Sanford School of Public Policy
Duke University
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Journal Articles
- Schanzer, DH. "No Easy Day: Government Roadblocks and the Unsolvable Problem of Political Violence: A Response to Marc Sageman's "The Stagnation in Terrorism Research"." Terrorism and Political Violence 26.4 (January, 2014): 596-600. [doi]
- Williams, J. "Staying Of the Snowden Bandwagon." (December, 2013).
- D.H. Schanzer. "Continental Security - A Skeptic's View, Homeland Security Affairs Journal." (2012). [available here]
- Schanzer, DH. "Continental Security - A Skeptic’s View." Homeland Security Affairs (2012). [available here]
- Kurzman, C; Schanzer, D; Moosa, E. "Muslim American terrorism since 9/11: Why so rare?." Muslim World 101.3 (2011): 464-483. [doi]
- D.H. Schanzer, J.E. Eyerman. ""Improving Strategic Risk Management at the Department of Homeland Security." IBM Center for the Business of Government Magazine." (Spring, 2010). [online]
- Schanzer, DH; Eyerman, JE. "Improving Strategic Risk Management at the Department of Homeland Security." IBM Center for the Business of Government (2010). (IBM Center for the Business of Government - [strategic-risk-management-government-look-homeland-security) [improving-strategic-risk-management-department-homeland-security]
- Schanzer, DH. "Book Review: "Open Target: Where America Is Vulnerable to Terrorist Attack by Clark Kent Ervin"." Survival 48.2 (Summer, 2006): 165-172. [repository]
- Schanzer, DH. "Book reviews." Survival 48.2 (June, 2006): 165-172. [doi]
- Schanzer, DH. "Hurricane Katrina: Anatomy of a Disaster." The Optimist 1.7 (January, 2006). [repository]
- Schanzer, DH. "The War on Terror: A Fifth Year Status Report." Carolina Banker (December, 2005).
- "filler: Georgetown Journal of International affairs." Orbis 47.1 (December, 2003): II-II. [doi]
- Schanzer, DH. "Case Note: Supreme Court - Leading Cases: Lyng v. UAW." Harvard L. Rev. 242 (1988).
Chapters in Books
- Schanzer, DH. "Terrorism as tactic." Constructions of Terrorism: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Research and Policy. January, 2017: 38-52.
Book Reviews
- Schanzer, DH; Nichols, T. The Cost of the Knife: A Review of The Way of the Knife by Mark Mazzetti. Georgetown Journal of International Affairs 16.1
(2015): 204-10.
Policy Briefs
- Schanzer, DH; Kurzman, C. "Muslim-American Involvement with Violent Extremism, 2016." Muslim-American Involvement with Violent Extremism, 2016. Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security, January, 2017 [abs]
- Schanzer, DH; Miller, E; Toliver, J. "Promising Practices for Using Community Policing Strategies to Prevent Violent Extremism: How to Create and Implement a Community Outreach Program." Promising Practices for Using Community Policing Strategies to Prevent Violent Extremism: How to Create and Implement a Community Outreach Program. Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security, December, 2016
- Schanzer, DH; Eyerman, J. "United States Attorneys’ Community Outreach and Engagement Efforts to Counter Violent Extremism: Results from a Nationwide Survey." United States Attorneys’ Community Outreach and Engagement Efforts to Counter Violent Extremism: Results from a Nationwide Survey. Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security, December, 2016
- Schanzer, DH; Kurzman, C. "Law Enforcement Assessment of the Terrorist Threat." Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security, June, 2015
- Schanzer, DH. "The Way Forward on Combating al Qai’da Inspired Violent Extremism in the United States: Suggestions for the Next Administration." October, 2012
- Schanzer, DH; Eyerman, Joe. "Improving Strategic Risk Management at the Department of Homeland Security." April, 2010 [repository]
- Schanzer, DH; Kurzman, Charles; Moosa, Ebrahim. "Anti-Terror Lessons of Muslim-Americans." January, 2010: 61 pages. [repository]
- Schanzer, DH; Ludington, S; Visscher, W. "Report of the Privacy Subject Matter Experts Panel on the Violent Intent Modeling and Simulation Program." June, 2009
- Schanzer, DH; Sullivan, J. Cancel the Midterms. The New York times on the Web
(November, 2014).
