Sanford School of Public Policy
Duke University
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Chapters in Books
- Hotz, VJ; McElroy, SW; Sanders, SG. "The impacts of teenage childbearing on the mothers and the consequences of those impacts for government." Kids Having Kids: Economic Costs and Social Consequences of Teen Pregnancy. January, 2018: 55-94. [doi] [abs]
- Kranton, RE; Sanders, SG. "Groupy versus non-groupy social preferences: Personality, region, and political party." American Economic Association, May, 2017: 65-69. [doi]
- Black, D; Gates, G; Sanders, S; Taylor, L. "Demographics of the gay and lesbian population in The United States: Evidence from available systematic data sources." Queer Economics: A Reader. January, 2013: 61-92. [doi] [abs]
- S.G. Sanders, V.J. Hotz, & S. McElroy. "The Impact of Teenage Childbearing on the Mothers and the Consequences of those Impacts for Government." Kids Having Kids: Economic Cost and Social Consequences of Teen Pregnancy.
Ed. Rebecca Maynard 1996
Edited Volumes
- S.G. Sanders. Crime and the family: Lessons from teenage childbearing. Controlling Crime: Strategies and Tradeoffs. NBER, 2011
Papers Submitted
- Fredrik Andersson, Monica Garcia-Perez, John Haltiwanger, Kristin McCue and Seth Sanders. "Workplace Concentration of Immigrants." Revise and Resubmit at Demography (2012).
- Dan Black, Yu-Chieh Hsu, Seth Sanders, Lowell Taylor. "Forward and Backward Estimates of Mortality." Revise and Resubmit at Demography (2012).
- Dan Black, Seth Sanders, Evan Taylor, Lowell Taylor. "The Impact of the Great Migration on Mortality of African." Revise and Resubmitt at the American Economic Review (2012).
Papers Published
- Black, DA; Hsu, Y-C; Sanders, SG; Schofield, LS; Taylor, LJ. "The Methuselah Effect: The Pernicious Impact of Unreported Deaths on Old-Age Mortality Estimates.." Demography 54.6 (December, 2017): 2001-2024. [doi] [abs]
- Black, DA; Hsu, Y-C; Sanders, SG; Taylor, LJ. "Combining forward and backward mortality estimation.." Population Studies 71.3 (November, 2017): 281-292. [doi] [abs]
- Black, DA; Sanders, SG; Taylor, EJ; Taylor, LJ. "The Impact of the Great Migration on Mortality of African Americans: Evidence from the Deep South.." American Economic Review 105.2 (February, 2015): 477-503. [doi] [abs]
- Arcidiacono, P; Beauchamp, A; Hull, M; Sanders, S. "Exploring the racial divide in education and the labor market through evidence from interracial families." Journal of Human Capital 9.2 (January, 2015): 198-238. [doi] [abs]
- Andersson, F; García-Pérez, M; Haltiwanger, J; McCue, K; Sanders, S. "Workplace Concentration of Immigrants." Demography 51.6 (December, 2014): 2281-2306. [doi] [abs]
- Israel, S; Caspi, A; Belsky, DW; Harrington, H; Hogan, S; Houts, R; Ramrakha, S; Sanders, S; Poulton, R; Moffitt, TE. "Credit scores, cardiovascular disease risk, and human capital.." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 111.48 (December, 2014): 17087-17092. [repository], [doi] [abs]
- Gorsuch, MM; Sanders, SG; Wu, B. "Tooth loss in Appalachia and the Mississippi delta relative to other regions in the United States, 1999-2010.." American Journal of Public Health 104.5 (May, 2014): e85-e91. [doi] [abs]
- Black, DA; Kolesnikova, N; Sanders, SG; Taylor, LJ. "THE ROLE OF LOCATION IN EVALUATING RACIAL WAGE DISPARITY.." Journal of Labor Economics 2.1 (May, 2013): 2-2. [doi] [abs]
- Black, DA; Kolesnikova, N; Sanders, SG; Taylor, LJ. "Are Children “Normal”?." Review of Economics and Statistics 95.1 (March, 2013): 21-33. [abs]
- Dan Black, Natalia Kolesnikova, Seth Sanders and Lowell Taylor. "Are Children Normal?." Review of Economics and Statistics (February, 2012 (posted online)).
- Dan Black and S.G. Sanders. "Inequality and Human Capital in Appalachia, 1960–2000." Appalachian Legacy: Economic Opportunity After the War on Poverty (2012): 240.
- Eduardo Fajnzylber, S.G. Sanders, V.J Hotz. "An Economic Model of Amniocentesis Choice Advances in Life Course." Advances in Life Course Research 15.1 (March, 2010): 11-26.
