Publications [#266899] of Helen F. Ladd

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Journal Articles

  1. Ladd, HF; Zelli, A. "School-based accountability in North Carolina: The responses of school principals." Educational Administration Quarterly 38.4 (October, 2002): 494-529. [doi]
    (last updated on 2024/07/26)

    Surprisingly little is known about the impact of school-based accountability systems, which are one component of the larger standards-based reform effort in education. Using two waves of survey data from a random sample of school principals in North Carolina, the authors investigate the reported behavioral responses of principals to that state's highly touted accountability system. Their analysis indicates that the state's ABCs program is a powerful tool for changing the behavior of school principals in both intended and unintended ways. Because of its power, the authors conclude that policy makers should use such a tool cautiously.

Helen F. Ladd