- Schanzer, DH; Nichols, T. Take a Deep Breath and Build a Coalition to Confront ISIS. Huffington Post
(September, 2014).
- Schanzer, DH. Israel Can’t Afford to Lose Jews Like Me. Huffington Post
(August, 2014).
- Schanzer, DH. Iraq Is Not a ‘Terrorism’ Problem. Huffington Post
(June, 2014).
- Schanzer, DH. 9/11 Museum Should Not Conflate Islam and Terrorism. Huffington Post
(May, 2014). [repository]
- Schanzer, DH. Homegrown terrorism threat was overhyped. April, 2014.
- Schanzer, DH. Time for Full Disclosure of CIA Interrorgations. March, 2014.
- Schanzer, DH. Staying Off the Snowden Bandwagon. December, 2013.
- Schanzer, DH. Commemorating 9/11. Huffington Post
(September, 2013). [repository]
- Schanzer, DH. Obama Makes the Case, But Has No Realistic Plan to Close GITMO.. Islamic Commentary
(May, 2013). [repository]
- Schanzer, DH; , Eyerman, J. Immigration Reform: Don’t Rush to Build Biometric Exit System. Huff Post
(May, 2013).
- Schanzer, DH. Interrogate Boston Bomber for Intelligence & Then Prosecute Him. Huff Post
(May, 2013).
- Schanzer, DH. Beware of Easy Answers to the 'Who Dropped the Ball?' Question. Huff Post
(May, 2013).
- Schanzer, DH. Guantanamo’s Collapse. Huff Post
(May, 2013).
- Schanzer, DH. Don’t Forget: Leakers of Classified Information Are Criminals. Huff Post Media
(May, 2013).
- Schanzer, DH. Mostly Quiet on the Western Front. Foreign Policy
(April, 2013).
- Schanzer, DH. Boston Bombing Suspects Raise New Terrorism Questions. National Geographic Daily News
(April, 2013).
- Schanzer, DH. The Big Question Raised by the Bradley Manning Case. ISLAMICommentary
(March, 2013).
- D.H. Schanzer. Acting Like Americans on Ramadan, Huffington Post. July 20, 2012
- Schanzer, DH. Acting Like Americans on Ramadan. Huffington Post
(July, 2012). [repository]
- Schanzer, DH. Time to Reset Police-Muslim Relations. Huffington Post
(March, 2012). [repository]
- D.H. Schanzer. Speech: National Security and the 2012 Elections, University of North Carolina & CSPAN. 2012
- Schanzer, DH. National Security and the 2012 Elections. C-SPAN
(2012). [Securityandthe2]
- Schanzer, DH. Our troubled path to greater security. Raleigh News and Observer
(September, 2011). [repository]
- Schanzer, DH. It’s time to confront the ‘counterjihadists’. The Globe and Mail
(July, 2011). [repository]
- Schanzer, DH. In the aftermath of Abbottabad. News and Observer
(May, 2011). [repository]
- Schanzer, DH. King Hearings: A Polarized Flop. Government Security News
(March, 2011). [repository]
- D.H. Schanzer. King Hearings: A Polarized Flop, Government Security News. March 11, 2011
- Schanzer, DH. King Hearings: A Polarized Flop, Government Security News. March, 2011.
- Schanzer, DH. A sensible debate about radical Islam. Atlanta Journal Constitution
(February, 2011). [repository]
- Schanzer, DH. Islamophobia is threatening America. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
(August, 2010). [repository]
- Schanzer, DH. "Islamaphobia is threatening America," Pittsburgh Post Gazette. August, 2010.
(also published in the Baltimore Sun, the Durham Herald Sun, and Newark Star Ledger.)
- Schanzer, DH. Time for intelligence interrogations. Raleigh News and Observer
(May, 2010). [repository]
- Schanzer, DH. Policy on terror trials in need of an overhaul. Philadelphia Inquirer
(March, 2010). [repository]
- Schanzer, DH. We must work with Muslim-Americans. St. Petersburg Times
(January, 2010). [repository]
- D.H. Schanzer. Take a Hard Look Before Spending Billions on Security Technology. Durham Herald Sun
(January 2, 2010). [Article]
- Schanzer, DH. Take a hard look before investing billions in security technology. Durham Herald Sun
(January, 2010). [repository]
- America At Risk: Closing the Security Gap. 2010.
- Winning the War on Terror. 2010.
