Publications of Seth G. Sanders    :chronological  alphabetical  combined  bibtex listing:

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Chapters in Books

  1. Hotz, VJ; McElroy, SW; Sanders, SG. "The impacts of teenage childbearing on the mothers and the consequences of those impacts for government." Kids Having Kids: Economic Costs and Social Consequences of Teen Pregnancy. January, 2018: 55-94. [doi]  [abs]
  2. Kranton, RE; Sanders, SG. "Groupy versus non-groupy social preferences: Personality, region, and political party."  American Economic Association, May, 2017: 65-69. [doi]
  3. Black, D; Gates, G; Sanders, S; Taylor, L. "Demographics of the gay and lesbian population in The United States: Evidence from available systematic data sources." Queer Economics: A Reader. January, 2013: 61-92. [doi]  [abs]
  4. S.G. Sanders, V.J. Hotz, & S. McElroy. "The Impact of Teenage Childbearing on the Mothers and the Consequences of those Impacts for Government." Kids Having Kids: Economic Cost and Social Consequences of Teen Pregnancy. Ed. Rebecca Maynard 1996

Edited Volumes

  1. S.G. Sanders. Crime and the family: Lessons from teenage childbearing. Controlling Crime: Strategies and Tradeoffs. NBER, 2011

Papers Submitted

  1. Fredrik Andersson, Monica Garcia-Perez, John Haltiwanger, Kristin McCue and Seth Sanders. "Workplace Concentration of Immigrants." Revise and Resubmit at Demography  (2012).
  2. Dan Black, Yu-Chieh Hsu, Seth Sanders, Lowell Taylor. "Forward and Backward Estimates of Mortality." Revise and Resubmit at Demography  (2012).
  3. Dan Black, Seth Sanders, Evan Taylor, Lowell Taylor. "The Impact of the Great Migration on Mortality of African." Revise and Resubmitt at the American Economic Review  (2012).

