Policing 44.4 (January, 2021): 655-668. [doi] [abs]
- Cook, PJ. "Thinking about gun violence." Criminology and Public Policy 19.4 (November, 2020): 1371-1393. [doi] [abs]
- Gibson, JM; Fisher, M; Clonch, A; MacDonald, JM; Cook, PJ. "Children drinking private well water have higher blood lead than those with city water.." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 117.29 (July, 2020): 16898-16907. [doi] [abs]
- Cook, PJ; Kang, S. "Girls to the front: How redshirting and test-score gaps are affected by a change in the school-entry cut date." Economics of Education Review 76 (June, 2020). [doi] [abs]
- Krawiec, K; Cook, P. "Kidney Donation and the Consent of the Poor." Loyola Law Review 66.1 (2020): 23-32.
- Cook, PJ; Pollack, HA; White, K. "The Last Link: from Gun Acquisition to Criminal Use.." Journal of urban health : bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine 96.5 (October, 2019): 784-791. [doi] [abs]
- Cook, PJ; Ludwig, J. "UNDERSTANDING GUN VIOLENCE: PUBLIC HEALTH VS. PUBLIC POLICY." Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 38.3 (June, 2019): 788-795. [doi]
- Cook, PJ; Ludwig, J. "RESPONSE TO COUNTERPOINT: VIOLENCE ITSELF IS A ROOT CAUSE OF VIOLENCE." Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 38.3 (June, 2019): 802-804. [doi]
- Cook, PJ; Ludwig, J. "The social costs of gun ownership: a reply to Hayo, Neumeier, and Westphal." Empirical Economics 56.1 (January, 2019): 13-22. [doi] [abs]
- Weisburd, D; Majmundar, MK; Aden, H; Braga, A; Bueermann, J; Cook, PJ; Goff, PA; Harmon, RA; Haviland, A; Lum, C; Manski, C; Mastrofski, S; Meares, T; Nagin, D; Owens, E; Raphael, S; Ratcliffe, J; Tyler, T. "Proactive Policing: a Summary of the Report of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine." Asian Journal of Criminology (January, 2019). [doi] [abs]
- Cook, PJ; Braga, AA; Turchan, BS; Barao, LM. "Why do gun murders have a higher clearance rate than gunshot assaults?." Criminology and Public Policy 18.3 (January, 2019): 525-551. [doi] [abs]
- Cook, PJ. "Expanding the Public Health Approach to Gun Violence Prevention.." Annals of internal medicine 169.10 (November, 2018): 723-724. [doi]
- Braga AA; Cook PJ. "The association of firearm caliber with likelihood of death from gunshot injury in criminal assaults." JAMA Network Open 1.3 (July, 2018): e180833. [2688536], [doi] [abs]
- Cook, PJ. "Gun Theft and Crime.." Journal of urban health : bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine 95.3 (June, 2018): 305-312. [doi] [abs]
- Smucker, S; Kerber, RE; Cook, PJ. "Suicide and Additional Homicides Associated with Intimate Partner Homicide: North Carolina 2004-2013.." Journal of urban health : bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine 95.3 (June, 2018): 337-343. [doi] [abs]
- Cook, PJ. "Challenge of Firearms Control in a Free Society." Criminology and Public Policy 17.2 (May, 2018): 437-451. [doi] [abs]
- Cook, PJ; Kang, S. "The School-Entry-Age Rule Affects Redshirting Patterns and Resulting Disparities in Achievement." (April, 2018).
- Cook, PJ. "Gun markets." Annual Review of Criminology 1.1 (January, 2018): 379-400. [doi] [abs]
- Cook, PJ; Krawiec, K. "If We Pay Football Players, Why Not Kidney Donors?." Regulation 41 (2018): 12-17. [abs]
- Cook, PJ; Donohue, JJ. "Saving lives by regulating guns: Evidence for policy." Science 358.6368 (December, 2017): 1259. [doi]
- Cook, PJ; Rivera-Aguirre, AE; Cerdá, M; Wintemute, G. "Cook et al. Respond.." American journal of public health 107.12 (December, 2017): e23. [doi]
- Sorensen, LC; Cook, PJ; Dodge, KA. "From Parents to Peers: Trajectories in Sources of Academic Influence Grades 4 to 8." Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 39.4 (December, 2017): 697-711. [doi] [abs]
- Cook, PJ; Dodge, KA; Gifford, EJ; Schulting, AB. "A new program to prevent primary school absenteeism: Results of a pilot study in five schools." Children and Youth Services Review 82 (November, 2017): 262-270. [doi] [abs]
- Cook, PJ; Rivera-Aguirre, AE; Cerdá, M; Wintemute, G. "RE: "The hidden epidemic of firearm injury: Increasing firearm injury rates during 2001-2013".." American journal of epidemiology 186.7 (October, 2017): 896. [doi]
- Cook, PJ; Pollack, HA. "Reducing access to guns by violent offenders." RSF 3.5 (October, 2017): 2-36. [doi]
- Cook, PJ; Rivera-Aguirre, AE; Cerdá, M; Wintemute, G. "Constant Lethality of Gunshot Injuries From Firearm Assault: United States, 2003-2012.." American journal of public health 107.8 (August, 2017): 1324-1328. [doi] [abs]
- Cook, PJ. "At Last, a Good Estimate of the Magnitude of the Private-Sale Loophole for Firearms.." Annals of internal medicine 166.4 (February, 2017): 301-302. [doi]
- Cook, PJ. "Deadly force.." Science (New York, N.Y.) 355.6327 (February, 2017): 803. [doi]
- Cook, PJ. "Behavioral Science Critique of HOPE." Criminology and Public Policy 15.4 (November, 2016): 1155-1161. [doi]
- Webster, DW; Cerdá, M; Wintemute, GJ; Cook, PJ. "Epidemiologic Evidence to Guide the Understanding and Prevention of Gun Violence.." Epidemiologic reviews 38.1 (January, 2016): 1-4. [doi] [abs]
- Cook, PJ. "Will the Current Crisis in Police Legitimacy Increase Crime? Research Offers a Way Forward.." Psychological science in the public interest : a journal of the American Psychological Society 16.3 (December, 2015): 71-74. [doi]
- Cook, PJ; Parker, ST; Pollack, HA. "Sources of guns to dangerous people: what we learn by asking them.." Preventive medicine 79 (October, 2015): 28-36. [doi] [abs]
- Cook, PJ; Kang, S; Braga, AA; Ludwig, J; O’Brien, ME. "An Experimental Evaluation of a Comprehensive Employment-Oriented Prisoner Re-entry Program." Journal of Quantitative Criminology 31.3 (September, 2015): 355-382. [doi] [abs]
- Frattaroli, S; Pollack, KM; Cook, PJ; Salomon, M; Omaki, E; Gielen, AC. "Public opinion concerning residential sprinkler systems for 1- and 2-family homes.." Injury epidemiology 2.1 (January, 2015): 27. [doi] [abs]
- Cook, PJ; Harris, RJ; Ludwig, J; Pollack, HA. "Some sources of crime guns in Chicago: Dirty dealers, straw purchasers, and traffickers." The Journal of criminal law & criminology 104.4 (2015): 717-760. [abs]
- Cook, PJ; Kang, S. "Birthdays, schooling, and crime: Regression-discontinuity analysis of school performance, delinquency, dropout, and crime initiation." American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 8.1 (2015): 33-57. [doi] [abs]
- Krawiec, K; Cook, P. "Foreword: Organs and Inducements." Law & Contemporary Problems 77 (2014): i-vii. [1]
- Krawiec, K; Cook, P. "A Primer on Kidney Transplantation: Anatomy of the Shortage." Law & Contemporary Problems 77.3 (2014): 1-23. [available here]
- Cook, PJ. "The great american gun war: Notes from four decades in the trenches." Crime and Justice 42.1 (December, 2013): 19-73. [Gateway.cgi], [doi] [abs]
- Frank, RH; Cook, PJ. "Winner-Take-All Markets." Studies in Microeconomics 1.2 (December, 2013): 131-154. [doi] [abs]
- Cook, PJ; Durrance, CP. "The virtuous tax: lifesaving and crime-prevention effects of the 1991 federal alcohol-tax increase.." Journal of health economics 32.1 (January, 2013): 261-267. [23220460], [doi] [abs]
- Braga, AA; Wintemute, GJ; Pierce, GL; Cook, PJ; Ridgeway, G. "Interpreting the empirical evidence on illegal gun market dynamics.." Journal of urban health : bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine 89.5 (October, 2012): 779-793. [doi] [abs]
- Cook, PJ. "Drug policy research." ISSUES IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 29.1 (September, 2012): 9-11. [Gateway.cgi]
- Cook, PJ; O'Brien, M; Braga, A; Ludwig, J. "Lessons from a partially controlled field trial." Journal of Experimental Criminology 8.3 (September, 2012): 271-287. [doi] [abs]
- Cook, PJ. "Evidence from a high-income country.." Addiction (Abingdon, England) 107.8 (August, 2012): 1388-1389. [22779413], [doi]
- Cook, PJ; Machin, SJ; Marie, OE; Mastrobuoni, G. "Lessons from the Economics of Crime." (July, 2012). [abs]
- Cook, PJ. "Alcohol retail privatization: a commentary.." American journal of preventive medicine 42.4 (April, 2012): 430-432. [22424258], [doi]
- Bushway, S; Cook, PJ; Phillips, M. "The Overall Effect of the Business Cycle on Crime." German Economic Review 13.4 (January, 2012): 436-446. [pdf], [doi] [abs]
- Cook, PJ. "Q&A on Firearms Availability, Carrying, and Misuse." Government, Law and Policy Journal 14.1 (Summer, 2012): 77-81.
- Cook, PJ. "The Impact of Drug Market Pulling Levers Policing on Neighborhood Violence An Evaluation of the High Point Drug Market Intervention." Criminology & Public Policy 11.2 (2012): 161-164. [doi] [author's comments]
- Cook, PJ. "Post-Heller Strategies to reduce gun violence." Journal of Catholic Social Thought 8.1 (Winter, 2011): 93-110.
