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Pope McCorkle, Professor of the Practice  

Office Location: 190 Rubenstein Hall, Box 90312, Durham, NC 27708
Duke Box: 90584
Email Address: mac.mccorkle@duke.edu

Areas of Expertise

  • American Government and Politics
    • Political Analysis, Philosophy and Theory
    • Political Participation
  • Leadership, Ethics, and Public Service

J.D., Duke University, 1984
BA, Princeton University, Magna cum Laude, 1977
A.B., Princeton University, 1977

Teaching (Spring 2025):

  • Pubpol 830.08, Special topics module Synopsis
    Rubenstein 153, TuTh 03:05 PM-04:20 PM

Pope “Mac” McCorkle has served as an issues consultant to political candidates, state governments, and various organizations for the last two decades. Since starting McCorkle Policy Consulting in 1994, he has worked for state and federal candidates in North Carolina as well as 28 other states.

McCorkle has published a number of articles on politics and public policy in academic journals and such magazines as Columbia Journalism Review, Commonweal, and Society. He graduated from Princeton magna cum laude in history (1977) and Duke Law School with honors (1984), clerked on United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit (1984-85), and practiced law for a number of years in Raleigh with the firm founded by former Duke President Terry Sanford.

Pope “Mac” McCorkle has served as an issues consultant to political candidates, state governments, and various organizations for the last two decades. Since starting McCorkle Policy Consulting in 1994, he has worked for state and federal candidates in North Carolina as well as 28 other states.

McCorkle has published a number of articles on politics and public policy in academic journals and such magazines as Columbia Journalism Review, Commonweal, and Society. He graduated from Princeton magna cum laude in history (1977) and Duke Law School with honors (1984), clerked on United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit (1984-85), and practiced law for a number of years in Raleigh with the firm founded by former Duke President Terry Sanford.

Pope McCorkle