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Kenneth S. Rogerson, Professor of the Practice  

Office Location: 236 Sanford Building, Box 90312, Durham, NC 27708
Duke Box: 90245
Email Address: rogerson@duke.edu

Areas of Expertise

  • International, United Nations and International Institutions
  • Media and Communications, Internet Politics and Policy

Ph.D., University of South Carolina, Columbia, 2000
M.A., Brigham Young University, 1991
B.A., Brigham Young University, 1990

Research Categories: International communications; media; foreign policy; Internet politics and policy

Current projects: Comparative information policy, Media coverage of terrorist acts, Media coverage of religion during presidential campaigns

Research Description: International communications; media; foreign policy; Internet politics and policy

Teaching (Spring 2025):

  • Jam 410.01, Journalism/media st Synopsis
    Sanford 09, TuTh 11:45 AM-01:00 PM
  • Pubpol 495s.03, Honors seminar Synopsis
    Sanford 09, F 03:20 PM-05:50 PM

Office Hours:
Spring 2014
Tuesdays: 10 - 11:30
Thursdays: 2 - 3

Recent Publications   (More Publications)

  1. Rogerson, K; Sherman, J. "AI in Public Education: Humble Beginnings and Revolutionary Potential." International Political Economy Series. January, 2021: 63-83. [doi]  [abs]
  2. Vakarelov, O; Rogerson, K. "The Transparency Game: Government Information, Access, and Actionability." Philosophy and Technology 33.1 (March, 2020): 71-92. [doi]  [abs]
  3. Rogerson, KS; Heiss, A. "Sources of Advocacy: When Does the Media Give Voice to Egyptian Advocacy NGOs?." (August, 2014).
  4. Rogerson, K; Milton, D. "A Policymaking Process "Tug-of-War": National Information Security Policies in Comparative Perspective." Journal of Information Technology and Politics 10.4 (October, 2013): 462-476. [doi]  [abs]
  5. Rogerson, K. ""The 'Free' Flow of Information: Global Attempts at Internet Censorship and its Impact on Civil Society"." Politics and Internet (2012).

Kenneth S. Rogerson is Professor of the Practice at Duke University's Sanford School of Public Policy, and former Research Director of the DeWitt Wallace Center for Media and Democracy. He is currently the University's faculty advisor for the BN Duke Scholars. He has served as chair of the American Political Science Association’s Information Technology and Politics Section and the International Studies Association's International Communication Section.

Rogerson earned a PhD in Political Science at the University of South Carolina, where his research focused on international relations, international communications and media policy issues. In his dissertation, he examined the evolution of U.S. foreign information policy. He has a Masters of Arts degree in International Relations and a BA in Journalism and European Studies from Brigham Young University.

Rogerson runs research projects on digital equity through Sanford School’s Tech Policy Lab, including work on technology in education, equitable device distribution, and digital divide issues. He serves on the board of the US national organization Digitunity, which works to provide technology to underserved populations.

Kenneth S. Rogerson is Director of Undergraduate Studies for the Department of Public Policy, and former Research Director of the DeWitt Wallace Center for Media and Democracy at Duke University. He served as chair of the American Political Science Association’s Information Technology and Politics Section in 2006-2007.

Rogerson earned a PhD in Political Science at the University of South Carolina, where his research focused on international relations, international communications and media policy issues. In his dissertation, he examined the evolution of U.S. foreign information policy. He has a Masters of Arts degree in International Relations and a BA in Journalism and European Studies from Brigham Young University.

During his studies at the University of South Carolina Rogerson won the Excellence in Teaching Award, and the journal which he edited, Global Governance, was named the Best New Journal in the United States in Business, Social Sciences and the Humanities by the Association of American Publishers.

Kenneth S. Rogerson