- Cook, PJ; Ludwig, J. "The Economist's guide to crime busting." The Wilson Quarterly (Winter, 2011): 62-66. [pdf]
- Durrance, CP; Golden, S; Perreira, K; Cook, P. "Taxing sin and saving lives: Can alcohol taxation reduce female homicides?." Social science & medicine (1982) 73.1 (July, 2011): 169-176. [doi] [abs]
- Cook, PJ. "Paying the tab: The costs and benefits of alcohol control." Paying the Tab: The Costs and Benefits of Alcohol Control (June, 2011): 1-262. [abs]
- Cook, PJ. "Paying the tab: The costs and benefits of alcohol control." Paying the Tab: The Costs and Benefits of Alcohol Control (June, 2011): 1-262. [abs]
- Cook, PJ; Macdonald, J. "Public Safety through Private Action: An Economic Assessment of BIDs." Economic Journal 121.552 (May, 2011): 445-462. [doi] [abs]
- Cook, PJ. "Co-Production in deterring crime." Criminology & Public Policy 10.1 (February, 2011): 103-108. [doi]
- Kim, EHW; Cook, PJ. "The continuing importance of children in relieving elder poverty: evidence from Korea." Ageing and Society 31.6 (2011): 953-976. [doi] [abs]
- Cook, PJ. "Property crimes - yes; violence - no: Comment on Lauritsen and Heimer." Criminology & Public Policy 9.4 (November, 2010): 693-697. [doi]
- Tokunaga, K; Sugiu, K; Yoshino, K; Terai, Y; Imaoka, T; Handa, A; Hirotsune, N; Kusaka, N; Date, I. "Percutaneous balloon angioplasty for acute occlusion of intracranial arteries.." Neurosurgery 67.3 Suppl Operative (September, 2010): ons189-ons196. [doi] [abs]
- Cook, PJ; Gottfredson, DC; Na, C. "School crime control and prevention." Crime and Justice 39.1 (January, 2010): 313-440. [doi] [abs]
- Cook, PJ. "Potential savings from abolition of the death penalty in North Carolina." American Law and Economics Review 11.2 (December, 2009): 498-529. [doi] [abs]
- Cook, PJ. "Comment on "explaining change and stasis in alcohol consumption"." Addiction Research and Theory 17.6 (November, 2009): 586-587. [doi]
- Cook, PJ. "The Economics of Crime: An Introduction to Rational Crime Analysis.." JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC LITERATURE 47.3 (September, 2009): 804-806. [Gateway.cgi]
- Cook, PJ; Cukier, W; Krause, K. "The illicit firearms trade in North America." Criminology and Criminal Justice 9.3 (August, 2009): 265-286. [doi] [abs]
- Cook, PJ; Ludwig, J; Samaha, AM. "Gun control after Heller: Threats and sideshows from a social welfare perspective." UCLA Law Review 56.5 (June, 2009): 1041-1093. [abs]
- Cook, PJ. "Crime Control in the City: A Research-Based Briefing on Public and Private Measures." Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research 11.1 (March, 2009): 53-80.
- Cook, PJ. "Crime in the city." (January, 2009): 297-327.
- Cook, PJ. "Potential savings from abolition of the death penalty in North Carolina." American Law and Economics Review 10.2 (2009): 1-32. [doi] [abs]
- Cook, PJ. "Regulation and Public Interests: The Possibility of Good Regulatory Government by Steven P. Croley." Political Science Quarterly 123.4 (December, 2008): 700-701. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
- Cook, PJ; MacCoun, R; Muschkin, C; Vigdor, J. "The negative impacts of starting middle school in sixth grade." Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 27.1 (Winter, 2008): 104-121. [doi] [abs]
- Carpenter, C; Cook, PJ. "Cigarette taxes and youth smoking: new evidence from national, state, and local Youth Risk Behavior Surveys.." Journal of health economics 27.2 (March, 2008): 287-299. [doi] [abs]
- Sorenson, SB; Cook, PJ. "'We've got a gun?': Comparing reports of adolescents and their parents about household firearms." Journal of Community Psychology 36.1 (January, 2008): 1-19. [doi]
- MacCoun, R; Cook, PJ; Muschkin, C; Vigdor, JL. "Distinguishing spurious and real peer effects: Evidence from artificial societies, small-group experiments, and real schoolyards." Review of Law and Economics 4.3 (January, 2008). [doi] [abs]
- Cook, PJ. "A Free Lunch." Journal of Drug Policy Analysis 1.1 (2008).
- Cook, P; Ludwig, J; Venkatesh, S; Braga, A. "Half-cocked." Economist 385.8558 (December, 2007).
- Cook, PJ; Ludwig, J; Venkatesh, S; Braga, AA. "Underground gun markets." Economic Journal 117.524 (November, 2007): F588-F618. [doi] [abs]
- Cook, PJ; Reuter, P. "Response to comments." Addiction 102.8 (August, 2007): 1192-1193. [doi]
- Cook, PJ; Reuter, P. "When is alcohol just another drug? Some thoughts on research and policy.." Addiction (Abingdon, England) 102.8 (August, 2007): 1183-1188. [17624970], [doi] [abs]
- Cook, PJ; Reuter, P. "When is alcohol just another drug?." Addiction 98.10 (June, 2007): 1182-1188.
- Cook, PJ; Hutchinson, R. "Smoke Signals: Adolescent Smoking and School Continuation." Advances in Austrian Economics 10 (May, 2007): 157-186. [doi] [abs]
- COOK, PJ. "The Demand for Alcohol, Tobacco and Marijuana: International Evidence." Addiction 102.5 (May, 2007): 830-830. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
- Sanford, C; Marshall, SW; Martin, SL; Coyne-Beasley, T; Waller, AE; Cook, PJ; Norwood, T; Demissie, Z. "Deaths from violence in North Carolina, 2004: how deaths differ in females and males.." Injury prevention : journal of the International Society for Child and Adolescent Injury Prevention 12 Suppl 2.SUPPL. 2 (December, 2006): ii10-ii16. [doi] [abs]
- Cook, PJ. "Symposium on Deterrence: Editorial Introduction." Criminology & Public Policy 53.3 (August, 2006): 413-416.
- Cook, PJ; MacCoun, R; Muschkin, C; Vigdor, JL. "Should Sixth Grade Be in Elementary or Middle School? An Analysis of Grade Configuration and Student Behavior." (August, 2006).
- Cook, PJ; Ludwig, J. "Aiming for evidence-based gun policy." Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 25.3 (Summer, 2006): 691-735. [doi]
- Cook, PJ; Sorenson, SB. "The gender gap among teen survey respondents: Why are boys more likely to report a gun in the home than girls?." Journal of Quantitative Criminology 22.1 (March, 2006): 61-76. [doi] [abs]
- Cook, PJ; Khmilevska, N. "Cross-national patterns in crime rates." Crime and JusticeCrime and Punishment in Western Countries, 1980-1999 33 (January, 2006): 331-345. [doi]
- Cook, PJ; Ludwig, J. "The social costs of gun ownership." Journal of Public Economics 90.1-2 (January, 2006): 379-391. [doi] [abs]
- Wintemute, GJ; Cook, PJ; Wright, MA. "Risk factors among handgun retailers for frequent and disproportionate sales of guns used in violent and firearm related crimes.." Injury prevention : journal of the International Society for Child and Adolescent Injury Prevention 11.6 (December, 2005): 357-363. [doi] [abs]
- Cook, PJ; Ludwig, J; Braga, AA. "Criminal records of homicide offenders.." JAMA 294.5 (August, 2005): 598-601. [16077054], [doi] [abs]
- Sloan, FA; Cook, PJ; Ostermann, J. "Net Effect of an Alcohol Tax Increase on Death Rates in Middle Age." American Economic Review 95.2 (May, 2005): 278-281. [doi]
- Cook, PJ; Ostermann, J; Sloan, FA. "The Net Effect of an Alcohol Tax Increase on." American Economic Review 95.2 (May, 2005): 278-281. [online], [doi] [abs]
- Wintermute, GJ; Cook, PJ; Wright, M. "Risk Factors among Handgun Retailers for Frequent and Disproportionate Sales of Guns Used in Violent and Firearm-Related Crimes." (2005): 357-363.
- Cook, PJ. "Can gun control work?." Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 23.1 (December, 2004): 198-201. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
- Cook, PJ; Ludwig, J. "Public policy perspectives: Principles for effective gun policy." Fordham Law Review 73.2 (November, 2004): 589-614.
- Cook, PJ; Ludwig, J. "Principles for effective gun policy." FORDHAM LAW REVIEW 73.2 (November, 2004): 589-613. [Gateway.cgi] [abs]
- Cook, PJ. "Youths' involvement with guns: motivation vs availability.." Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine 158.7 (July, 2004): 705. [doi]
- Azrael, D; Cook, PJ; Miller, M. "State and local prevalence of firearms ownership measurement, structure, and trends." Journal of Quantitative Criminology 20.1 (March, 2004): 43-62. [doi] [abs]
- Cook, PJ; Ludwig, J. "Does gun prevalence affect teen gun carrying after all?." Criminology 42.1 (January, 2004): 27-54. [doi] [abs]
- Cook, PJ. "Can gun control work&quest." Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 23.1 (Fall, 2004): 198-201.
- Cook, PJ. "Pricing and Taxation of Alcohol: What is the 'Right' Tax Rate? Comment on Alcohol: No Ordinary Commodity." Addiction 98.10 (October, 2003): 1356-1357. [doi]
- Cook, PJ. "Pricing and taxation of alcohol: What is the 'right' tax rate? Comment on chapter 6: Pricing and taxation." Addiction 98.10 (October, 2003): 1356-1357. [doi]
- Cook, PJ. "Meeting the Demand for Expert Advice on Drug Policy." Criminology and Public Policy 2.3 (July, 2003): 565-570. [online] [abs]
- Cook, PJ; Ludwig, J. "Fact-free gun policy?." University of Pennsylvania Law Review 151.4 (January, 2003): 1329-1340. [doi]
- Cook, PJ; Ludwig, J. "The costs of gun violence against children.." The Future of children 12.2 (June, 2002): 86-99. [doi] [abs]
- Cook, PJ. "Drug War Heresies: Learning from Other Vices, Times, and Places by Robert J. MacCoun and Peter Reuter. Why Our Drug Laws Have Failed and What We Can Do About It: A Judicial Indictment of the War on Drugs by James P. Gray." Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 21.2 (March, 2002): 303-306. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
- Cook, PJ; Moore, MJ. "The economics of alcohol abuse and alcohol-control policies.." Health affairs (Project Hope) 21.2 (March, 2002): 120-133. [11900152], [doi] [abs]
- Braga, AA; Cook, PJ; Kennedy, DM; Moore, MH. "The Illegal Supply of Firearms." Crime and JusticeCrime and Justice: A Review of Research 29 (January, 2002): 319-352. [Gateway.cgi], [doi] [abs]
- Cook, PJ. "Drug War Heresies: Learning from Other Vices, Times, and Places by Robert J. MacCoun and Peter Reuter." Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 21.2 (2002): 303-306.
