Publications of Subhrendu K. Pattanayak    :chronological  alphabetical  combined  bibtex listing:

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Chapters in Books

  1. Pattanayak, SK; Tan-Soo, JS. "Water in development." Economics: The Definitive Encyclopedia from Theory to Practice. March, 2017: 347-349.
  2. Whittington, D; Pattanayak, SK. "Water and sanitation economics: Reflections on application to developing economies." Handbook of Water Economics. Edward Elgar Publishing, January, 2015: 469-499. [doi]  [abs]
  3. Pattanayak, SK; Tan-Soo, JS. "Water in Development." Environmental and Natural Resource Economics: An Encyclopedia. January, 2014: 336-339.
  4. Van Houtven, G; Pattanayak, SK; Patil, S; Depro, B. "Benefits transfer of a third kind: An examination of structural benefits transfer." Preference Data for Environmental Valuation: Combining Revealed and Stated Approaches. March, 2012: 303-321. [doi]
  5. González-Sepúlveda, JM; Loomis, JB. "Are benefit transfers using a joint revealed and stated preference model more accurate than revealed and stated preference data alone?." Preference Data for Environmental Valuation: Combining Revealed and Stated Approaches. Routledge, March, 2012: 289-302. [doi]
  6. Kramer, RA; Sills, EO; Pattanayak, SK. "National parks as conservation and development projects: Gauging local support." Conserving and Valuing Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity: Economic, Institutional and Social Challenges. Routledge, January, 2012: 113-132. [doi]
  7. Gunatilake, H; Yang, JC; Pattanayak, S; Van Den berg, C. "An assessment of demand for improved household water supply in Southwest Sri Lanka." Environmental Valuation: In South Asia. Cambridge University Press, January, 2009: 444-473. [doi]  [abs]
  8. Kramer, R., E.O. Sills, & S.K. Pattanayak. "National Parks as development and conservation projects: Gauging local support." Conserving and Valuing Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity: Economic, Institutional and Social Challenges. Ed. K.M. Ninan Earthscan, 2008: 123-14.
  9. Pattanayak, S.K., & J. Yasuoka. "Deforestation and Malaria: Revisiting the Human Ecology Perspective." Forests, People and Health: A Global Interdisciplinary Overview. Chapter 9. Ed. C.J.P. Colfer Earthscan Publishers, 2008: 197-217.
  10. Pattanayak, S.K., V. K. Smith, & G. Van Houtven. "Improving the Practice of Benefits Transfers: A Preference Calibration Approach." Environmental Value Transfers: Issues and Methods. Chapter 14. Ed. S. Navrud & R. Ready Economics of Non-markets Goods and Resources Series, Volume 9.Springer Science, 2007
  11. Mansfield, C., & S.K. Pattanayak. "Getting Started." Valuing Environmental Amenities using Choice Experiments: A Common Sense Guide to Theory and Practice. Chapter 1. Ed. B. Kanninen Economics of Non-markets Goods and Resources Series, Volume 8.Springer Science, 2007: 1-20.
  12. Sills, E. O., & S. K. Pattanayak. "Tropical Tradeoffs: An Economics Perspective on Tropical DeforeDeforestation." Tropical Deforestation. Ed. S. Spray & M. Moran Series on Exploring Environmental Challenges: A Multidisciplinary Approach.Rowman and Littlefield Publishers Inc, 2006: 104-128.
  13. Pattanayak, S.K., & B. M. Depro. "Environmental Services from Agroforestry: Economics of Soil and Water Conservation in Manggarai, Indonesia." Valuing Agroforestry Systems: Methods and Applications. Ed. J. Alavalapati & E. Mercer Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004: 165-182.
  14. Wear, D., & S.K. Pattanayak. "Aggregate Timber Supply: From the Forests to the Market." Forests in a Market Economy. Ed. E. Sills & K. Abt Forestry Sciences Series, Volume 72.Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003: 117-132.
