Publications of David H. Schanzer    :chronological  alphabetical  combined  bibtex listing:

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Journal Articles

  1. Schanzer, DH. "No Easy Day: Government Roadblocks and the Unsolvable Problem of Political Violence: A Response to Marc Sageman's "The Stagnation in Terrorism Research"." Terrorism and Political Violence 26.4 (January, 2014): 596-600. [doi]
  2. Williams, J. "Staying Of the Snowden Bandwagon." (December, 2013).
  3. D.H. Schanzer. "Continental Security - A Skeptic's View, Homeland Security Affairs Journal." (2012). [available here]
  4. Schanzer, DH. "Continental Security - A Skeptic’s View." Homeland Security Affairs (2012). [available here]
  5. Kurzman, C; Schanzer, D; Moosa, E. "Muslim American terrorism since 9/11: Why so rare?." Muslim World 101.3 (2011): 464-483. [doi]
  6. D.H. Schanzer, J.E. Eyerman. ""Improving Strategic Risk Management at the Department of Homeland Security." IBM Center for the Business of Government Magazine." (Spring, 2010). [online]
  7. Schanzer, DH; Eyerman, JE. "Improving Strategic Risk Management at the Department of Homeland Security." IBM Center for the Business of Government (2010). (IBM Center for the Business of Government - [strategic-risk-management-government-look-homeland-security) [improving-strategic-risk-management-department-homeland-security]
  8. Schanzer, DH. "Book Review: "Open Target: Where America Is Vulnerable to Terrorist Attack by Clark Kent Ervin"." Survival 48.2 (Summer, 2006): 165-172. [repository]
  9. Schanzer, DH. "Book reviews." Survival 48.2 (June, 2006): 165-172. [doi]
  10. Schanzer, DH. "Hurricane Katrina: Anatomy of a Disaster." The Optimist 1.7 (January, 2006). [repository]
  11. Schanzer, DH. "The War on Terror: A Fifth Year Status Report." Carolina Banker (December, 2005).
  12. "filler: Georgetown Journal of International affairs." Orbis 47.1 (December, 2003): II-II. [doi]
  13. Schanzer, DH. "Case Note: Supreme Court - Leading Cases: Lyng v. UAW." Harvard L. Rev. 242 (1988).

Chapters in Books

  1. Schanzer, DH. "Terrorism as tactic." Constructions of Terrorism: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Research and Policy. January, 2017: 38-52.

Book Reviews

  1. Schanzer, DH; Nichols, T. The Cost of the Knife: A Review of The Way of the Knife by Mark Mazzetti.  Georgetown Journal of International Affairs 16.1 (2015): 204-10.

Policy Briefs

  1. Schanzer, DH; Kurzman, C. "Muslim-American Involvement with Violent Extremism, 2016." Muslim-American Involvement with Violent Extremism, 2016. Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security, January, 2017  [abs]
  2. Schanzer, DH; Miller, E; Toliver, J. "Promising Practices for Using Community Policing Strategies to Prevent Violent Extremism: How to Create and Implement a Community Outreach Program." Promising Practices for Using Community Policing Strategies to Prevent Violent Extremism: How to Create and Implement a Community Outreach Program. Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security, December, 2016
  3. Schanzer, DH; Eyerman, J. "United States Attorneys’ Community Outreach and Engagement Efforts to Counter Violent Extremism: Results from a Nationwide Survey." United States Attorneys’ Community Outreach and Engagement Efforts to Counter Violent Extremism: Results from a Nationwide Survey. Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security, December, 2016
  4. Schanzer, DH; Kurzman, C. "Law Enforcement Assessment of the Terrorist Threat."  Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security, June, 2015
  5. Schanzer, DH. "The Way Forward on Combating al Qai’da Inspired Violent Extremism in the United States: Suggestions for the Next Administration."  October, 2012
  6. Schanzer, DH; Eyerman, Joe. "Improving Strategic Risk Management at the Department of Homeland Security."  April, 2010 [repository]
  7. Schanzer, DH; Kurzman, Charles; Moosa, Ebrahim. "Anti-Terror Lessons of Muslim-Americans."  January, 2010: 61 pages. [repository]
  8. Schanzer, DH; Ludington, S; Visscher, W. "Report of the Privacy Subject Matter Experts Panel on the Violent Intent Modeling and Simulation Program."  June, 2009