- Cook, PJ; Leitzel, JA. "'Smart' Guns: A Technological Fix for Regulating the Secondary Gun Market." Contemporary Economic Problems 20.1 (2002): 38-49. [doi]
- Cook, PJ. "What price fame?." JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC LITERATURE 39.3 (September, 2001): 933-935. [Gateway.cgi]
- Cook, PJ. "Cost-benefit analysis of heroin maintenance treatment (medical prescription of narcotics, volume II)." ADDICTION 96.7 (July, 2001): 1071-1072. [Gateway.cgi]
- Ludwig, J; Cook, PJ. "The Benefits of Reducing Gun Violence: Evidence from Contingent-Valuation Survey Data." Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 22.3 (January, 2001): 207-226. [doi] [abs]
- PJ Cook and A Braga. "Comprehensive Firearms Tracing: Strategic and Investigative Uses of New Data on Firearms Markets." Arizona Law Review 43.2 (2001): 277-309. (Reprinted with minor changes as "New Law Enforcement Uses for Comprehensive Firearms Trace Data" in BE Harcourt (ed.) Guns, Crime, and Punishment New York: NYU Press, 2003: 163-187)
- Cook, PJ; Braga, A. "Comprehensive Firearms Tracing: Strategic and Investigative Uses of New Data on Firearms Markets." Arizona Law Review 43.2 (2001): 277-309.
- Ludwig, J; Cook, PJ. "Impact of the Brady Act on homicide and suicide rates - Reply." JAMA-JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION 284.21 (December, 2000): 2720-2721. [Gateway.cgi]
- Kleck, G; Marvell, T. "Impact of the Brady Act on homicide and suicide rates.." JAMA 284.21 (December, 2000): 2718-2719. [doi]
- Cook, PJ; Moore, MJ. "Chapter 30 Alcohol." Handbook of Health Economics 1.PART B (December, 2000): 1629-1673. [doi] [abs]
- Ludwig, J; Cook, PJ. "Homicide and suicide rates associated with implementation of the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act.." JAMA 284.5 (August, 2000): 585-591. [doi] [abs]
- Ludwig, J; Cook, PJ; Smith, TW. "Ludwig et al. Respond." American Journal of Public Health 89.9 (September, 1999): 1442-1442. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
- Trent, RB; Van Court, JC; Kim, AN. "Household gun ownership.." American journal of public health 89.9 (September, 1999): 1442. [doi]
- Cook, PJ; Lawrence, BA; Ludwig, J; Miller, TR. "The medical costs of gunshot injuries in the United States.." JAMA 282.5 (August, 1999): 447-454. [10442660], [doi] [abs]
- PJ Cook, B Lawrence, J Ludwig, and T Miller. "The Medical Costs of Gunshot Wounds." Journal of the American Medical Association 282.5 (August 4, 1999): 447-454.
- PJ Cook, A Parnell, MJ Moore, and D Pagnini. "The Effects of Short-Term Variation in Abortion Funding on Pregnancy Outcomes." Journal of Health Economics 18.2 (1999): 241-258. [abs]
- Cook, PJ; Lawrence, B; Ludwig, J; Miller, T. "The Medical Costs of Gunshot Wounds." Journal of the American Medical Association 282.5 (1999): 447-454.
- Cook, PJ; Parnell, A; Moore, MJ; Pagnini, D. "The Effects of Short-Term Variation in Abortion Funding on Pregnancy Outcomes." Journal of Health Economics 18.2 (1999): 241-258. [doi] [abs]
- Ludwig, J; Cook, PJ; Smith, TW. "The gender gap in reporting household gun ownership.." American journal of public health 88.11 (November, 1998): 1715-1718. [online], [doi] [abs]
- Cook, PJ. "Safer guns." ISSUES IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 15.1 (September, 1998): 12-12. [Gateway.cgi]
- Teret, SP; Webster, DW; Vernick, JS; Smith, TW; Leff, D; Wintemute, GJ; Cook, PJ; Hawkins, DF; Kellermann, AL; Sorenson, SB; DeFrancesco, S. "Support for new policies to regulate firearms. Results of two national surveys.." The New England journal of medicine 339.12 (September, 1998): 813-818. [doi] [abs]
- Cook, PJ; Ludwig, J. "Defensive Gun Uses: New Evidence from a National Survey." Journal of Quantitative Criminology 14.2 (January, 1998): 111-131. [online], [doi] [abs]
- Cook, PJ; Ludwig, J. "Weighing the Burden of 'Acting White': Are there Race Differences in Attitudes Towards Education?." Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 16.2 (Spring, 1997): 256-278. (Winner of the Vernon Prize for best paper in Volume 16) [online], [doi] [abs]
- Cook, PJ; Ludwig, J; Hemenway, D. "The gun debate's new mythical number: How many defensive uses per year?." Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 16.3 (Summer, 1997): 463-469. [Gateway.cgi], [doi] [abs]
- Cook, PJ; Ludwig, J. "Weighing the OBurden of Acting WhiteO: Are There Race Differences in Attitudes Towards Education?." JOURNAL OF POLICY ANALYSIS AND MANAGEMENT 16.3 (1997).
- Cook, PJ. "Kids, guns, and public policy - Foreword." LAW AND CONTEMPORARY PROBLEMS 59.1 (Winter, 1996): 1-4. [Gateway.cgi]
- Cook, PJ; Leitzel, J. "Perversity, Futility, Jeopardy: An Economic Analysis of the Attack on Gun Control." Law and Contemporary Problems 59.1 (Winter, 1996): 91-118. [online], [doi]
- Cook, PJ; Leitzel, JA. "Letters to the editor." Society 33.6 (September, 1996): 6-7. [doi]
- Cook, PJ; Cole, TB. "Strategic thinking about gun markets and violence.." JAMA 275.22 (June, 1996): 1765-1767. [doi]
- Cook, PJ; Cole, T. "Editorial: Strategic Thinking About Gun Markets and Violence." Journal of the American Medical Association 275.22 (1996): 1765-1767.
- .,. "Kids, Guns, and Public Policy." Law and Contemporary Problems : a Quarterly Published by the Duke University, School of Law 59.1 (1996).
- Warner, KE; Cook, PJ; al, E. "Criteria for Determining an Optimal Cigarette Tax: the Economists' Perspective." Tobacco Control 4.4 (Winter, 1995): 380-386. [abs]
- Cook, PJ; Skog, O-J. "Alcool, Alcoolisme, Aloolisation.." Alcohol health and research world 19.1 (January, 1995): 30-31.
- Cook, PJ; Skog, OJ. "Alcool, alcoolisme, alcoolisation" by S. Ledermann." Alcohol Health & Research World 19.1 (1995): 30-32. [online] [abs]
- Cook, PJ; Molliconi, S; Cole, TB. "Regulating Gun Markets." The Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology (1973-) 86.1 (1995): 59-59. [Gateway.cgi], [doi] [abs]
- COOK, PJ; MOORE, MJ. "THIS TAXS FOR YOU - THE CASE FOR HIGHER BEER TAXES." NATIONAL TAX JOURNAL 47.3 (September, 1994): 559-573. [Gateway.cgi]
- Cook, PJ; Moore, MJ. "This Tax's for You." National Tax Journal (September, 1994): 559-573. [online] [abs]
- Cook, PJ. "The matter of tobacco use.." Science (New York, N.Y.) 262.5140 (December, 1993): 1750-1751. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
- Clotfelter, CT; Cook, PJ. "Notes: The "Gambler's Fallacy" in Lottery Play." Management Science 39.12 (December, 1993): 1521-1525. [abs]
- Clotfelter, CT; Cook, PJ. "Notes: The “Gambler's Fallacy” in Lottery Play." Management Science 39.12 (December, 1993): 1521-1525. [Gateway.cgi], [doi] [abs]
- PJ Cook and CT Clotfelter. "The Peculiar Scale of Economics of Lotto." American Economic Review (June, 1993): 634-643. [online] [abs]
- Cook, PJ. "Confronting Drunk Driving: Social Policy for Saving Lives." Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law 18.1 (February, 1993): 235-237. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
- Zwerling, C; McMillan, D; Cook, PJ; Gunderson, P; Johnson, N; Kellermann, AL; Lee, RK; Loftin, C; Merchant, JA; Teret, S. "Firearm injuries: Public health recommendations." American Journal of Preventive Medicine 9.3 SUPPL. (January, 1993): 52-56. [doi]
- Cook, PJ. "Notes on the availability and prevalence of firearms." American Journal of Preventive Medicine 9.3 SUPPL. (January, 1993): 33-38. [doi] [abs]
- Cook, PJ; Moore, MJ. "Violence Reduction through Restrictions on Alcohol Availability." Alcohol Health & Research World 17.2 (1993): 151-156. [online] [abs]
- Cook, PJ. "Notes on the Availability and Prevalence of Firearms." American Journal of Preventive Medicine 9.3,supp (1993): 33-38. [Gateway.cgi] [abs]
- Cook, PJ; Moore, MJ. "Drinking and Schooling." Journal of Health Economics 12.4 (1993): 411-429. [doi] [abs]
- Cook, PJ; Kleiman, MAR; Zimring, FE; Hawkins, G. "Against Excess: Drug Policy for Results." Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 11.4 (1992): 716-716. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
- Cook, PJ; Clotfelter, CT. "The Peculiar Scale Economies of Lotto." 83.3 (July, 1991): 634-643. [Gateway.cgi]
- Clotfelter, CT; Cook, PJ. "Lotteries in the real world." Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 4.3 (July, 1991): 227-232. [online], [doi] [abs]
- Cook, PJ; Juarez, P; Lee, RK; Loftin, C; Marshall, OA; Murrain, WA; Roth, JA; Ryan, J; Smith, GK; Spivak, H. "Weapons and minority youth violence.." Public health reports (Washington, D.C. : 1974) 106.3 (May, 1991): 254-258.
- Clotfelter; Charles, T; Philip, JC. "What Kind of Lottery for North Carolina?." Popular Government 56.4 (Spring, 1991): 25-29. [abs]
- Cook, PJ; Brenner, R; Brenner, GA. "Gambling and Speculation: A Theory, a History, and a Future of Some Human Decisions.." Contemporary Sociology 20.1 (January, 1991): 70-70. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
- Clotfelter, CT; Cook, PJ. "On the Economics of State Lotteries (shorter version)." The Conference Board of Economic Times 2.4 (1991).
- Cook, PJ; Tonry, M; Wilson, JQ. "Drugs and Crime." Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 10.4 (1991): 695-695. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
- Cook, PJ. "Drugs and crime, edited by Michael Tonry and James Q. Wilson. Volume 13 of Crime and Justice: A Review of Research. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1990, 574 pp. Price: $39.95 cloth, $19.95 paper." Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 10.4 (1991): 695-698.