  15. Pattanayak, S., K. Abt, & T. Holmes. "Timber and Amenities on Non-Industrial Private Lands." Forests in a Market Economy. Ed. E. Sills & K. Abt Forestry Sciences Series, Volume 72.Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003: 243-258.
  16. Sills, E., S. Lele, T. Holmes, & S. K. Pattanayak. "Non-timber Forest Products in the Rural Household Economy." Forests in a Market Economy. Ed. E. Sills & K. Abt Forestry Sciences Series, Volume 72.Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003: 259-282.
  17. Mercer, E., & S.K. Pattanayak. "Agroforestry Adoption by Smallholders." Forests in a Market Economy. Ed. E. Sills & K. Abt Forestry Sciences Series, Volume 72.Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003: 283-299.
  18. Pattanayak, S., & D. Butry. "Forest Ecosystem Services as Production Inputs." Forests in a Market Economy. Ed. E. Sills & K. Abt Forestry Sciences Series, Volume 72.Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003: 361-379.
  19. Cassingham, K., E. Sills, S. K. Pattanayak, & C. Mansfield. "Spatial Assessment of a Voluntary Forest Conservation Program in North Carolina." Forest Policy for Private Forestry: Global and Regional Challenges. Ed. L. Teeter, B. Cashore, & D. Zhang Wallingford, UK: CABI Publishing, 2002: 129-141.

Other Working Papers

  1. Pattanayak, S.K., C.G. Corey, Y.F. Lau, & R. Kramer. "Biodiversity conservation and child health: Microeconomic evidence from Flores, Indonesia."   (2007). in review
  2. Patil, SR & SK Pattanayak. "Behaviors exposed: Household production of microbial exposure." RTI Working Paper 07_03  (2007).
  3. Corey, C.G., J-C. Yang, & SK. Pattanayak. "A case control study of sanitation and hygiene risks." RTI Working Paper 07_01  (2007).
  4. Atmadja, S., E. Sills, S.K. Pattanayak, S.R. Patil, & J-C. Yang. "Discounting future health outcomes: Time preferences in rural India."   (2007).
  5. Dickinson, K. & S.K. Pattanayak. "Open sky latrines. Do social interactions influence decisions to use toilets?." RTI Working Paper  (2007).
  6. Pattanayak, S.K. & G. L. Van Houtven. "Combining revealed and stated preferences for ecosystem costs of deforestation." Preference Data for Environmental Valuation: Combining Revealed and Stated Approaches  (2007).
  7. Van Houtven, G.L., S. K. Pattanayak, S.R. Patil & B.M. Depro. "Benefits Transfer of the Third Kind: An Examination of Structural Benefits Transfer."   (2007).
  8. Yang, J-C, S.K. Pattanayak, C. Mansfield, F. R. Johnson, C. van den Berg, H. Gunatilake, & K. Wendland. "Un-packaging Demand for Urban Water Supply: Evidence from Conjoint Surveys in Sri Lanka." World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 3817  (2007).
  9. Jha, N., & SK. Pattanayak. "Looking beyond participation: Considering alternative paradigms for water and sanitation programs."   (2006).
  10. Pattanayak, S.K., C. Poulos, J-C.Yang, G.L. Van Houtven, & K. Jones. "Economics of Environmental Epidemiology: Estimates of “Prevalence Elasticity” for Malaria."   (2006).
  11. Jones, K.M., S. K. Pattanayak, & E. O. Sills. "Democracy and Dictatorship: Comparing household innovation across the border of Benin and Togo."   (2006).
  12. Patil, S. R., S. K. Pattanayak, & S. Vinerkar. "Gauging Adequacy of Community Water Supply and Sanitation Projects in Maharashtra: Methodological Triangulation."   (2006).
  13. Pattanayak, S.K., L. E. Carrasco, E. O. Sills, J.C. Yang, C. van den Berg, C. Agarwal, & H. Gunatilake.. "Economic Geography of Water and Poverty: Evidence from Southwest Sri Lanka." RTI Working Paper  (2005).