  1. Schanzer, DH; Sullivan, J. Cancel the Midterms.  The New York times on the Web (November, 2014).
  2. Schanzer, DH; Nichols, T. Take a Deep Breath and Build a Coalition to Confront ISIS.  Huffington Post (September, 2014).
  3. Schanzer, DH. Israel Can’t Afford to Lose Jews Like Me.  Huffington Post (August, 2014).
  4. Schanzer, DH. Iraq Is Not a ‘Terrorism’ Problem.  Huffington Post (June, 2014).
  5. Schanzer, DH. 9/11 Museum Should Not Conflate Islam and Terrorism.  Huffington Post (May, 2014). [repository]
  6. Schanzer, DH. Homegrown terrorism threat was overhyped.  April, 2014. [repository]
  7. Schanzer, DH. Time for Full Disclosure of CIA Interrorgations.  March, 2014. [repository]
  8. Schanzer, DH. Staying Off the Snowden Bandwagon.  December, 2013. [repository]
  9. Schanzer, DH. Commemorating 9/11.  Huffington Post (September, 2013). [repository]
  10. Schanzer, DH. Obama Makes the Case, But Has No Realistic Plan to Close GITMO..  Islamic Commentary (May, 2013). [repository]
  11. Schanzer, DH; , Eyerman, J. Immigration Reform: Don’t Rush to Build Biometric Exit System.  Huff Post (May, 2013).
  12. Schanzer, DH. Interrogate Boston Bomber for Intelligence & Then Prosecute Him.  Huff Post (May, 2013).
  13. Schanzer, DH. Beware of Easy Answers to the 'Who Dropped the Ball?' Question.  Huff Post (May, 2013).
  14. Schanzer, DH. Guantanamo’s Collapse.  Huff Post (May, 2013).
  15. Schanzer, DH. Don’t Forget: Leakers of Classified Information Are Criminals.  Huff Post Media (May, 2013).
  16. Schanzer, DH. Mostly Quiet on the Western Front.  Foreign Policy (April, 2013).
  17. Schanzer, DH. Boston Bombing Suspects Raise New Terrorism Questions.  National Geographic Daily News (April, 2013).
  18. Schanzer, DH. The Big Question Raised by the Bradley Manning Case.  ISLAMICommentary (March, 2013).
  19. D.H. Schanzer. Acting Like Americans on Ramadan, Huffington Post.  July 20, 2012 [PDF]
  20. Schanzer, DH. Acting Like Americans on Ramadan.  Huffington Post (July, 2012). [repository]
  21. Schanzer, DH. Time to Reset Police-Muslim Relations.  Huffington Post (March, 2012). [repository]
  22. D.H. Schanzer. Speech: National Security and the 2012 Elections, University of North Carolina & CSPAN.  2012 [Securityandthe2]
  23. Schanzer, DH. National Security and the 2012 Elections.  C-SPAN (2012). [Securityandthe2]
  24. Schanzer, DH. Our troubled path to greater security.  Raleigh News and Observer (September, 2011). [repository]
  25. Schanzer, DH. It’s time to confront the ‘counterjihadists’.  The Globe and Mail (July, 2011). [repository]
  26. Schanzer, DH. In the aftermath of Abbottabad.  News and Observer (May, 2011). [repository]
  27. Schanzer, DH. King Hearings: A Polarized Flop.  Government Security News (March, 2011). [repository]
  28. D.H. Schanzer. King Hearings: A Polarized Flop, Government Security News.  March 11, 2011 [PDF]
  29. Schanzer, DH. King Hearings: A Polarized Flop, Government Security News.  March, 2011.
  30. Schanzer, DH. A sensible debate about radical Islam.  Atlanta Journal Constitution (February, 2011). [repository]
  31. Schanzer, DH. Islamophobia is threatening America.  Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (August, 2010). [repository]
  32. Schanzer, DH. "Islamaphobia is threatening America," Pittsburgh Post Gazette.  August, 2010.  (also published in the Baltimore Sun, the Durham Herald Sun, and Newark Star Ledger.)
  33. Schanzer, DH. Time for intelligence interrogations.  Raleigh News and Observer (May, 2010). [repository]
  34. Schanzer, DH. Policy on terror trials in need of an overhaul.  Philadelphia Inquirer (March, 2010). [repository]
  35. Schanzer, DH. We must work with Muslim-Americans.  St. Petersburg Times (January, 2010). [repository]
  36. D.H. Schanzer. Take a Hard Look Before Spending Billions on Security Technology.  Durham Herald Sun (January 2, 2010). [Article]
  37. Schanzer, DH. Take a hard look before investing billions in security technology.  Durham Herald Sun (January, 2010). [repository]