- Clotfelter, CT; Cook, PJ. "On the Economics of State Lotteries." Journal of Economic Perspectives 4.4 (Fall, 1990): 105-119. (Reprinted (in shorter version) in The Conference Board Economic Times 2(4), April 1991. Reprinted (in revised version) in Samuel H. Baker and Catherine s. Elliott, eds. Readings in Public Finance 2nd ed., Cincinnati: South-Western College Publishers, 1997, 457-472) [Gateway.cgi], [doi] [abs]
- Clotfelter, CT; Cook, PJ. "Redefining “success” in the state lottery business." Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 9.1 (Winter, 1990): 99-104. [Gateway.cgi], [doi] [abs]
- Clotfelter, CT; Cook, PJ. "Redefining “success” in the state lottery business." Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 9.1 (1990): 99-104.
- Walsh, DC; Cook, PJ; Davis, K; Grant, M; Sulkunen, P; Vaillant, GE; Delbanco, TL. "The cultural dimensions of alcohol policy worldwide.." Health affairs (Project Hope) 8.2 (Summer, 1989): 48-62. [doi] [abs]
- Cook, PJ. "A sociolegal problem: social control of the drinking driver.." Science (New York, N.Y.) 241.4865 (July, 1988): 603-604. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
- Cook, PJ. "Increasing the federal excise taxes on alcoholic beverages." Journal of Health Economics 7.1 (January, 1988): 89-91. [doi]
- Cook, PJ. "An Introduction to Vice." Law and Contemporary Problems 51.1 (1988): 1-1. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
- ., . "Vice." Law and Contemporary Problems : a Quarterly Published by the Duke University, School of Law (1988).
- Clotfelter, CT; Cook, PJ. "Implicit Taxation in Lottery Finance." 40.4 (May, 1987): 533-546. [Gateway.cgi] [abs]
- Cook, PJ. "Robbery violence." Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 78.2 (January, 1987): 357-376. [online], [doi]
- Cook, PJ; Laub, JH. "The (Surprising) stability of youth crime rates." Journal of Quantitative Criminology 2.3 (September, 1986): 265-277. [doi] [abs]
- Cook, PJ. "The Relationship Between Victime Resistance and Injury in Noncommercial Robbery." Journal of Legal Studies XV.1 (June, 1986): 405-416. [online], [doi]
- Cook, PJ. "The Relationship between Victim Resistance and Injury in Noncommercial Robbery." The Journal of Legal Studies 15.2 (June, 1986): 405-416. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
- Cook, PJ; Zarkin, G. "Homicide and Economic Conditions." Journal of Quantitative Criminology 2.1 (March, 1986): 69-80. [doi] [abs]
- Cook, PJ; Zarkin, GA. "Homicide and economic conditions: A replication and critique of M. Harvey Brenner's new report to the U.S. Congress." Journal of Quantitative Criminology 2.1 (March, 1986): 69-80. [doi] [abs]
- Cook, PJ. "The Demand and Supply of Criminal Opportunities." Crime and JusticeCrime and Justice: An Annual Review of Research 7 (January, 1986): 1-27. [doi] [abs]
- Cook, PJ; Frank, RH. "Social Behavior." Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 6.1 (1986): 117-117. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
- Cook, PJ. "The case of the missing victims: Gunshot woundings in the National Crime Survey." Journal of Quantitative Criminology 1.1 (March, 1985): 91-102. [doi] [abs]
- Wilson, JQ; Cook, PJ. "Unemployment and Crime--What is the Connection?." The Public Interest 79.79 (Spring, 1985): 3-8.
- Cook, PJ. "Is robbery becoming more violent? An analysis of robbery murder trends since 1968." Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 76.2 (Summer, 1985): 480-489. [online], [doi] [abs]
- Cook, PJ; Zarkin, GA. "Crime and the Business Cycle." The Journal of Legal Studies 14.1 (January, 1985): 115-128. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
- Cook, PJ; Vaupel, JW. "What Policy Analysts Do: Three Research Styles." Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 4.3 (Spring, 1985): 427-427. [Gateway.cgi], [doi] [abs]
- Cook, PJ. "The Use of Criminal Statutes to Regulate Product Safety: Comment on Wheeler." The Journal of Legal Studies 13.3 (August, 1984): 619-622. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
- Cook, PJ; Tauchen, G. "The Effect of Minimum Drinking Age Legislation on Youthful Auto Fatalities, 1970-1977." The Journal of Legal Studies 13.1 (January, 1984): 169-190. [online], [doi]
- Cook, PJ. "Deterring the Drinking Driver." Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law 7.4 (August, 1983): 958-961. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
- Cook, PJ. "Alcohol taxes as a public health measure.." British journal of addiction 77.3 (September, 1982): 245-250. (and in Marcus Grant, Martin Plant, and Alan Williams, eds. Economics and Alcohol, Croom Helm Ltd. 1983) [online], [doi] [abs]
- Cook, PJ; Tauchen, G. "The Effect of Liquor Taxes on Heavy Drinking." The Bell Journal of Economics 13.2 (1982): 379-379. [Gateway.cgi], [doi] [abs]
- Cook, PJ; Hawley, K. "North Carolina's Pistol Permit Law: An Evaluation." Popular GovernmentPopular Government (May, 1981): 1-6. [abs]
- Cook, PJ. "The Effect of Gun Availability on Violent Crime Patterns." The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social ScienceAnnals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 455.1 (May, 1981): 63-79. (and in Federal Regulation of Firearms (A Report prepared by Congressional Research Service for the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee) USGPO, May 1982; and in Neil Alan Weiner, Margaret A. Zahn and Rita J. Sagi, eds., Violence: Patterns, Causes, Public Policy (San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1990) [doi] [abs]
- Cook, P. "The 'saturday night special': An assessment of alternative definitions from a policy perspective." Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 72.4 (Winter, 1981): 1735-1745. [online], [doi]
- Cook, PJ; Blose, J. "State Programs for Screening Handgun Buyers." The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 455.1 (January, 1981): 80-91. (Reprinted in M. Gittell, ed. State Politics and the New Federalism (NY: Longman, 1986) [Gateway.cgi], [doi] [abs]
- Cook, PJ. "Guns and Crime: The Perils of Long Division." Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 1.1 (Fall, 1981): 120-120. [Gateway.cgi], [doi] [abs]
- Cook, PJ; Leitzel, JA. "Gun Control." Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science May (1981).
- Cook, PJ; Witte, AD; Heineke, JM. "Economic Models of Criminal Behavior." Southern Economic Journal 46.4 (April, 1980): 1255-1255. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
- COOK, PJ. "REDUCING INJURY AND DEATH RATES IN ROBBERY." POLICY ANALYSIS 6.1 (Winter, 1980): 21-45. [Gateway.cgi] [abs]
- Cook, PJ. "The clearance rate as a measure of criminal justice system effectiveness." Journal of Public Economics 11.1 (February, 1979): 135-142. (and in Egon Bittner and Sheldon L. Messinger, eds. Criminology Review Yearbook, Volume 2, Sage Publications, 1980) [doi] [abs]
- Cook, PJ. "The Effect of Gun Availability on Robbery and Robbery Murder: A Cross-Section Study of Fifty Cities." Policy Studies Review Annual 3 (1979): 743-781. (Also published in Hearings: see above)
- COOK, PJ. "PRISONERS AMONG US - PROBLEM OF PAROLE - STANLEY,DT." POLICY ANALYSIS 4.1 (January, 1978): 139-141. [Gateway.cgi]
- Cook, PJ. "The value of human life in the demand for safety: Comment." American Economic Review 68.4 (January, 1978): 710-711. [Gateway.cgi] [abs]
- Cook, PJ. "Punishment and Crime: A Critique of Recent Findings on the Preventive Effects of Punishment." Law and Contemporary Problems 41.1 (Winter, 1977): 164-204. (and in Ralph Andreano and John Siegfried, eds. The Economics of Crime, John Wiley, 1980, 137-180) [online], [doi]
- Cook, PJ; Graham, DA. "The Demand for Insurance and Protection: The Case of Irreplaceable Commodities." The Quarterly Journal of Economics 91.1 (February, 1977): 143-143. (Reprinted in Georges Dionne and Scott Harrington (eds.) Foundations of Insurance Economics Kluwer Academic Press, 1991) [repository], [doi] [abs]
- COOK, PJ. "PUBLIC-POLICY EVALUATION - DOLBEARE,KM." POLICY ANALYSIS 3.4 (January, 1977): 604-606. [Gateway.cgi]
- COOK, PJ. "A Plea To Deter Hasty Conclusions About Deterrence Research." Contemporary Psychology: A Journal of Reviews 21.5 (May, 1976): 351-352. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
- .,. "Valuing Lives: When and How Should Society Spend its Scarce Resources to Decrease Mortality." Law and contemporary problems (1976).
- Cook, PJ; Frank, RH. "The effect of unemployment dispersion on the rate of wage inflation." Journal of Monetary Economics 1.2 (January, 1975): 241-249. [doi]
- Cook, PJ. "The Correctional Carrot: The Prospect of Reducing Recidivism through Improved Job Opportunities." Policy Analysis (January, 1975): 11-54. [abs]
- Cook, PJ. "A 'One Line' Proof of the Slutsky Equation." The American Economic Review (March, 1972): 139. [online] [abs]
Chapters in Books
- Cook, PJ. "The demand and supply of criminal opportunities." Crime Opportunity Theories: Routine Activity, Rational Choice and their Variants. July, 2017: 127-153. [abs]
- Cook, PJ. "Robbery Violence." Gun Violence.
Ed. Hornsby, R; Hobbs, R Ashgate Publishing Ltd., August, 2015
- Cook, PJ; Ludwig, J. "The Burden of 'Acting White:' Do Black Adolescents Disparage Academic Achievement?." Minority status, Oppositional Culture and Academic Engagement.
Ed. Ogbu, JU RoutledgeFarmer, August, 2015
- Reuter, P; Bouchard, M; Chaloupka, FJ; Cook, PJ; Farrelly, MC; Fong, GT; Harmon, RA; Kleemans, ER; Kottak, CP; Levi, M; Owens, E; Rees, VW; So, AD; von Lampe, K; Wipfli, H; Majmundar, M; Schuck, JA; Backes, E; Boyd, B; Ghitelman, M; Green, LG; Travis, J; Peterson, RD; Bell, CC; Donohue, JJIII; Fullilove, M; Kleiman, MAR; Lafree, G; Lauritsen, JL; Loury, G; Lynch, JP; Manski, CF; Nagin, DS; Piehl, AM; Prieto, DB; Sorenson, SB; Weisburd, D; Widom, CS; Wormeli, PK; Clayton, EW; Berg, AO; Burke, SP; Curry, SJ; Dentzer, S; Graham, G; Lee, GM; Markel, H; McCauley, LA; Polsky, D; Rich, JA; Sharfstein, JM; Teutsch, S; Weinstein, JN; Wong, WF; Yasnoff, WA. "Interventions in the Illicit Tobacco Market: Policy and Regulatory Options." UNDERSTANDING THE U.S. ILLICIT TOBACCO MARKET: CHARACTERISTICS, POLICY CONTEXT, AND LESSONS FROM INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCES. 2015: 111-138.