- Fajnzylber, E; Hotz, VJ; Sanders, SG. "An economic model of amniocentesis choice.." Advances in Life Course Research 15.1 (March, 2010): 11-26. [21516255], [doi] [abs]
- Black, DA; Haviland, A; Sanders, SG; Taylor, LJ. "Gender Wage Disparities among the Highly Educated.." The Journal of Human Resources 43.3 (Summer, 2008): 630-659. [630], [doi] [abs]
- S.G. Sanders, D. Black, A. Haviland, & L. Taylor. "Gender Wage Differences Among the Highly Educated." Journal of Human Resources (2008). (forthcoming)
- Black, DA; Sanders, SG; Taylor, LJ. "The economics of lesbian and gay families." The Journal of Economic Perspectives : a Journal of the American Economic Association 21.2 (March, 2007): 53-70. [doi]
- Black, D; Haviland, A; Sanders, S; Taylor, L. "Why do minority men earn less? A study of wage differentials among the highly educated." The Review of Economics and Statistics 88.2 (July, 2006): 300-313. [repository], [doi] [abs]
- Seltzer, JA; Bachrach, CA; Bianchi, SM; Bledsoe, CH; Casper, LM; Chase-Lansdale, PL; Diprete, TA; Hotz, VJ; Morgan, SP; Sanders, SG; Thomas, D. "Explaining Family Change and Variation: Challenges for Family Demographers.." Journal of Marriage and the Family 67.4 (November, 2005): 908-925. [20376277], [doi] [abs]
- Black, DA; McKinnish, TG; Sanders, SG. "Tight labor markets and the demand for education: Evidence from the coal boom and bust." Ilr Review 59.1 (October, 2005): 3-16. [repository], [doi] [abs]
- Hotz, VJ; McElroy, SW; Sanders, SG. "Teenage childbearing and its life cycle consequences: Exploiting a natural experiment." The Journal of Human Resources 40.3 (Summer, 2005): 683-715. [doi] [abs]
- Black, D; McKinnish, T; Sanders, S. "The economic impact of the coal boom and bust." The Economic Journal 115.503 (April, 2005): 449-476. [doi] [abs]
- Black, D; Sanders, S; Taylor, L. "Measurement of Higher Education in the Census and Current Population Survey." Journal of the American Statistical Association 98.463 (September, 2003): 545-554. [doi] [abs]
- Sanders, SG; Black, D; McKinnish, T. "Does the Availability of High-Wage Jobs for Low-Skilled Men Affects AFDC Expenditures: Evidence from Shocks to the Coal and Steel Industries." Journal of the Public Economics 87.9-10 (September, 2003): 1919-1940. [doi] [abs]
- Black, DA; McKinnish, TG; Sanders, SG. "Does the availability of high-wage jobs for low-skilled men affect welfare expenditures? Evidence from shocks to the steel and coal industries." Journal of Public Economics 87.9-10 (September, 2003): 1921-1942. [doi] [abs]
- Black, DA; Sanders, S; Taylor, L. "The economic reward for studying economics." Economic Inquiry 41.3 (July, 2003): 365-377. [doi] [abs]
- Sanders, SG; Black, D; Makar, H; Taylor, L. "The Effect of Sexual Orientation on Earnings." Industrial and Labor Relations Review 56.3 (March, 2003): 449-469.
- Nagin, DS; Rebitzer, JB; Sanders, S; Taylor, LJ. "Monitoring, motivation, and management: The determinants of opportunistic behavior in a field experiment." American Economic Review 92.4 (September, 2002): 850-873. [doi] [abs]
- Black, D; Gates, G; Sanders, S; Taylor, L. "Why do gay men live in San Francisco?." Journal of Urban Economics 51.1 (January, 2002): 54-76. [doi] [abs]
- Black, D; Daniel, K; Sanders, S. "The Impact of Economic Conditions on Participation in Disability Programs: Evidence from the Coal Boom and Bust.." American Economic Review 92.1 (January, 2002): 27-50. [repository], [doi] [abs]
- Black, D; Gates, G; Sanders, S; Taylor, L. "Demographics of the gay and lesbian population in the United States: evidence from available systematic data sources.." Demography 37.2 (May, 2000): 139-154. [doi] [abs]
- Black, D; McKinnish, T; Sanders, SG. "Are We Understating the Impact of Economic Conditions on Welfare Rolls?." 5.4 (March, 2000): 489-505.
- McKinnish, T; Sanders, S; Smith, J. "Estimates of effective guarantees and tax rates in the AFDC program for the post-OBRA period." The Journal of Human Resources 34.2 (Spring, 1999): 312-345. [doi] [abs]
- Daponte, BO; Sanders, S; Taylor, L. "Why do low-income households not use food stamps? Evidence from an experiment." The Journal of Human Resources 34.3 (Summer, 1999): 612-628. [doi] [abs]
- Daponte, BO; Lewis, GH; Sanders, S; Taylor, L. "Food pantry use among low-income households in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania." Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior 30.1 (January, 1998): 50-57. [abs]
- S.G. Sanders & R.A. Miller. "Human Capital Development and Welfare Participation." Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy 46 (July, 1997): 1-47.
- Hotz, VJ; Mullin, CH; Sanders, SG. "Bounding Causal Effects Using Data from a Contaminated Natural Experiment: Analysing the Effects of Teenage Childbearing." Review of Economic Studies 64.4 (January, 1997): 575-603. [doi] [abs]
- Sanders, SG; Duleep, HO. "Empirical Regularities Across Cultures: The Effect of Children on Women's Work." Journal of Human Resources 29.2 (Spring, 1994): 328-347.
- Hotz, VJ; Miller, RA; Sanders, S; Smith, J. "A simulation estimator for dynamic models of discrete choice." Review of Economic Studies 61.2 (January, 1994): 265-289. [doi] [abs]
- Sanders, SG; Duleep, HO. "The Decision to Work by Married Immigrant Women: Evidence from Asian Women." Industrial and Labor Relations Review 46.4 (July, 1993): 677-690.
- DULEEP, HO; SANDERS, S. "Discrimination at the Top: American‐Born Asian and White Men." Industrial Relations 31.3 (January, 1992): 416-432. [doi] [abs]
- S.G. Sanders, V.J. Hotz, & S. McElroy. "The Costs and Consequences of Teenage Childbearing for Mothers." Chicago Policy Review 1.1 (1996): 55-94.
- S.G. Sanders, D. Black, & K. Daniel. "The Rise and Fall of King Coal." Kentucky Annual Economic Report (1995).
- S.G. Sanders, B. Daponte, G. Lewis, & L. Taylor. "An Examination of Food Pantry Use." United Way (December, 1994).
- S.G. Sanders & V. J. Hotz. "Bounding Treatment Effects in Experimental Evaluations Subject to Post-Randomization Treatment Choice." Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute, 49th Session (1994).