Publications of Jennifer Siegel    :chronological  alphabetical  combined  bibtex listing:

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  1. Siegel, J. Endgame Britain, Russia and the Final Struggle for Central Asia. Bloomsbury Academic, September, 2020. 272 pages pp.  [abs]
  2. Siegel, JL. For Peace and Money French and British Finance in the Service of Tsars and Commissars. Oxford Studies in Internationa, 2014. 306 pages pp.  [abs]
  3. Siegel, JL. For Peace and Money French and British Finance in the Service of Tsars and Commissars.  2014.  [abs]
  4. Jackson, PJ; Jackson, P; Siegel, JL. Intelligence and Statecraft The Use and Limits of Intelligence in International Society. Greenwood Publishing Group, 2005. 288 pages pp.  [abs]
  5. Siegel, J. Endgame Britain, Russia and the Final Struggle for Central Asia. I.B. Tauris, September, 2002. 272 pages pp.  [abs]
  6. Siegel, JL. Endgame Britain, Russia and the Final Struggle for Central Asia.  2002. 272 pages pp.  [abs]

Journal Articles

  1. Siegel, J. "The Russian Revolution of 1905 in the Eyes of Russia's Financiers." Revolutionary Russia 29.1 (January, 2016): 24-42. [doi]
  2. Siegel, J. "British intelligence on the Russian revolution and civil war — A breach at the source." Intelligence and National Security 10.3 (July, 1995): 468-485. [doi]

Chapters in Books

  1. Siegel, J. "“Planning for International Financial Order: The Call for Collective Responsibility at the Paris Peace Conference.”." Peacemaking and International Order after the First World War. Ed. Jackson, P; Sluga, G; Mulligan, W Cambridge University Press, March, 2023
  2. Siegel, J. "“The Costs of War: Foreign Finance and Russia’s War Effort.”." Russian International Relations in War and Revolution, 1914-22: Revolution and Civil War. Ed. Schimmelpenninck van der Oye, D; McDonald, DM; Budnitskii, O; Hughes, M Slavica Publishers, 2021
  3. Siegel, J. "“Le Prix de la Guerre.”." Une histoire de la guerre - Du XIXe siècle à nos jours. Ed. Cabanes, B Média Diffusion, August, 2018
  4. Siegel, J. "“Training Thieves: The Instruction of ‘Efficient Intelligence Officers’ in Pre-War Britain.”." Intelligence and Statecraft The Use and Limits of Intelligence in International Society. Ed. Siegel, J; Jackson, P Greenwood Publishing Group, 2005

Jennifer Siegel