Papers Published

  1. Black, DA; Hsu, Y-C; Sanders, SG; Schofield, LS; Taylor, LJ. "The Methuselah Effect: The Pernicious Impact of Unreported Deaths on Old-Age Mortality Estimates.." Demography 54.6 (December, 2017): 2001-2024. [doi]  [abs]
  2. Black, DA; Hsu, Y-C; Sanders, SG; Taylor, LJ. "Combining forward and backward mortality estimation.." Population Studies 71.3 (November, 2017): 281-292. [doi]  [abs]
  3. Black, DA; Sanders, SG; Taylor, EJ; Taylor, LJ. "The Impact of the Great Migration on Mortality of African Americans: Evidence from the Deep South.." American Economic Review 105.2 (February, 2015): 477-503. [doi]  [abs]
  4. Arcidiacono, P; Beauchamp, A; Hull, M; Sanders, S. "Exploring the racial divide in education and the labor market through evidence from interracial families." Journal of Human Capital 9.2 (January, 2015): 198-238. [doi]  [abs]
  5. Andersson, F; García-Pérez, M; Haltiwanger, J; McCue, K; Sanders, S. "Workplace Concentration of Immigrants." Demography 51.6 (December, 2014): 2281-2306. [doi]  [abs]
  6. Israel, S; Caspi, A; Belsky, DW; Harrington, H; Hogan, S; Houts, R; Ramrakha, S; Sanders, S; Poulton, R; Moffitt, TE. "Credit scores, cardiovascular disease risk, and human capital.." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 111.48 (December, 2014): 17087-17092. [repository], [doi]  [abs]
  7. Gorsuch, MM; Sanders, SG; Wu, B. "Tooth loss in Appalachia and the Mississippi delta relative to other regions in the United States, 1999-2010.." American Journal of Public Health 104.5 (May, 2014): e85-e91. [doi]  [abs]
  8. Black, DA; Kolesnikova, N; Sanders, SG; Taylor, LJ. "THE ROLE OF LOCATION IN EVALUATING RACIAL WAGE DISPARITY.." Journal of Labor Economics 2.1 (May, 2013): 2-2. [doi]  [abs]
  9. Black, DA; Kolesnikova, N; Sanders, SG; Taylor, LJ. "Are Children “Normal”?." Review of Economics and Statistics 95.1 (March, 2013): 21-33.  [abs]
  10. Dan Black, Natalia Kolesnikova, Seth Sanders and Lowell Taylor. "Are Children Normal?." Review of Economics and Statistics (February, 2012 (posted online)).
  11. Dan Black and S.G. Sanders. "Inequality and Human Capital in Appalachia, 1960–2000." Appalachian Legacy: Economic Opportunity After the War on Poverty (2012): 240.
  12. Eduardo Fajnzylber, S.G. Sanders, V.J Hotz. "An Economic Model of Amniocentesis Choice Advances in Life Course." Advances in Life Course Research 15.1 (March, 2010): 11-26.
  13. Fajnzylber, E; Hotz, VJ; Sanders, SG. "An economic model of amniocentesis choice.." Advances in Life Course Research 15.1 (March, 2010): 11-26. [21516255], [doi]  [abs]
  14. Black, DA; Haviland, A; Sanders, SG; Taylor, LJ. "Gender Wage Disparities among the Highly Educated.." The Journal of Human Resources 43.3 (Summer, 2008): 630-659. [630], [doi]  [abs]
  15. S.G. Sanders, D. Black, A. Haviland, & L. Taylor. "Gender Wage Differences Among the Highly Educated." Journal of Human Resources (2008). (forthcoming)
  16. Black, DA; Sanders, SG; Taylor, LJ. "The economics of lesbian and gay families." The Journal of Economic Perspectives : a Journal of the American Economic Association 21.2 (March, 2007): 53-70. [doi]
  17. Black, D; Haviland, A; Sanders, S; Taylor, L. "Why do minority men earn less? A study of wage differentials among the highly educated." The Review of Economics and Statistics 88.2 (July, 2006): 300-313. [repository], [doi]  [abs]
  18. Seltzer, JA; Bachrach, CA; Bianchi, SM; Bledsoe, CH; Casper, LM; Chase-Lansdale, PL; Diprete, TA; Hotz, VJ; Morgan, SP; Sanders, SG; Thomas, D. "Explaining Family Change and Variation: Challenges for Family Demographers.." Journal of Marriage and the Family 67.4 (November, 2005): 908-925. [20376277], [doi]  [abs]
  19. Black, DA; McKinnish, TG; Sanders, SG. "Tight labor markets and the demand for education: Evidence from the coal boom and bust." Ilr Review 59.1 (October, 2005): 3-16. [repository], [doi]  [abs]
  20. Hotz, VJ; McElroy, SW; Sanders, SG. "Teenage childbearing and its life cycle consequences: Exploiting a natural experiment." The Journal of Human Resources 40.3 (Summer, 2005): 683-715. [doi]  [abs]
  21. Black, D; McKinnish, T; Sanders, S. "The economic impact of the coal boom and bust." The Economic Journal 115.503 (April, 2005): 449-476. [doi]  [abs]