  14. Pattanayak, S.K., C. van den Berg, G. Van Houtven, & J-C Yang. "Uses and abuses of WTP Experiments: Estimating Demand for Piped Water Connections." World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 3817  (2005).
  15. Pattanayak, S.K.. "Forest amenities and aesthetics: An econometric evaluation using North Carolina FIA data."   (2004).
  16. Pattanayak, S. K., J-C. Yang, B. C. Murray, R. C. Abt, B. M. Depro, & B. Sohngen. "Climate impacts on forest land values: A Ricardian Analysis." Working paper. RTI International  (2004).
  17. Van Houtven, G., S.K. Pattanayak, & V. Kerry Smith. "Benefit Transfer Functions for Avoided Morbidity: A Preference Calibration Approach." National Center for Environmental Economics Working Paper 04_04  (2004): 24 pages.
  18. Pattanayak, S.K., E. O. Sills, & D. Whittington. "Water supply coverage and cost recovery in Kathmandu: Understanding the role of time preferences and credit constraints."   (2004). Presented at the NEUDC annual meetings, Montreal, Canada
  19. Pattanayak, S. K. "Rough guide to econometrics of binary choice models." Submitted to the USDA Forest Service, Southeastern Research Station  (November, 2003).
  20. Pattanayak, S.K., V.K. Smith, & G. Van Houtven. "Valuing Environmental Health Risks: From Preference Calibration to Estimation." RTI Working Paper 03_04  (2003).
  21. Sills, E.O., & S. K. Pattanayak. "Markets, modernization and the Mentawai: Explaining differences in forest dependence."   (2003). Presented at the NEUDC annual meetings, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut
  22. Pattanayak, S. K. "How Green are these Valleys?." RTI Working Paper 01_02  (2001).
  23. Butry, D., & S. K. Pattanayak. "Economic Welfare Impacts of Tropical Forest Conservation: The Case of Ruteng Park and Logger Households." RTI Working Paper 01_01  (2001).
  24. Pattanayak, S. K., & G. Van Houtven. "Measuring Benefits of the Safe Drinking Water Act: A Framework for Combining Contingent Valuation and Averting Behavior Data."   (1999).
  25. Pattanayak, S.K., & D. Richter.. "Evaluating the Myth: Forests Can be Sponges and not Merely Pumps."   (May, 1996).


  1. Usmani, F; Jeuland, MA; Pattanayak, SK. NGOs and the effectiveness of interventions.  WIDER Working Paper (May, 2018).  [abs]

Papers Published

  1. Meles, TH; Mekonnen, A; Jeuland, M; Beyene, AD; Klug, T; Hassen, S; Sebsibie, S; Pattanayak, SK. "Does the payment vehicle matter for valuing improved electricity reliability? A discrete choice experiment in Ethiopia." Utilities Policy 93 (April, 2025). [doi]  [abs]
  2. Krishnapriya, PP; Jeuland, M; Orgill-Meyer, J; Pattanayak, SK. "Gendered demand for environmental health technologies: Evidence of complementarities from stove auctions in India." Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 113 (December, 2024): 102295-102295. [doi]  [abs]
  3. Carr-Wilson, S; Pattanayak, SK; Weinthal, E. "Critical mineral mining in the energy transition: A systematic review of environmental, social, and governance risks and opportunities." Energy Research and Social Science 116 (October, 2024). [doi]  [abs]
  4. Pakhtigian, EL; Pattanayak, SK; Tan-Soo, JS. "Forest Fires, Smoky Kitchens, and Human Health in Indonesia." Environmental and Resource Economics 87.8 (August, 2024): 2115-2141. [doi]  [abs]