- Reuter, P; Bouchard, M; Chaloupka, FJ; Cook, PJ; Farrelly, MC; Fong, GT; Harmon, RA; Kleemans, ER; Kottak, CP; Levi, M; Owens, E; Rees, VW; So, AD; von Lampe, K; Wipfli, H; Majmundar, M; Schuck, JA; Backes, E; Boyd, B; Ghitelman, M; Green, LG; Travis, J; Peterson, RD; Bell, CC; Donohue, JJIII; Fullilove, M; Kleiman, MAR; Lafree, G; Lauritsen, JL; Loury, G; Lynch, JP; Manski, CF; Nagin, DS; Piehl, AM; Prieto, DB; Sorenson, SB; Weisburd, D; Widom, CS; Wormeli, PK; Clayton, EW; Berg, AO; Burke, SP; Curry, SJ; Dentzer, S; Graham, G; Lee, GM; Markel, H; McCauley, LA; Polsky, D; Rich, JA; Sharfstein, JM; Teutsch, S; Weinstein, JN; Wong, WF; Yasnoff, WA. "Possible Changes in Tobacco Products: Considering Consumer and Supply Responses." UNDERSTANDING THE U.S. ILLICIT TOBACCO MARKET: CHARACTERISTICS, POLICY CONTEXT, AND LESSONS FROM INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCES. 2015: 173-196.
- Reuter, P; Bouchard, M; Chaloupka, FJ; Cook, PJ; Farrelly, MC; Fong, GT; Harmon, RA; Kleemans, ER; Kottak, CP; Levi, M; Owens, E; Rees, VW; So, AD; von Lampe, K; Wipfli, H; Majmundar, M; Schuck, JA; Backes, E; Boyd, B; Ghitelman, M; Green, LG; Travis, J; Peterson, RD; Bell, CC; Donohue, JJIII; Fullilove, M; Kleiman, MAR; Lafree, G; Lauritsen, JL; Loury, G; Lynch, JP; Manski, CF; Nagin, DS; Piehl, AM; Prieto, DB; Sorenson, SB; Weisburd, D; Widom, CS; Wormeli, PK; Clayton, EW; Berg, AO; Burke, SP; Curry, SJ; Dentzer, S; Graham, G; Lee, GM; Markel, H; McCauley, LA; Polsky, D; Rich, JA; Sharfstein, JM; Teutsch, S; Weinstein, JN; Wong, WF; Yasnoff, WA. "UNDERSTANDING THE US ILLICIT TOBACCO MARKET Characteristics, Policy Context, and Lessons from International Experiences Introduction." UNDERSTANDING THE U.S. ILLICIT TOBACCO MARKET: CHARACTERISTICS, POLICY CONTEXT, AND LESSONS FROM INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCES. 2015: 13-30.
- Reuter, P; Bouchard, M; Chaloupka, FJ; Cook, PJ; Farrelly, MC; Fong, GT; Harmon, RA; Kleemans, ER; Kottak, CP; Levi, M; Owens, E; Rees, VW; So, AD; von Lampe, K; Wipfli, H; Majmundar, M; Schuck, JA; Backes, E; Boyd, B; Ghitelman, M; Green, LG; Travis, J; Peterson, RD; Bell, CC; Donohue, JJIII; Fullilove, M; Kleiman, MAR; Lafree, G; Lauritsen, JL; Loury, G; Lynch, JP; Manski, CF; Nagin, DS; Piehl, AM; Prieto, DB; Sorenson, SB; Weisburd, D; Widom, CS; Wormeli, PK; Clayton, EW; Berg, AO; Burke, SP; Curry, SJ; Dentzer, S; Graham, G; Lee, GM; Markel, H; McCauley, LA; Polsky, D; Rich, JA; Sharfstein, JM; Teutsch, S; Weinstein, JN; Wong, WF; Yasnoff, WA. "Participants in the Illicit Tobacco Market." UNDERSTANDING THE U.S. ILLICIT TOBACCO MARKET: CHARACTERISTICS, POLICY CONTEXT, AND LESSONS FROM INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCES. 2015: 55-76.
- Reuter, P; Bouchard, M; Chaloupka, FJ; Cook, PJ; Farrelly, MC; Fong, GT; Harmon, RA; Kleemans, ER; Kottak, CP; Levi, M; Owens, E; Rees, VW; So, AD; von Lampe, K; Wipfli, H; Majmundar, M; Schuck, JA; Backes, E; Boyd, B; Ghitelman, M; Green, LG; Travis, J; Peterson, RD; Bell, CC; Donohue, JJIII; Fullilove, M; Kleiman, MAR; Lafree, G; Lauritsen, JL; Loury, G; Lynch, JP; Manski, CF; Nagin, DS; Piehl, AM; Prieto, DB; Sorenson, SB; Weisburd, D; Widom, CS; Wormeli, PK; Clayton, EW; Berg, AO; Burke, SP; Curry, SJ; Dentzer, S; Graham, G; Lee, GM; Markel, H; McCauley, LA; Polsky, D; Rich, JA; Sharfstein, JM; Teutsch, S; Weinstein, JN; Wong, WF; Yasnoff, WA. "Interventions in the Illicit Tobacco Market: International Case Studies." UNDERSTANDING THE U.S. ILLICIT TOBACCO MARKET: CHARACTERISTICS, POLICY CONTEXT, AND LESSONS FROM INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCES. 2015: 161-172.
- Reuter, P; Bouchard, M; Chaloupka, FJ; Cook, PJ; Farrelly, MC; Fong, GT; Harmon, RA; Kleemans, ER; Kottak, CP; Levi, M; Owens, E; Rees, VW; So, AD; von Lampe, K; Wipfli, H; Majmundar, M; Schuck, JA; Backes, E; Boyd, B; Ghitelman, M; Green, LG; Travis, J; Peterson, RD; Bell, CC; Donohue, JJIII; Fullilove, M; Kleiman, MAR; Lafree, G; Lauritsen, JL; Loury, G; Lynch, JP; Manski, CF; Nagin, DS; Piehl, AM; Prieto, DB; Sorenson, SB; Weisburd, D; Widom, CS; Wormeli, PK; Clayton, EW; Berg, AO; Burke, SP; Curry, SJ; Dentzer, S; Graham, G; Lee, GM; Markel, H; McCauley, LA; Polsky, D; Rich, JA; Sharfstein, JM; Teutsch, S; Weinstein, JN; Wong, WF; Yasnoff, WA. "Interventions in the Illicit Tobacco Market: Law Enforcement." UNDERSTANDING THE U.S. ILLICIT TOBACCO MARKET: CHARACTERISTICS, POLICY CONTEXT, AND LESSONS FROM INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCES. 2015: 139-160.
- Reuter, P; Bouchard, M; Chaloupka, FJ; Cook, PJ; Farrelly, MC; Fong, GT; Harmon, RA; Kleemans, ER; Kottak, CP; Levi, M; Owens, E; Rees, VW; So, AD; von Lampe, K; Wipfli, H; Majmundar, M; Schuck, JA; Backes, E; Boyd, B; Ghitelman, M; Green, LG; Travis, J; Peterson, RD; Bell, CC; Donohue, JJIII; Fullilove, M; Kleiman, MAR; Lafree, G; Lauritsen, JL; Loury, G; Lynch, JP; Manski, CF; Nagin, DS; Piehl, AM; Prieto, DB; Sorenson, SB; Weisburd, D; Widom, CS; Wormeli, PK; Clayton, EW; Berg, AO; Burke, SP; Curry, SJ; Dentzer, S; Graham, G; Lee, GM; Markel, H; McCauley, LA; Polsky, D; Rich, JA; Sharfstein, JM; Teutsch, S; Weinstein, JN; Wong, WF; Yasnoff, WA. "UNDERSTANDING THE US ILLICIT TOBACCO MARKET Characteristics, Policy Context, and Lessons from International Experiences Summary." UNDERSTANDING THE U.S. ILLICIT TOBACCO MARKET: CHARACTERISTICS, POLICY CONTEXT, AND LESSONS FROM INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCES. 2015: 1-+.
- Reuter, P; Bouchard, M; Chaloupka, FJ; Cook, PJ; Farrelly, MC; Fong, GT; Harmon, RA; Kleemans, ER; Kottak, CP; Levi, M; Owens, E; Rees, VW; So, AD; von Lampe, K; Wipfli, H; Majmundar, M; Schuck, JA; Backes, E; Boyd, B; Ghitelman, M; Green, LG; Travis, J; Peterson, RD; Bell, CC; Donohue, JJIII; Fullilove, M; Kleiman, MAR; Lafree, G; Lauritsen, JL; Loury, G; Lynch, JP; Manski, CF; Nagin, DS; Piehl, AM; Prieto, DB; Sorenson, SB; Weisburd, D; Widom, CS; Wormeli, PK; Clayton, EW; Berg, AO; Burke, SP; Curry, SJ; Dentzer, S; Graham, G; Lee, GM; Markel, H; McCauley, LA; Polsky, D; Rich, JA; Sharfstein, JM; Teutsch, S; Weinstein, JN; Wong, WF; Yasnoff, WA. "Characteristics of the Illicit Tobacco Market." UNDERSTANDING THE U.S. ILLICIT TOBACCO MARKET: CHARACTERISTICS, POLICY CONTEXT, AND LESSONS FROM INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCES. 2015: 31-54.
- Reuter, P; Bouchard, M; Chaloupka, FJ; Cook, PJ; Farrelly, MC; Fong, GT; Harmon, RA; Kleemans, ER; Kottak, CP; Levi, M; Owens, E; Rees, VW; So, AD; von Lampe, K; Wipfli, H; Majmundar, M; Schuck, JA; Backes, E; Boyd, B; Ghitelman, M; Green, LG; Travis, J; Peterson, RD; Bell, CC; Donohue, JJIII; Fullilove, M; Kleiman, MAR; Lafree, G; Lauritsen, JL; Loury, G; Lynch, JP; Manski, CF; Nagin, DS; Piehl, AM; Prieto, DB; Sorenson, SB; Weisburd, D; Widom, CS; Wormeli, PK; Clayton, EW; Berg, AO; Burke, SP; Curry, SJ; Dentzer, S; Graham, G; Lee, GM; Markel, H; McCauley, LA; Polsky, D; Rich, JA; Sharfstein, JM; Teutsch, S; Weinstein, JN; Wong, WF; Yasnoff, WA. "Measuring the Size of the Illicit Tobacco Market." UNDERSTANDING THE U.S. ILLICIT TOBACCO MARKET: CHARACTERISTICS, POLICY CONTEXT, AND LESSONS FROM INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCES. 2015: 77-109.
