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Nicholas W. Carnes, Z. Smith Reynolds Distinguished Professor of Public Policy Studies  

Office Location: 227 Sanford Bldg
Office Phone: +1 919 613 7330
Duke Box: 90245
Email Address: nicholas.carnes@duke.edu
Web Page: http://www.duke.edu/~nwc8

Areas of Expertise

  • American Government and Politics
    • Congressional Decision-making and Reform
    • Political Participation

Ph.D., Princeton University, 2011
M.A., Princeton University, 2008
BA, Political Science, University of Tulsa, 2006
A.B., The University of Tulsa, 2006

Research Categories: American Government and Politics; Economic and Social Class Inequality; Legislative Politics; Representation and Political Accountability

Representative Publications   (More Publications)

  1. Nicholas Carnes, . "Does the Numerical Underrepresentation of the Working Class in Congress Matter?." Legislative Studies Quarterly 37.1 (January, 2012): 5-34. [pdf], [doi]  [abs]

Curriculum Vitae

Nick Carnes joined the faculty at the Sanford School in July 2011. He is a political scientist whose research focuses on American politics, economic and social class inequality, and political representation.

Carnes is currently working on a book that examines the shortage of people from working-class backgrounds in national legislatures around the world. (On leave Spring 2023.)


Nick Carnes joined the faculty at the Sanford School in July 2011. He is a political scientist whose research focuses on American politics, economic and social class inequality, political representation, legislative decision making, and urban politics.

Carnes is currently working on a book that examines how the shortage of people from working-class backgrounds in American legislatures skews the policymaking process towards outcomes that are more in line with the upper class's economic interests. He is also beginning a large-scale investigation of the factors that discourage working-class citizens from holding political office and the programs that could help to address longstanding inequalities in the class composition of American policymaking institutions.

Current Ph.D. Students   (Former Students)

Nicholas W. Carnes