  5. Krishnapriya, PP; Pattanayak, SK; Somanathan, E; Keil, A; Jat, ML; Sidhu, HS; Shyamsundar, P. "Mitigating agricultural residue burning: challenges and solutions across land classes in Punjab, India." Environmental Research: Food Systems 1.1 (June, 2024): 015001-015001. [doi]  [abs]
  6. Madrigal-Ballestero, R; Mullan, K; Pacay, E; Pattanayak, SK; Robalino, J; Evia, P. "Volumetric pricing in rural Central America: Drivers of adoption and potential effects on water delivery." World Development Sustainability 4 (June, 2024). [doi]  [abs]
  7. Pakhtigian, EL; Pattanayak, SK. "Social setting, gender, and preferences for improved sanitation: Evidence from experimental games in rural India." World Development 177 (May, 2024). [doi]  [abs]
  8. Pakhtigian, EL; Jeuland, M; Pattanayak, SK; Phillips, J. "Estimating Lost Dividends from Incomplete Energy Access Transitions." Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis (January, 2024): 1-33. [doi]  [abs]
  9. Das, I; Klug, T; Krishnapriya, PP; Plutshack, V; Saparapa, R; Scott, S; Sills, E; Kara, N; Pattanayak, SK; Jeuland, M. "Frameworks, methods and evidence connecting modern domestic energy services and gender empowerment." Nature Energy 8.5 (May, 2023): 435-449. [doi]  [abs]
  10. Ambec, S; Nauges, C; Pattanayak, SK. "Introduction to the SETI special issue." Resource and Energy Economics 72 (April, 2023). [doi]
  11. Chandrasekaran, M; Krishnapriya, PP; Jeuland, M; Pattanayak, SK. "Gender empowerment and energy access: evidence from seven countries." Environmental Research Letters 18.4 (April, 2023). [doi]  [abs]
  12. Tan-Soo, JS; Finkelstein, E; Pattanayak, S; Qin, P; Zhang, X; Jeuland, M. "Air quality valuation using online surveys in three Asian megacities." Resources, Environment and Sustainability 10 (December, 2022). [doi]  [abs]
  13. Hassen, S; Beyene, AD; Jeuland, M; Mekonnen, A; Meles, TH; Sebsibie, S; Klug, T; Pattanayak, SK; Toman, MA. "Effect of electricity price reform on households’ electricity consumption in urban Ethiopia." Utilities Policy 79 (December, 2022). [doi]  [abs]
  14. Beyene, AD; Jeuland, M; Sebsibie, S; Hassen, S; Mekonnen, A; Meles, TH; Pattanayak, SK; Klug, T. "Pre-paid meters and household electricity use behaviors: Evidence from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia." Energy Policy 170 (November, 2022). [doi]  [abs]
  15. Pakhtigian, EL; Downs-Tepper, H; Anson, A; Pattanayak, SK. "COVID-19, public health messaging, and sanitation and hygiene practices in rural India." Journal of Water Sanitation and Hygiene for Development 12.11 (November, 2022): 828-837. [doi]  [abs]
  16. Bharadwaj, B; Pattanayak, SK; Ashworth, P. "Space matters: reducing energy disparity in Nepal through spatially equitable renewable energy subsidies." Environmental Research Communications 4.10 (October, 2022). [doi]  [abs]
  17. Pakhtigian, EL; Dickinson, KL; Orgill-Meyer, J; Pattanayak, SK. "Sustaining latrine use: Peers, policies, and sanitation behaviors." Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 200 (August, 2022): 223-242. [doi]  [abs]
  18. Talevi, M; Pattanayak, SK; Das, I; Lewis, JJ; Singha, AK. "Speaking from experience: Preferences for cooking with biogas in rural India." Energy Economics 107 (March, 2022). [doi]  [abs]