- Cook, PJ; Ludwig, J. "Elusive Facts about Gun Violence: Where Good Surveys Go Bad." Envisioning Criminology: Researchers on Research as a Process of Discovery.
Ed. Maltz, MD; Rice, SK Springer, May, 2014 [abs]
- Cook, PJ; Dodge, K; Farkas, G; Fryer, RG; Guryan, J; Ludwig, J; Mayer, SE; Pollack, HA; Steinberg, L. "The (Surprising) Efficacy of Academic and Behavioral Intervention with Disadvantaged Youth: Results from a Randomized Experiment in Chicago." January, 2014 [abs]
- P.J. Cook, D.C. Gottfredson, and C. Na. "School crime statistics." (forthcoming) Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice.
Ed. G.J.N. Bruinsma and D.L. Weisburd Springer Science+Business Media, 2014
- Swanson, JW; Robertson, AG; Frisman, LK; Norko, MA; Lin, HJ; Swartz, MS; Cook, PJ. "Preventing gun violence involving people with serious mental illness." Reducing Gun Violence in America.
Ed. Webster, DW; Vernick, JW Johns Hopkins University Press, January, 2013: 320 pages. [abs]
- Cook, PJ; Ludwig, J. "The limited impact of the brady act: Evaluation and implications." Reducing Gun Violence in America: Informing Policy with Evidence and Analysis.
Ed. Daniel W. Webster and Jon S. Vernick JHU Press, January, 2013: 21-32. [abs]
- Cook, PJ; Machin, S; Marie, O; Mastrobuoni, G. "Crime economics in its fifth decade." Lessons from the Economics of Crime: What Reduces Offending?. MIT Press, 2013
- Bushway, S; Cook, PJ; Phillips, M. "The net effect of the business cycle on crime and violence." Economics and youth violence: Crime, disadvantage, and community.
Ed. Rosenfeld, R; Edberg, M; Fang, X; Florence, CS New York University Press, 2013: 23-52. [abs]
- Cook, PJ. "Robbery." The Oxford Handbook of Crime and Public Policy. Oxford University Press, September, 2012 [doi] [abs]
- Cook, PJ; Ludwig, J. "Firearm Violence." The Oxford Handbook of Crime and Public Policy. Oxford University Press, September, 2012 [doi] [abs]
- Gottfredson, DC; Cook, PJ; Na, C. "Schools and Prevention." The Oxford Handbook of Crime Prevention. Oxford University Press, March, 2012 [doi] [abs]
- Cook, PJ. "Foreword." Experimental Criminology.
Ed. Brandon C. Welsh, Anthony A. Braga, Gerben J. N. Bruinsma, Cambridge University Press, January, 2012: Ix-Xii. [doi] [abs]
- Gottfredson, D; Cook, PJ; Na, C. "School-based crime prevention." The Oxford Handbook of Crime Prevention.
Ed. Walsh, BC; Farrington, DP Oxford University Press, 2012: 269-2897.
- Cook, PJ; Clotfelter, CT. "The Gambler's Fallacy in Lottery Play." The Economics Of Gambling And National Lotteries.
Ed. Williams, LV Edgar Elgar Publishers, 2012 [abs]
- Clotfelter, CT; Cook, PJ. "Lotteries in the Real World." The Economics Of Gambling And National Lotteries.
Ed. Williams, LV Edgar Elgar Publishers, 2012
- Cook, PJ; MacDonald, J. "The role of private action in controlling crime." Controlling Crime: Strategies and Tradeoffs.
Ed. Cook, PJ; Ludwig, J; McCrary, J University of Chicago Press, 2011
- Cook, PJ; Ludwig, J. "Economical Crime Control." Controlling Crime: Strategies and Tradeoffs.
Ed. Cook, PJ; Ludwig, J; McCrary, J University of Chicago Press, 2011
- Cook, PJ; Gearing, M. "The minimum drinking age: 21 as an artifact." College Student Drinking and Drug Use: Multiple Perspectives on a Complex Problem.
Ed. White, HR; Rabiner, DL Guilford Press, 2011
- Chaloupja, FJ; Cook, PJ; Peck, RM; Tauras, JA. "Enhancing compliance with tobacco control policies." After Tobacco.
Ed. Bearman, P; Neckerman, KM; Wright, L Columbia University Press, 2011: 325-350.
- Cook, PJ; Ludwig, J. "Economical Crime Control." November, 2010 [abs]
- Cook, PJ; MacDonald, J. "Public Safety Through Private Action: An Economic Assessment of Bids, Locks, and Citizen Cooperation." April, 2010
- Cook, PJ; Braga, A; Moore, MH. "Gun Control." Crime and Public Policy.
Ed. J.Q. Wilson and J. Petersilia Oxford University Press, 2010: 257-292.
- Cook, PJ; Ludwig, J; Samaha, AM. "Gun Control After Heller: Litigating against Regulation." Regulation versus Litigation.
Ed. Kessler, D University of Chicago Press, 2010: 103-135.
- Cook, PJ. "'Comment' on 'What do economists know about crime?'." The Economics of Crime: Lessons for & from Latin America.
Ed. DiTella, R; Edwards, S; Schargodsky, E University of Chicago Press, 2010: 302-304.
- Frank, RH; Cook, PJ. "Preface to the new edition." The Winner-Take-All Society. Virgin Books, Random House, 2010
- Cook, PJ; Gottfredson, DC; Na, C. "School crime control and prevention." Crime and Justice.
Ed. Tonry, M University of Chicago Press, 2010
- Cook, PJ; Ludwig, J; Samaha, AM. "Gun Control after Heller: Litigating Against Regulation." October, 2009
- P.J. Cook and J. Ludwig. "Firearm Violence." Handbook on Crime and Public Policy.
Ed. Michael Tonry Oxford University Press, 2009
- Cook, PJ; Ludwig, J. "Firearms Violence." Oxford Handbook on Crime and Public Policy.
Ed. Tonry, M Oxford University Press, 2009
- Cook, PJ. "Robbery." Handbook on Crime and Justice.
Ed. Tonry, M Oxford University Press, 2009
- Cook, PJ. "Crime." MAKING CITIES WORK: Prospects and Policies for Urban America.
Ed. Inman, RP Princeton University Press, 2009: 297-327.
- Clotfelter, CT; Cook, PJ. "Ends and Means in State Lotteries: The Importance of a Good Cause." Gambling: Mapping the American Moral Landscape.
Ed. Wolfe, A; Owens, EC Baylor University Press, 2009: 11-38.
- Cook, PJ. "Leave the minimum drinking age to the states." Contemporary Issues in Criminal Justice Policy.
Ed. Frost, NA; Freilich, JD; Clear, TR Wadsworth, 2009: 99-106.
- Cook, PJ. "Robbery." Oxford Handbook on Crime and Public Policy.
Ed. Tonry, J Oxford University Press, 2009
- Cook, PJ; Ludwig, J. "The burden of "acting white": Do Black adolescents disparage academic achievement?." Minority Status, Oppositional Culture, and Schooling. Routledge, February, 2008: 275-297. [doi]
- Cook, PJ. "Assessing Urban Crime and its Control: An Overview." February, 2008
- Cook, PJ; Parnell, A; Moore, MJ; Pagnini, D. "The Effects of Short-term Variation in Abortion Funding on Pregnancy Outcomes." The Economics of Health Behaviours.
Ed. Cawley, JH; Kenkel, DS Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 2008
- Cook, PJ; Moore, MJ. "Drinking and Schooling." The Economics of Health Behaviours.
Ed. Cawley, JH; Kenkel, DS Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 2008
- Cook, PJ; Tauchen, G. "The Effect of Minimum Drinking Age Legislation on Youthful Auto Fatalities, 1970-77." The Economics of Health Behaviours.
Ed. Cawley, JH; Kenkel, DS Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 2008
- R.H. Frank and P.J. Cook. "The Winner-Take-All Society." The International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences.
Ed. William A. Darity Jr. 2ndGale, 2007
- Cook, PJ. "Use and Control of Firearms." Encyclopedia of Law & Society.
Ed. David S. Clark Sage Publications, Inc., 2007
- Cook, PJ; Ludwing, J. "The Effects of the Brady Act on Gun Violence." Economics of the Criminal Law.
Ed. Levitt, SD; Miles, TJ Edward Elgar Publishing, 2007
- Cook, PJ. "Acting White." International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences.
Ed. Darity, W 2ndGale, 2007
- Cook, PJ; Frank, RH. "The Winner-take-all Society Why the Few at the Top Get So Much More Than the Rest of Us." The International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences.
Ed. Darity, W Gale, 2007 [abs]
- Cook, PJ; Hutchinson, R. "Smoke Signals Adolescent Smoking and School Continuation." The Evolution of Consumption: Theories and Practices.
Ed. Bianchi, M 2007: 157-188. [abs]
- Cook, PJ. "Introduction to Paying the Tab: The Costs and Benefits of Alcohol Control." 2007 [abs]
- Cook, PJ. "The Correctional Carrot: The Prospect of Reducing Recidivism through Improved Job Opportunities." The Economics of Crime.
Ed. Ehrlich, I; Liu, Z Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc., 2006
- Cook, PJ; Ludwig, J. "Assigning Youths to Minimize Total Harm." Deviant Peer Influences in Programs for Youth: Problems and Solutions.
Ed. Dodge, KA; Dishion, TJ; Lansford, JE The Guilford Press, 2006: 67-89. [abs]
- Cook, PJ; Peters, BL. "The Myth of the Drinker's Bonus." December, 2005
- Cook, PJ; Ludwig, J. "Assigning Deviant Youths to Minimize Total Harm." June, 2005
- Cook, PJ; Khmilevska, N. "Cross-National Patterns in Crime Rates." Crime and Punishment in Western Countries, 1980-1999.
Ed. Tonry, M; Farrington, DP Univesity of Chicago Press, 2005: 331-345.
- Cook, PJ; Ludwig, J. "The Effects of the Brady Act on Gun Violence." Guns, Crime, and Punishment in America.
Ed. Harcourt, BE NYU Press, 2003: 283-298.
- Cook, PJ; Ludwig, J. "Pragmatic Gun Policy." Evaluating Gun Policy.
Ed. Ludwig, J; Cook, PJ Brookings Institution Press, 2003: 1-37.
- Cook, PJ; Ludwig, J. "The Effects of Gun Prevalence on Burglary Deterrence Vs. Inducement." Evaluating Gun Policy.
Ed. Ludwig, J; Cook, PJ Brookings Institution Press, 2003: 74-118.
- Cook, PJ; Braga, A. "New Law Enforcement Uses for Comprehensive Firearms Trace Data." Guns, Crime, and Punishment.
Ed. Harcourt, BE NYU Press, 2003: 163-187.