  38.  America At Risk: Closing the Security Gap.  2010. [online]
  39.  Winning the War on Terror.  2010.
  40.  Transforming the Southern Border: Providing Security & Prosperity in the Post 9/11 World.  2010. [online]
  41. Schanzer, DH. Shedding light, not heat, on torture.  Raleigh News and Observer (May, 2009). [repository]
  42. Schanzer, DH. Cheney's misfiring security critique.  Raleigh News and Observer (April, 2009). [repository]
  43. Schanzer, DH. Closing the Doors on GITMO.  Philadelphia Inquirer(also printed in the Raleigh, News & Observer, Oct. 20). (October, 2008). [repository]
  44. Schanzer, DH. "Closing the Doors on Gitmo"..  Philadelphia Inquirer, (October, 2008).
  45. Schanzer, DH. The distorted ethics of kiss and tell.  Durham Herald Sun (June, 2008). [repository]
  46. D.H. Schanzer. "Words for Evildoers".  "Raleigh News & Observer, (also printed in the Newark Star Ledger) (May 23, 2008). [Article]
  47. Schanzer, DH. Words for the evildoers.  Raleigh News and Observer (May, 2008). [repository]
  48. Schanzer, DH. The Meddling Media.  Raleigh News and Observer (January, 2008). [repository]
  49. Schanzer, DH. Why America is losing to al-Qaida.  September, 2007. [available here]
  50. Schanzer, DH. Capture won't snuff al-Qaeda.  Raleigh News and Observer (September, 2007). [repository]
  51. Schanzer, DH. "Why America Is Losing to al-Qaida,".  Baltimore Herald Sun,(also published in Durham Herald Sun., Ft. Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel, New Jersey Star Ledger) (print). (July, 2007).
  52. D.H. Schanzer. Blunt Threats Now a Credible Option.  News and Observer (December 17, 2006). [online] [Article[abs]
  53. Schanzer, DH. Blunt threat now a credible option.  Raleigh News and Observer (December, 2006). [repository]
  54. Schanzer, DH. Strategies for the Struggle Against Terror.  Raleigh News & Observer, (also published in Newark Star-Ledger, Fort Lauderdale Sun Sentinel, and quoted in Detroit Free Press) (September, 2006).
  55. Schanzer, DH. Data Analysis With Safeguards.  South Florida Sun Sentinel, New Jersey Star-Ledger(also published in South Florida Sun Sentinel, New Jersey Star-Ledger). (June, 2006). [repository]
  56. Schanzer, DH. "Data Analysis With Safeguards,".  News & Observer (June, 2006).
  57. Schanzer, DH. "FEMA’s Home,".  Raleigh News & Observer,(also published in Des Moines Register, New Orleans Times Picayune). (May, 2006).
  58. Schanzer, DH. FEMA's home.  Raleigh News & Observer (April, 2006). [repository]
  59. Schanzer, DH. If we were serious about ports' security.  Raleigh News and Observer (February, 2006). [repository]
  60. Schanzer, DH; Hayden, CD. A Force To Deal With Disasters.  Raleigh News & Observer (2006).
  61. Schanzer, DH. Detect bombs, not scissors.  Raleigh News and Observer (December, 2005). (also published in [repository]
  62. Schanzer, DH. The War on Terror: A Fifth Year Status Report.  Carolina Banker (Winter, 2005). [repository]
  63. Schanzer, DH. The Forgotten Bioterror Anniversary.  St. Paul Pioneer Press (October, 2005). [repository]
  64. Schanzer, DH. Homeland Security must learn from this.  Raleigh News and Observer (September, 2005). (also published in Contra Costa Times and St. Paul Pioneer Press) [repository]
  65. Schanzer, DH. Oct. 15, The Forgotten Bioterror Anniversary.  St. Paul Pioneer Press (2005). (also published in the Raleigh News & Observer, Ft. Lauderdale Sun Sentinel, and Milwaukee Journal Sentinel)


  1. D.H. Schanzer. "The Way Forward on Combating al Qai'da Inspired Violent Extremism in the United States: Suggestions for the Next Administration, Institute for Social Policy and Understanding, Duke Islamic Studies Center."  October, 2012 [The Way Forward on Combating AlQaida Inspired Violent Extremism in the United St]
  2. D.H. Schanzer, C. Kurzman, E. Moosa.. ""Anti Terror Lessons of Muslin Americans"."  2010 [Article]
  3. D.H. Schanzer, S. Ludington, W. Visscher. ""Final Report - Report of the Privacy Subject Matter Experts Panel on the Violent Intent Modeling and Simulation Program."."  June, 2009

David H. Schanzer