  19. Capitán, T; Alpízar, F; Madrigal-Ballestero, R; Pattanayak, SK. "Time-varying pricing may increase total electricity consumption: Evidence from Costa Rica." Resource and Energy Economics 66 (November, 2021). [doi]  [abs]
  20. Krishnapriya, PP; Chandrasekaran, M; Jeuland, M; Pattanayak, SK. "Do improved cookstoves save time and improve gender outcomes? Evidence from six developing countries." Energy Economics 102 (October, 2021). [doi]  [abs]
  21. Meles, TH; Mekonnen, A; Beyene, AD; Hassen, S; Pattanayak, SK; Sebsibie, S; Klug, T; Jeuland, M. "Households' valuation of power outages in major cities of Ethiopia: An application of stated preference methods." Energy Economics 102 (October, 2021). [doi]  [abs]
  22. Miteva, DA; Pattanayak, SK. "The effectiveness of protected areas in the context of decentralization." World Development 142 (June, 2021). [doi]  [abs]
  23. Girardeau, H; Oberholzer, A; Pattanayak, SK. "The enabling environment for household solar adoption: A systematic review." World Development Perspectives 21 (March, 2021). [doi]  [abs]
  24. Pattanayak, SK; Sills, E. "A ‘middle way’ for Indonesian fires." Nature Sustainability 4.2 (February, 2021): 83-84. [doi]
  25. Mahaprashasta, J; Mukhopadhyay, P; Pattanayak, SK. "Willingness to pay to avoid flooding in Cuttack, India." International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 53 (February, 2021). [doi]  [abs]
  26. Jeuland, M; Fetter, TR; Li, Y; Pattanayak, SK; Usmani, F; Bluffstone, RA; Chávez, C; Girardeau, H; Hassen, S; Jagger, P; Jaime, MM; Karumba, M; Köhlin, G; Lenz, L; Litzow, EL; Masatsugu, L; Naranjo, MA; Peters, J; Qin, P; Ruhinduka, RD; Serrano-Medrano, M; Sievert, M; Sills, EO; Toman, M. "Is energy the golden thread? A systematic review of the impacts of modern and traditional energy use in low- and middle-income countries." Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 135 (January, 2021). [doi]  [abs]
  27. Jeuland, M; McClatchey, M; Patil, SR; Pattanayak, SK; Poulos, CM; Yang, JC. "Do Decentralized Community Treatment Plants Provide Clean Water? Evidence from Rural Andhra Pradesh, India AMI." Land Economics 97.2 (January, 2021). [doi]  [abs]
  28. Sharma, BP; Karky, BS; Nepal, M; Pattanayak, SK; Sills, EO; Shyamsundar, P. "Making incremental progress: Impacts of a REDD+ pilot initiative in Nepal." Environmental Research Letters 15.10 (October, 2020). [doi]  [abs]
  29. Orgill-Meyer, J; Pattanayak, SK. "Improved sanitation increases long-term cognitive test scores." World Development 132 (August, 2020). [doi]  [abs]
  30. Jeuland, MA; Pattanayak, SK; Samaddar, S; Shah, R; Vora, M. "Adoption and impacts of improved biomass cookstoves in rural Rajasthan." Energy for Sustainable Development 57 (August, 2020): 149-159. [doi]  [abs]
  31. Jeuland, M; Pattanayak, SK; Soo, JST; Usmani, F. "Preferences and the effectiveness of behaviorchange interventions: Evidence from adoption of improved cookstoves in India." Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists 7.2 (March, 2020): 305-343. [doi]  [abs]
  32. Litzow, EL; Pattanayak, SK; Thinley, T. "Returns to rural electrification: Evidence from Bhutan." World Development 121 (September, 2019): 75-96. [doi]  [abs]