- Transforming the Southern Border: Providing Security & Prosperity in the Post 9/11 World. 2010.
- Schanzer, DH. Shedding light, not heat, on torture. Raleigh News and Observer
(May, 2009). [repository]
- Schanzer, DH. Cheney's misfiring security critique. Raleigh News and Observer
(April, 2009). [repository]
- Schanzer, DH. Closing the Doors on GITMO. Philadelphia Inquirer(also printed in the Raleigh, News & Observer, Oct. 20).
(October, 2008). [repository]
- Schanzer, DH. "Closing the Doors on Gitmo".. Philadelphia Inquirer,
(October, 2008).
- Schanzer, DH. The distorted ethics of kiss and tell. Durham Herald Sun
(June, 2008). [repository]
- D.H. Schanzer. "Words for Evildoers". "Raleigh News & Observer, (also printed in the Newark Star Ledger)
(May 23, 2008). [Article]
- Schanzer, DH. Words for the evildoers. Raleigh News and Observer
(May, 2008). [repository]
- Schanzer, DH. The Meddling Media. Raleigh News and Observer
(January, 2008). [repository]
- Schanzer, DH. Why America is losing to al-Qaida. September, 2007.
[available here]
- Schanzer, DH. Capture won't snuff al-Qaeda. Raleigh News and Observer
(September, 2007). [repository]
- Schanzer, DH. "Why America Is Losing to al-Qaida,". Baltimore Herald Sun,(also published in Durham Herald Sun., Ft. Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel, New Jersey Star Ledger) (print).
(July, 2007).
- D.H. Schanzer. Blunt Threats Now a Credible Option. News and Observer
(December 17, 2006). [online] [Article] [abs]
- Schanzer, DH. Blunt threat now a credible option. Raleigh News and Observer
(December, 2006). [repository]
- Schanzer, DH. Strategies for the Struggle Against Terror. Raleigh News & Observer, (also published in Newark Star-Ledger, Fort Lauderdale Sun Sentinel, and quoted in Detroit Free Press)
(September, 2006).
- Schanzer, DH. Data Analysis With Safeguards. South Florida Sun Sentinel, New Jersey Star-Ledger(also published in South Florida Sun Sentinel, New Jersey Star-Ledger).
(June, 2006). [repository]
- Schanzer, DH. "Data Analysis With Safeguards,". News & Observer
(June, 2006).
- Schanzer, DH. "FEMA’s Home,". Raleigh News & Observer,(also published in Des Moines Register, New Orleans Times Picayune).
(May, 2006).
- Schanzer, DH. FEMA's home. Raleigh News & Observer
(April, 2006). [repository]
- Schanzer, DH. If we were serious about ports' security. Raleigh News and Observer
(February, 2006). [repository]
- Schanzer, DH; Hayden, CD. A Force To Deal With Disasters. Raleigh News & Observer
- Schanzer, DH. Detect bombs, not scissors. Raleigh News and Observer
(December, 2005). (also published in [repository]
- Schanzer, DH. The War on Terror: A Fifth Year Status Report. Carolina Banker
(Winter, 2005). [repository]
- Schanzer, DH. The Forgotten Bioterror Anniversary. St. Paul Pioneer Press
(October, 2005). [repository]
- Schanzer, DH. Homeland Security must learn from this. Raleigh News and Observer
(September, 2005). (also published in Contra Costa Times and
St. Paul Pioneer Press) [repository]
- Schanzer, DH. Oct. 15, The Forgotten Bioterror Anniversary. St. Paul Pioneer Press
(2005). (also published in the Raleigh News &
Observer, Ft. Lauderdale Sun Sentinel, and
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel)
- D.H. Schanzer. "The Way Forward on Combating al Qai'da Inspired Violent Extremism in the United States: Suggestions for the Next Administration, Institute for Social Policy and Understanding, Duke Islamic Studies Center." October, 2012 [The Way Forward on Combating AlQaida Inspired Violent Extremism in the United St]
- D.H. Schanzer, C. Kurzman, E. Moosa.. ""Anti Terror Lessons of Muslin Americans"." 2010 [Article]
- D.H. Schanzer, S. Ludington, W. Visscher. ""Final Report - Report of the Privacy Subject Matter Experts Panel on the Violent Intent Modeling and Simulation Program."." June, 2009
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