Publications [#270057] of Anirudh Krishna

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Journal Articles

  1. Krishna, A; Bajpai, D. "“Lineal Spread and Radial Dissipation: Experiencing Growth in Rural India, 1993-2005.”." Economic and Political Weekly 46.44-51 (2011): 44-51.
    (last updated on 2024/04/17)

    The distribution of benefits from economic growth since the early 1990s has followed an identifiable spatial pattern. People in the largest cities have achieved the greatest gains, followed by people in small towns and villages close to towns. Further away, in villages located more than five kilometres from the nearest town -home to more than half of the entire population of India - inflation-adjusted per capita incomes fell between 1993 and 2005. The steepest declines were experienced by the lowest income groups. Rising inequality is a natural result of these spatially distributed trends. The debilitating effects of "distance from town" need to be countered by connecting outlying villages with more and better physical and social infrastructures.

Anirudh Krishna