  33. Shannon, A; Usmani, F; Pattanayak, SK; Jeuland, MA. "The Price of Purity: Willingness to pay for air and water purification technologies in Rajasthan, India." Environmental and Resource Economics 73.4 (August, 2019): 1073-1100. [doi]  [abs]
  34. Orgill-Meyer, J; Pattanayak, SK; Chindarkar, N; Dickinson, KL; Panda, U; Rai, S; Sahoo, B; Singha, A; Jeuland, M. "Long-term impact of a community-led sanitation campaign in India, 2005-2016.." Bulletin of the World Health Organization 97.8 (August, 2019): 523-533A. [doi]  [abs]
  35. Pattanayak, SK; Jeuland, M; Lewis, JJ; Usmani, F; Brooks, N; Bhojvaid, V; Kar, A; Lipinski, L; Morrison, L; Patange, O; Ramanathan, N; Rehman, IH; Thadani, R; Vora, M; Ramanathan, V. "Experimental evidence on promotion of electric and improved biomass cookstoves.." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 116.27 (July, 2019): 13282-13287. [doi]  [abs]
  36. Tan-Soo, J-S; Pattanayak, SK. "Seeking natural capital projects: Forest fires, haze, and early-life exposure in Indonesia.." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 116.12 (March, 2019): 5239-5245. [doi]  [abs]
  37. Mullan, K; Sills, E; Pattanayak, SK; Caviglia-Harris, J. "Converting Forests to Farms: The Economic Benefits of Clearing Forests in Agricultural Settlements in the Amazon." Environmental and Resource Economics 71.2 (October, 2018): 427-455. [doi]  [abs]
  38. Rieb, JT; Chaplin-Kramer, R; Daily, GC; Armsworth, PR; Böhning-Gaese, K; Bonn, A; Cumming, GS; Eigenbrod, F; Grimm, V; Jackson, BM; Marques, A; Pattanayak, SK; Pereira, HM; Peterson, GD; Ricketts, TH; Robinson, BE; Schröter, M; Schulte, LA; Seppelt, R; Turner, MG; Bennett, EM. "Response to Kabisch and Colleagues." BioScience 68.3 (March, 2018): 167-168. [doi]
  39. Liu, G; Pattanayak, S; Navaneethakrishnan, P; Woodling, R. "Role of membrane autopsy in enhancing reverse osmosis plant operation." Water Practice and Technology 13.1 (March, 2018): 106-114. [doi]  [abs]
  40. Pattanayak, S; Liu, G; Hauser, A; Woodling, R; Mertes, C. "Performance benchmarking of polyamide composite sea water reverse osmosis membranes." Water Practice and Technology 13.1 (March, 2018): 91-95. [doi]  [abs]
  41. Pattanayak, SK; Haines, A. "Implementation of policies to protect planetary health - Authors' reply.." The Lancet. Planetary health 2.2 (February, 2018): e63. [doi]
  42. Pattanayak, SK; Pakhtigian, EL; Litzow, EL. "Through the looking glass: Environmental health economics in low and middle income countries ." Handbook of Environmental Economics 4 (January, 2018): 143-191. [doi]  [abs]
  43. Pattanayak, SK; Haines, A. "Implementation of policies to protect planetary health.." The Lancet. Planetary health 1.7 (October, 2017): e255-e256. [doi]
  44. Rieb, JT; Chaplin-Kramer, R; Daily, GC; Armsworth, PR; Böhning-Gaese, K; Bonn, A; Cumming, GS; Eigenbrod, F; Grimm, V; Jackson, BM; Marques, A; Pattanayak, SK; Pereira, HM; Peterson, GD; Ricketts, TH; Robinson, BE; Schröter, M; Schulte, LA; Seppelt, R; Turner, MG; Bennett, EM. "When, Where, and How Nature Matters for Ecosystem Services: Challenges for the Next Generation of Ecosystem Service Models." BioScience 67.9 (September, 2017): 820-833. [doi]  [abs]
  45. Clark, S; Carter, E; Shan, M; Ni, K; Niu, H; Tseng, JTW; Pattanayak, SK; Jeuland, M; Schauer, JJ; Ezzati, M; Wiedinmyer, C; Yang, X; Baumgartner, J. "Adoption and use of a semi-gasifier cooking and water heating stove and fuel intervention in the Tibetan Plateau, China." Environmental Research Letters 12.7 (June, 2017): 075004-075004. [doi]  [abs]