  22. Black, D; Sanders, S; Taylor, L. "Measurement of Higher Education in the Census and Current Population Survey." Journal of the American Statistical Association 98.463 (September, 2003): 545-554. [doi]  [abs]
  23. Sanders, SG; Black, D; McKinnish, T. "Does the Availability of High-Wage Jobs for Low-Skilled Men Affects AFDC Expenditures: Evidence from Shocks to the Coal and Steel Industries." Journal of the Public Economics 87.9-10 (September, 2003): 1919-1940. [doi]  [abs]
  24. Black, DA; McKinnish, TG; Sanders, SG. "Does the availability of high-wage jobs for low-skilled men affect welfare expenditures? Evidence from shocks to the steel and coal industries." Journal of Public Economics 87.9-10 (September, 2003): 1921-1942. [doi]  [abs]
  25. Black, DA; Sanders, S; Taylor, L. "The economic reward for studying economics." Economic Inquiry 41.3 (July, 2003): 365-377. [doi]  [abs]
  26. Sanders, SG; Black, D; Makar, H; Taylor, L. "The Effect of Sexual Orientation on Earnings." Industrial and Labor Relations Review 56.3 (March, 2003): 449-469.
  27. Nagin, DS; Rebitzer, JB; Sanders, S; Taylor, LJ. "Monitoring, motivation, and management: The determinants of opportunistic behavior in a field experiment." American Economic Review 92.4 (September, 2002): 850-873. [doi]  [abs]
  28. Black, D; Gates, G; Sanders, S; Taylor, L. "Why do gay men live in San Francisco?." Journal of Urban Economics 51.1 (January, 2002): 54-76. [doi]  [abs]
  29. Black, D; Daniel, K; Sanders, S. "The Impact of Economic Conditions on Participation in Disability Programs: Evidence from the Coal Boom and Bust.." American Economic Review 92.1 (January, 2002): 27-50. [repository], [doi]  [abs]
  30. Black, D; Gates, G; Sanders, S; Taylor, L. "Demographics of the gay and lesbian population in the United States: evidence from available systematic data sources.." Demography 37.2 (May, 2000): 139-154. [doi]  [abs]
  31. Black, D; McKinnish, T; Sanders, SG. "Are We Understating the Impact of Economic Conditions on Welfare Rolls?." 5.4 (March, 2000): 489-505.
  32. McKinnish, T; Sanders, S; Smith, J. "Estimates of effective guarantees and tax rates in the AFDC program for the post-OBRA period." The Journal of Human Resources 34.2 (Spring, 1999): 312-345. [doi]  [abs]
  33. Daponte, BO; Sanders, S; Taylor, L. "Why do low-income households not use food stamps? Evidence from an experiment." The Journal of Human Resources 34.3 (Summer, 1999): 612-628. [doi]  [abs]
  34. Daponte, BO; Lewis, GH; Sanders, S; Taylor, L. "Food pantry use among low-income households in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania." Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior 30.1 (January, 1998): 50-57.  [abs]
  35. S.G. Sanders & R.A. Miller. "Human Capital Development and Welfare Participation." Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy 46 (July, 1997): 1-47.
  36. Hotz, VJ; Mullin, CH; Sanders, SG. "Bounding Causal Effects Using Data from a Contaminated Natural Experiment: Analysing the Effects of Teenage Childbearing." Review of Economic Studies 64.4 (January, 1997): 575-603. [doi]  [abs]
  37. Sanders, SG; Duleep, HO. "Empirical Regularities Across Cultures: The Effect of Children on Women's Work." Journal of Human Resources 29.2 (Spring, 1994): 328-347.
  38. Hotz, VJ; Miller, RA; Sanders, S; Smith, J. "A simulation estimator for dynamic models of discrete choice." Review of Economic Studies 61.2 (January, 1994): 265-289. [doi]  [abs]
  39. Sanders, SG; Duleep, HO. "The Decision to Work by Married Immigrant Women: Evidence from Asian Women." Industrial and Labor Relations Review 46.4 (July, 1993): 677-690.
  40. DULEEP, HO; SANDERS, S. "Discrimination at the Top: American‐Born Asian and White Men." Industrial Relations 31.3 (January, 1992): 416-432. [doi]  [abs]


  1. S.G. Sanders, V.J. Hotz, & S. McElroy. "The Costs and Consequences of Teenage Childbearing for Mothers." Chicago Policy Review 1.1 (1996): 55-94.
  2. S.G. Sanders, D. Black, & K. Daniel. "The Rise and Fall of King Coal." Kentucky Annual Economic Report (1995).
  3. S.G. Sanders, B. Daponte, G. Lewis, & L. Taylor. "An Examination of Food Pantry Use." United Way (December, 1994).
  4. S.G. Sanders & V. J. Hotz. "Bounding Treatment Effects in Experimental Evaluations Subject to Post-Randomization Treatment Choice." Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute, 49th Session (1994).

Seth G. Sanders