- Cook, PJ. "'Comment' on 'Catching Cheating Teachers'." Brookings-Wharton Papers on Urban Affairs 2003.
Ed. Gale, WG; Pack, JR Brookings Institution Press, 2003: 2010-215.
- Cook, PJ; Ludwig, J. "The Effects of Gun Prevalence on Burglary: Deterrence vs Inducement." May, 2002
- Cook, PJ; Laub, JH. "After the Epidemic: Recent Trends in Youth Violence in the United States." Crime and Justice: A Review of Research.
Ed. Michael Tonry University of Chicago Press, January, 2002: 1-37. [Gateway.cgi], [doi] [abs]
- PJ Cook and J Ludwig. "Litigation as Regulation: Firearms." Regulation Through Litigation.
Ed. WK Viscusi Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press, 2002
- Cook, PJ; Moore, MH; Braga, A. "Gun Control." Crime: Public Policies For Crime Control.
Ed. Wilson, JQ; Petersilia, J ICS Press, 2002: 291-329.
- Braga, AA; Cook, PJ; Kennedy, DM; Moore, MH. "The Illegal Supply of Firearms." Crime and Justice: A Review of Research.
Ed. Tonry, M University of Chicago Press, 2002: 229-262.
- Cook, PJ; Laub, JH. "After the Epidemic: Recent Trends in Youth Violence in the United States." Crime and Justice: A Review of Research.
Ed. Tonry, M University of Chicago Press, 2002: 117-153.
- Cook, PJ. "Forward." Costs and Benefits of Preventing Crime.
Ed. Welsh, BC; Farrington, DP; Sherman, LW Westview Press, 2001
- Cook, PJ; Moore, MJ. "Environment and Persistence in Youthful Drinking Patterns." Risky Behavior Among Youths: An Economic Analysis.
Ed. Gruber, J Univesity of Chicago Press, 2001: 375-437.
- Cook, PJ. "The Technology of Personal Violence." The Gun Control Debate: You Decide.
Ed. Nisbet, L Promethus Books, 2001
- Cook, PJ; Moore, MJ. "Alcohol." Handbook of Health Economics.
Ed. Culyer, AJ; Newhouse, JP North-Holland, 2000: 1629-1673.
- Cook, PJ; Moore, MJ. "Alcohol." January, 1999
- Kellermann, AL; Cook, PJ. "Armed and Dangerous: Guns in American Homes." Lethal Imagination: Violence and Brutality in American History.
Ed. Bellesiles, MA New York University Press, 1999: 425-440.
- PJ Cook. "The Unprecedented Epidemic in Youth Violence." Youth Violence.
Ed. Michael Tonry and Mark H. Moore University of Chicago Press, 1998: 101-138.
- Cook, PJ; Laub, J. "The Unprecedented Epidemic." Youth Violence.
Ed. Tonry, M; Moore, MH University of Chicago Press, 1998: 101-138.
- Cook, PJ; Moore, MH. "Guns, Gun Control, and Homicide: A Review of Research and Public Policy." Homicide: A Sourcebook of Social Research.
Ed. Smith, MD; Zahn, MA Sage Publications, 1998: 277-296. Also in M. Dwayne Smith and Margaret A. Zahn, eds., Studying and Preventing Homicide: Issues and Challenges, Sage Publications, 1998, 246-273
- Cook, PJ; Leitzel, J. "Gun Control." New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics and Law. 1998
- Cook, PJ; Ludwig, J. "The Burden of 'Acting White:' Do Black Adolescents Disparage Academic Achievement?." The Black-White Test Score Gap.
Ed. Jencks, C; Phillips, M Brookings Institution Press, 1998: 375-400.
- Cook, PJ; Moore, MH. "Guns, Gun Control, and Homicide: A Review of Research and Public Policy." Studying and Preventing Homicide: Issues and Challenges.
Ed. Smith, MD; Zahn, MA Sage Publications, 1998: 246-273.
- Cook, PJ. "The Epidemic of Youth Gun Violence." Perspectives on Crime and Violence:1997-1998 Lecture Series. National Institute of Justice, 1998: 107-125. [abs]
- Cook, PJ; Clotfelter, CT. "On the Economics of State Lotteries (revised version)." Readings in Public Finance.
Ed. Baker, SH; Elliott, CS South-Western College Publishers, 1997: 457-472.
- Cook, PJ; Frank, RH. "The Economic Payoff of Attending an Ivy-League Institution." Critical White Studies: Looking Behind the Mirror.
Ed. Delgado, R; Stefancic, J Temple University Press, 1997
- PJ Cook. "Social Costs of Alcohol, Tobacco and Drug Abuse" and "Tax Laws, Alcohol." The Encyclopedia of Drugs and Alcohol.
Ed. J.H. Jaffe New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1996
- Cook, PJ. "Tax Laws, Alcohol." The Encyclopedia of Drugs and Alcohol.
Ed. Jeffe, JH Macmillan Publishing Co., 1996
- Cook, PJ. "Social Costs of Alcohol, Tobacco and Drug Abuse." The Encyclopedia of Drugs and Alcohol.
Ed. Jaffe, JH Macmillan Publishing Co., 1996
- Moore, MJ; Cook, PJ. "Habit and Heterogeneity in the Youthful Demand for Alcohol." June, 1995
- Cook, PJ; Moore, MH. "Gun Control." Crime.
Ed. Wilson, JQ; Petersilia, J ICS Press, 1995: 267-294. [abs]
- Cook, PJ; Frank, RH. "The Growing Concentration of Top Students at Elite Schools." Studies of Supply and Demand in Higher Education.
Ed. Clotfelter, CT; Rothschild, M University of Chicago Press, 1993
- Cook, PJ; Moore, MJ. "Economic Perspectives on Reducing Alcohol-Related Violence." Alcohol and Interpersonal Violence: Fostering Multidisciplinary Perspectives.
Ed. Martin, SE NIH, 1993: 193-212.
- Cook, PJ; Moore, MJ. "Taxation of Alcoholic Beverages." Economic Research on the Prevention of Alcohol-Related Problems.
Ed. Hilton, M; Bloss, G NIAAA, 1993: 33-58. [abs]
- Clotfelter, CT; Cook, PJ. "Lotteries." The New Palgrave Dictionary of Money and Finance.
Ed. Newman, P; Milgate, M; Eatwell, J Macmillan Press,, 1992
- Cook, PJ. "The Technology of Personal Violence." Crime and Justice: An Annual Review of Research.
Ed. Tonry, M University of Chicago Press, 1991 Reprinted (in part) in Lee Nisbet (ed.) The Gun Control Debate: You Decide 2nd ed. (Chicago: Prometheus Books, 2001
- Cook, PJ. "The Effect of Gun Availability on Violent Crime Patterns." Violence: Patterns, Causes, Public Policy.
Ed. Weiner, NA; Zahn, MA; Sagi, RJ Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1990
- Clotfelter, CT; Cook, PJ. "The Demand for Lottery Products." April, 1989 [abs]
- Cook, PJ. "Comment." Preventing Automobile Injury: New Findings for Evaluation Research.
Ed. Graham, JD Auburn House Publishing Company, 1988: 181-183. [doi]
- Cook, PJ. "Notes on an Accounting Scheme for a Juvenile Correctional System." From Children to Citizens: The Role of the Juvenile Court.
Ed. Hartman, FX Springer-Verlag, 1987: 362-370.
- Cook, PJ. "The Impact of Distilled Spirits Taxes on Consumption, Auto Fatalities and Cirrhosis Mortality." Control Issues in Alcohol Abuse Prevention: Strategies for States and Communities, Advances in Substance Abuse, Suppl: 1.
Ed. Holder, HD Jai Press, 1987: 159-167.
- Cook, PJ; Laub, JH. "Trends in Child Abuse and Juvenile Delinquency." From Children to Citizens: The Role of the Juvenile Court.
Ed. Hartman, FX Springer Verlag, 1987: 109-127. [abs]
- Cook, PJ. "The Economics of Criminal Sanctions." Sanctions and Rewards in the Legal System.
Ed. Friedland, ML University of Toronot Press, 1987 [abs]
- Cook, PJ; Blose, J. "State Programs for Screening Handgun Buyers." State Politics and the New Federalism.
Ed. Gittell, M Longman, 1986
- Cook, PJ. "The Demand and Supply of Criminal Opportunities." Crime and Justice: An Annual Review of Research.
Ed. Tonry, M; Morris, N University of Chicago Press, 1986: 1-28.
- Payne, JW; Johnson, EJ. "The decision to commit a crime: An information processing analysis." The Reasoning Criminal: Rational Choice Perspectives of Offending.
Ed. Cornish, D; Clark, R Springer-Verlag, 1986: 170-185. [doi]
- Cook, PJ. "Criminal Incapacitation Effects Considered in an Adaptive Choice Framework." The Reasoning Criminal.
Ed. Cornish, D; Clarke, R Springer Verlag, 1986: 202-216. [abs]
- Cook, PJ. "The Economics of Alcohol Consumption and Abuse." Alcoholism and Related Problems: Issues for the American Public.
Ed. West, LJ Prentiice-Hall, 1984: 56-77.
- Cook, PJ. "Increasing the Federal Alcohol Excise Tax." Toward the Prevention of Alcohol Problems: Government, Business, and Community Action.
Ed. Gerstein, D National Academic Press, 1984: 24-32.
- Cook, PJ. "Costs of Crime." Encyclopedia of Crime and Justice.
Ed. Kadish, SH Macmillan Publishing Company, 1983
- Cook, PJ. "The Influence of Gun Availability on Violent Crime Patterns." Crime and Justice: An Annual Review of Research.
Ed. Morris, N; Tonry, M University of Chicago Press, 1983: 49-90.
- Cook, PJ. "The Effect of Liquor Taxes on Drinking, Cirrhosis, and Auto Fatalities." What Role for Government?.
Ed. Zeckhauser, R; Leebaert, D Duke Universigty Press, 1983: 203-220.
- Cook, PJ. "The Effect of Liquor Taxes on Drinking, Cirrhosis, and Auto Fatalities." What Role for Government?.
Ed. Zeckhauser, R; Leebaert, D Duke Universigty Press, 1983: 203-220.
- Cook, PJ. "Alcohol Taxes as a Public Health Measure." Economics and Alcohol.
Ed. Grant, M; Plant, M; Williams, A Croom Helm Ltd., 1983
- Cook, PJ. "The Role of Firearms in Violent Crime." Criminal Violence.
Ed. Wolfgang, ME; Weiner, NA Sage Publications, 1982: 236-289.
- Cook, PJ. "The Effect of Liquor Taxes on Drinking, Cirrhosis, and Auto Fatalities." Alcohol and Public Policy: Beyond the Shadow of Prohibition.