  46. Van Houtven, GL; Pattanayak, SK; Usmani, F; Yang, JC. "What are Households Willing to Pay for Improved Water Access? Results from a Meta-Analysis." Ecological Economics 136 (June, 2017): 126-135. [doi]  [abs]
  47. Pattanayak, SK; Kramer, RA; Vincent, JR. "Ecosystem change and human health: implementation economics and policy.." Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences 372.1722 (June, 2017). [doi]  [abs]
  48. Atmadja, SS; Sills, EO; Pattanayak, SK; Yang, JC; Patil, S. "Explaining environmental health behaviors: Evidence from rural India on the influence of discount rates." Environment and Development Economics 22.3 (June, 2017): 229-248. [doi]  [abs]
  49. Sharma, BP; Shyamsundar, P; Nepal, M; Pattanayak, SK; Karky, BS. "Costs, cobenefits, and community responses to REDD+: A case study from Nepal." Ecology and Society 22.2 (June, 2017). [doi]  [abs]
  50. Sills, EO; de Sassi, C; Jagger, P; Lawlor, K; Miteva, DA; Pattanayak, SK; Sunderlin, WD. "Building the evidence base for REDD+: Study design and methods for evaluating the impacts of conservation interventions on local well-being.." Global environmental change : human and policy dimensions 43 (March, 2017): 148-160. [doi]  [abs]
  51. Lewis, JJ; Hollingsworth, JW; Chartier, RT; Cooper, EM; Foster, WM; Gomes, GL; Kussin, PS; MacInnis, JJ; Padhi, BK; Panigrahi, P; Rodes, CE; Ryde, IT; Singha, AK; Stapleton, HM; Thornburg, J; Young, CJ; Meyer, JN; Pattanayak, SK. "Biogas Stoves Reduce Firewood Use, Household Air Pollution, and Hospital Visits in Odisha, India.." Environ Sci Technol 51.1 (January, 2017): 560-569. [doi]  [abs]
  52. Rosenthal, J; Balakrishnan, K; Bruce, N; Chambers, D; Graham, J; Jack, D; Kline, L; Masera, O; Mehta, S; Mercado, IR; Neta, G; Pattanayak, S; Puzzolo, E; Petach, H; Punturieri, A; Rubinstein, A; Sage, M; Sturke, R; Shankar, A; Sherr, K; Smith, K; Yadama, G. "Implementation Science to Accelerate Clean Cooking for Public Health.." Environmental health perspectives 125.1 (January, 2017): A3-A7. [doi]  [abs]
  53. Vincent, JR; Ahmad, I; Adnan, N; Burwell, WB; Pattanayak, SK; Tan-Soo, JS; Thomas, K. "Valuing Water Purification by Forests: An Analysis of Malaysian Panel Data." Environmental and Resource Economics 64.1 (May, 2016): 59-80. [doi]  [abs]
  54. Brooks, N; Bhojvaid, V; Jeuland, MA; Lewis, JJ; Patange, O; Pattanayak, SK. "How much do alternative cookstoves reduce biomass fuel use? Evidence from North India." Resource and Energy Economics 43 (February, 2016): 153-171. [doi]  [abs]
  55. Tan-Soo, JS; Adnan, N; Ahmad, I; Pattanayak, SK; Vincent, JR. "Econometric Evidence on Forest Ecosystem Services: Deforestation and Flooding in Malaysia." Environmental and Resource Economics 63.1 (January, 2016): 25-44. [doi]  [abs]
  56. Whitmee, S; Haines, A; Beyrer, C; Boltz, F; Capon, AG; de Souza Dias, BF; Ezeh, A; Frumkin, H; Gong, P; Head, P; Horton, R; Mace, GM; Marten, R; Myers, SS; Nishtar, S; Osofsky, SA; Pattanayak, SK; Pongsiri, MJ; Romanelli, C; Soucat, A; Vega, J; Yach, D. "Safeguarding human health in the Anthropocene epoch: report of The Rockefeller Foundation-Lancet Commission on planetary health.." Lancet 386.10007 (November, 2015): 1973-2028. [doi]
