Publications [#270066] of Anirudh Krishna

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Journal Articles

  1. Krishna, A; Haglund, E. "“Why Do Some Countries Win More Olympics Medals? Lessons for Social Mobility and Poverty Reduction.”." Economic and Political Weekly 43.28 (2008): 143-151.
    (last updated on 2024/04/25)

    Not everyone in our country has equal access to competitive sports. Many are not effective participants on account of ignorance or disinterest, disability or deterrence. This analysis considers two separate arenas for enlarging the pool of effective participants, one related to spor ts and other to social mobility. In both c ase s, t his p ap er f inds the plausibili t y of a n e xplanati o n based on effective participation rates. It examines what country characteristics are associated with greater success in the Olympics at the macro level by considering indicators such as health, education, and especially three variables of information and access (road length per unit of land area, the share of urban population and radios per capita). It also analyses the opportunities and achievements in the villages of two states, Karnataka and Rajasthan.

Anirudh Krishna