Ed. Moore, M; Gerstein, D National Academy of Sciences, 1981: 255-285. and in Richard Zeckhauser and Derek Leebaert, eds. What Role for Government? Duke University Press, 1983, 203-220;
- Cook, PJ. "The Implications of Deterrence and Incapacitation Research for Policy Evaluation." An Anatomy of Criminal Justice.
Ed. Foust, C; Webster, R D.C. Health, 1980: 55-77.
- Cook, PJ. "Punishment and Crime: A Critique of Recent Findings on the Preventive Effects of Punishment." The Economics of Crime.
Ed. Andreano, R; Siegfried, J John Wiley, 1980: 137-180.
- Cook, PJ. "The Clearance Rate as a Measure of Criminal Justice System Effectiveness." Criminology Review Yearbook.
Ed. Bittner, E; Messinger, SL Sage Publications, 1980
- Cook, PJ. "Research in criminal deterrence laying the groundwork for the second decade." Crime and Justice: An Annual Review of Research.
Ed. Morris, N; Tonry, M Univesity of Chicago Press, 1980: 211-268. [abs]
- Cook, PJ. "The Effect of Gun Availability on Robbery and Robbery Murder A Cross-section Study of 50 Cities." Policy Studies Review Annual. Sage Publications, 1979: 743-781.
- Cook, PJ. "A Strategic Choice Analysis of Robbery." Sample Surveys of the Victims of Crimes.
Ed. Skogan, W Ballinger, 1976: 173-187.
Book Reviews
- P.J. Cook. Craig Whitney's Living With Guns. New York Times
(December 26, 2012).
- P.J. Cook. The Economics of Crime by Harold Winter. Journal of Economic Literature
(September, 2009).
- Cook, PJ. The Economics of Crime: An introduction to rational crime analysis by Harold Winter. Journal of Economic Literature 47
(September, 2009).
- Cook, PJ. The Demand for Alcohol, Tobacco, and Marijuana: International Evidence by S. Selvanathan and E.A. Selvanathan. Addiction 102
(2007): 830-830.
- Cook, PJ. Can Gun Control Work? by James B. Jacobs. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 23 (1).Winter
(2004): 198-201.
- Cook, PJ. Drug War Heresies by Robert J. MacCoun and Peter Reuter. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 21 (2).Spring
(2002): 303-306.
- Cook, PJ. What Price Fame? by Tyler Cowen. Journal of Economic Literature
(September, 2001): 933-935.
- Cook, PJ. Cost-Benefit Analysis of Heroin Maintenance Treatment by Felix Gutzwiller and Thomas Steffen. Addiction 96
(2001): 1071-1072.
- Cook, PJ. Reducing Firearm Injury and Death: A public health sourcebook on guns by Trudy Ann Karlson and Stephen W. Hargarten. The New England journal of medicine
(February, 1998).
- Cook, PJ. Point Blank: Guns and Violence in America by Gary Kleck. The New England journal of medicine
(February, 1994).
- Cook, PJ. Smoking Policy: Law Politics and Culture, Robert L. Rabin and Stephen D. Sugarman, eds.. Science 262
(December, 1993).
- Cook, PJ. Confronting Drunk Driving: Social Policy for Saving Lives by H. Lawrence Ross. Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law 18 (1).Spring
(1993): 235-237.
- Cook, PJ. The Costs of Poor Health Habits by Willard Manning et. al.. The Costs of Poor Health Habits in Policy Currents 2 (4).November
- Cook, PJ. Against Excess: Drug Policy for Results by Mark A.R. Kleiman and The Search for Rational Drug Control Policy by Franklin E. Zimring and Gordon Hawkins. The Search for Rational Drug Control Policy in Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 11 (4).Fall
- Cook, PJ. Drugs and Crime, Michael Tonry and Norval Morris, eds.. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 10 (3).Summer
- Cook, PJ. Social Control of the Drinking Driver, Michael D. Laurence, John R. Snortum, and Franklin Zimring. eds.. Science
(July, 1988).
- Cook, PJ. Choosing the Right Pond: Human Behavior and the Quest for Status by Robert H. Frank. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management.Fall
- Cook, PJ. Deterring the Drinking Driver by Laurence Ross. Journal of Health Politics, Policy, and Law.Winter
(1983): 958-961. [abs]
- Cook, PJ; White, A. Economic Models of Criminal Behavior by John Heineke. Southern economic journal.April
(1980): 1255-1257.
- Cook, PJ. Prisoners Among Us by David T. Stanley. Policy analysis.Winter
(1978): 139-141.
- Cook, PJ. Public Policy Evaluation by Kenneth Dolbeare. Policy analysis.Fall
(1977): 604-606.
- Cook, PJ. Crime, Punishment, and Deterrence by Jack P. Gibbs. Contemporary Psychology 21.5
- Cook, PJ; Kang, S. Birthdays, Schooling, and Crime: New Evidence on the Dropout-Crime Nexus. February, 2013.
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- Cook, PJ. How we can reduce gun violence?. Chronicle of Higher Education
(January, 2013). [available here]
- Cook, PJ. Gun Point. Times of India - Education Times
(December, 2012).
- Cook, PJ. Craig Whitney's Living With Guns. New York Times
(August, 2012).
- Cook, PJ. Commentary: Evidence from a high-income country. Addiction
- Cook, PJ; Ludwig, J. More prisoners vs. more crime is the wrong question. Brookings Policy Brief.185
(December, 2011).
- Cook, PJ; Ludwig, J. How to cut gun death toll.
(January, 2011). [html]
- Cook, PJ; Ludwig, J. Five myths about gun control. Washington Post
(June, 2010). [html]
- Cook, PJ; Ludwig, J. Will wider availability of guns improve public safety? No. CQ Researcher
(October, 2008).
- Cook, PJ. OpEd.. The News & Observer (Raleigh)
(March, 2007).
- Clotfelter, C; Cook, Philip J.. What if the Lottery were Run for Lottery Players?. March, 2007.
- Cook, PJ; Ludwig, J. What did the sniper case teach us? Lessons in Gun Control. News & Observer (Raleigh)
(November, 2002): 25A-25A.
- Cook, PJ; Ludwig, J. Protecting the Public in Presidential Style. News & Observer (Raleigh)
(June, 2001).
- Cook, PJ; Ludwig, J. Toward Smarter Gun Laws. The Christian Science Monitor
(February, 2001).
- Cook, PJ; Ludwig, J. Has the Brady Act Been Successful?. The Charlotte Observer
(August, 2000).
- Cook, PJ. 0pEd.. The News & Observer (Raleigh)
(February, 1999).
- PJ Cook with Charles T Clotfelter. OpEd. Pieces. The News & Observer (Raleigh)
(February 14, 1999).
- Cook, PJ; Frank, R. OpEd.. Chronicle of Higher Education
(January, 1996).
- Goss, KA; Cook, P. A Selective Review of the Social-Contagion Literature. 1996.
- Cook, PJ; Frank, R. OpEd.. Washington Monthly
(December, 1995).
- Cook, PJ; Frank, R. OpEd.. Washington post (Washington, D.C. : 1974)
(November, 1995).
- Cook, PJ; Frank, R. OpEd.. USA Today
(October, 1995): 13A-13A.
- PJ Cook and Robert Frank. USA Today. October 9, 1995
- PJ Cook with Robert Frank. Washington Post. November 12, 1995
- PJ Cook with Charles T Clotfelter. OpEd. Pieces. San Diego Union
(April, 1991).
- Cook, PJ. OpEd.. San Diego Union
(April, 1991).
- Cook, PJ. 0pEd.. Newsday
(July, 1990).
- Cook, PJ. OpEd.. The News and Observer (Raleigh)
(May, 1990).
- PJ Cook with Charles T Clotfelter. OpEd. Pieces. The News and Observer (Raleigh)
(May 27, 1990).
- PJ Cook with Charles T Clotfelter. OpEd. Pieces. Newsday
(July 24, 1990).
- Cook, PJ. OpEd.. The Atlanta Constitution
(February, 1989).
- PJ Cook with Charles T Clotfelter. OpEd. Piece. The Atlanta Constitution
(February 12, 1989).
- Cook, PJ. OpEd.. The New York times
(August, 1987).
- PJ Cook with Charles T Clotfelter. OpEd. Piece. New York Times
(August 20, 1987).
- Cook, PJ. Making Handguns Harder to Hide. The Christian Science Monitor
(May, 1981).
- PJ Cook and D Slawson. The Costs of Processing Murder Cases in North Carolina. Administrative Office of the Courts, Raleigh, NC, 1993. [pdf]
- PJ Cook. Robbery in the United States. National Institute of Justice, September, 1983.
- Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science.
Edited by PJ Cook. Issue entitled "Gun Control" May, 1981.
- Cook, PJ; Machin, S; Marie, O; Mastrobuoni, G. "Crime Economics in Its Fifth Decade." LESSONS FROM THE ECONOMICS OF CRIME: WHAT REDUCES OFFENDING?Lessons from the Economics of Crime: What Reduces Offending? MIT PRESS. (January, 2013): 1-16. [Gateway.cgi]
- .. "Explaining the growth in the prison population." Criminology and Public Policy 8.1 Wiley: 24 months. (February, 2009).
- Cook, PJ. "Crime: Crime in the city." (January, 2009): 297-327. [Gateway.cgi]
- P.J. Cook, special editor. "Symposium on deterrence: editorial introduction." Criminology & Public Policy 5.3 (August, 2007): 413-416.
- Clotfelter, C; Cook, Philip J.. "State Lotteries at the Turn of the Century: Report to the National Gambling Impact Study Commission." (June, 1999): 51 pages. [repository] [abs]
- PJ Cook and Robert Frank. "Chronicle of Higher Education." (January 5, 1996).
- PJ Cook and Robert Frank. "Washington Monthly." (December, 1995).
- Cook, PJ; Scharff, AS. "Recommendations Concerning Administration and Rate Structure for Excise Taxation in Romania." Distributed by Tax Advisory Program, US Treasury Department. (August, 1994).
- Cook, PJ. "The Social Costs of Drinking." Norewegian Ministry of Health and Social Affairs. (1991). [abs]
- Cook, PJ. "The Effect of Gun Availability on Violent Crime Patterns." Federal Regulation of Firearms USGPO. (May, 1982).
- Cook, PJ. "Discussion (on Martin Bailey's paper on Safety Decisions and Insurance)." American Economics Association Papers and Proceedings (May, 1978): 300-300.
- Cook, PJ. "Causal Linkages between Gun Control Ordinances and Crime: A Conceptualization and Review of the Literature." Hearings before the Subcommittee on Crime, Commitee on the Judiciacy, U.S. House of Representatives, 95th Congress, 2nd Session, Appendix 4. (1978). [abs]