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Edmund Malesky, Professor of Political Science  

Office Location: 140 Science Drive, 221 Gross H, Box 90204, Durham, NC 27708
Duke Box: 90204
Email Address: eddy.malesky@duke.edu
Web Page: https://sites.duke.edu/malesky/
Web Page: https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataverse/emalesky
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/edmund-eddy-malesky-9011266/

Areas of Expertise

    Ph.D., Duke University, 2004

    Research Description: Edmund Malesky is an associate professor of political economy at Duke University. He has published in leading political science and economic journals, including the American Political Science Review and Journal of Politics, and has been awarded the Harvard Academy Fellowship and Gabriel Almond Award for best dissertation in comparative politics. Malesky serves as the lead researcher for the Vietnam Provincial Competitiveness Index and is a noted specialist in the political development in Vietnam and China, comparative political economy in Southeast Asia, as well as economic transitions in developing economies. Malesky is a specialist on Southeast Asia, particularly Vietnam. Currently, his research agenda is very much at the intersection of comparative and international political economy, falling into three major categories: 1) Authoritarian political institutions and their consequences; 2) The political influence of foreign direct investment and multinational corporations; and 3) Political institutions, private business development, and formalization.

    Teaching (Spring 2025):

    • Polsci 338.01, Political economy of se asia Synopsis
      Gross hall 111, TuTh 10:05 AM-11:20 AM
    • Polsci 721.01, Authoritarian institutions Synopsis
      Gross hall 111, Th 01:25 PM-03:55 PM
    • Pubpol 790.04, Special topics in idp Synopsis
      Gross hall 111, TuTh 10:05 AM-11:20 AM
    • Pubpol 790.08, Special topics in idp Synopsis
      Gross hall 111, Th 01:25 PM-03:55 PM

    Recent Publications   (More Publications)

    1. Malesky, EJ; Nguyen, Q. "Testing the Drivers of Corporate Environmentalism in Vietnam." Studies in Comparative International Development 59.1 (March, 2024): 86-112. [doi]  [abs]
    2. Delios, A; Malesky, EJ; Yu, S; Riddler, G. "Methodological errors in corruption research: Recommendations for future research." Journal of International Business Studies 55.2 (March, 2024): 235-251. [doi]  [abs]
    3. Liu, AH; Malesky, EJ. "Cultural Constraints and Policy Implementation: Effects of the Beijing License Plate Lottery on the Environment." Quarterly Journal of Political Science 19.1 (January, 2024): 91-126. [doi]  [abs]
    4. Becker, J; Benson, S; Dunne, JP; Malesky, E. "Disaggregated defense spending: Introduction to data." Journal of Peace Research (January, 2024). [doi]  [abs]
    5. Leventoğlu, B; Malesky, EJ; Wen, T. "Synthesizing Theories of Authoritarian Elections: A Game-Free Analysis." Comparative Political Studies (January, 2024). [doi]  [abs]

    Curriculum Vitae

    Malesky is a specialist on Southeast Asia, particularly Vietnam. Currently, Malesky's research agenda is very much at the intersection of Comparative and International Political Economy, falling into three major categories: 1) Authoritarian political institutions and their consequences; 2) The political influence of foreign direct investment and multinational corporations; and 3) Political institutions, private business development, and formalization.

    Edmund Malesky