  57. Miteva, DA; Murray, BC; Pattanayak, SK. "Do protected areas reduce blue carbon emissions? A quasi-experimental evaluation of mangroves in Indonesia." Ecological Economics 119 (November, 2015): 127-135. [doi]  [abs]
  58. Jeuland, MA; Bhojvaid, V; Kar, A; Lewis, JJ; Patange, O; Pattanayak, SK; Ramanathan, N; Rehman, IH; Tan Soo, JS; Ramanathan, V. "Preferences for improved cook stoves: Evidence from rural villages in north India." Energy Economics 52 (November, 2015): 287-298. [doi]  [abs]
  59. Jeuland, M; Pattanayak, SK; Bluffstone, R. "The economics of household air pollution." Annual Review of Resource Economics 7.1 (October, 2015): 81-108. [doi]  [abs]
  60. Dickinson, KL; Patil, SR; Pattanayak, SK; Poulos, C. "Nature's call: Impacts of sanitation choices in Orissa, India." Economic Development and Cultural Change 64.1 (October, 2015): 1-29. [doi]  [abs]
  61. Arriagada, RA; Sills, EO; Ferraro, PJ; Pattanayak, SK. "Erratum: Do payments pay off? Evidence from participation in Costa Rica's PES program (PLoS ONE (2015) 10:7 (e0131544) (DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0131544))." PLoS ONE 10.8 (August, 2015): e0136809-e0136809. [doi]
  62. Ferraro, PJ; Hanauer, MM; Miteva, DA; Nelson, JL; Pattanayak, SK; Nolte, C; Sims, KRE. "Estimating the impacts of conservation on ecosystem services and poverty by integrating modeling and evaluation.." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 112.24 (June, 2015): 7420-7425. [doi]  [abs]
  63. Jeuland, M; McClatchey, M; Patil, S; Poulos, C; Pattanayak, SK; Yang, J-C. "Do Decentralized Community Treatment Plants Provide Better Water? Evidence from Andhra Pradesh." (April, 2015).  [abs]
  64. Wendland, KJ; Pattanayak, SK; Sills, EO. "National-level differences in the adoption of environmental health technologies: a cross-border comparison from Benin and Togo.." Health policy and planning 30.2 (March, 2015): 145-154. [doi]  [abs]
  65. Sills, EO; Herrera, D; Kirkpatrick, AJ; Brandão, A; Dickson, R; Hall, S; Pattanayak, S; Shoch, D; Vedoveto, M; Young, L; Pfaff, A. "Estimating the Impacts of Local Policy Innovation: The Synthetic Control Method Applied to Tropical Deforestation.." PloS one 10.7 (January, 2015): e0132590. [doi]  [abs]
  66. Arriagada, RA; Sills, EO; Ferraro, PJ; Pattanayak, SK. "Do Payments Pay Off? Evidence from Participation in Costa Rica's PES Program.." PloS one 10.7 (January, 2015): e0131544. [doi]  [abs]
  67. Miteva, DA; Loucks, CJ; Pattanayak, SK. "Social and Environmental Impacts of Forest Management Certification in Indonesia.." PloS one 10.7 (January, 2015): e0129675. [doi]  [abs]
  68. Lewis, JJ; Bhojvaid, V; Brooks, N; Das, I; Jeuland, MA; Patange, O; Pattanayak, SK. "Piloting improved cookstoves in India.." Journal of health communication 20 Suppl 1 (January, 2015): 28-42. [doi]  [abs]
  69. Bauch, SC; Birkenbach, AM; Pattanayak, SK; Sills, EO. "Public health impacts of ecosystem change in the Brazilian Amazon." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112.24 (2015): 7414-7419. [doi]  [abs]
  70. Bauch, SC; Sills, EO; Pattanayak, SK. "Have We Managed to Integrate Conservation and Development? ICDP Impacts in the Brazilian Amazon." World Development 64.S1 (December, 2014): S135-S148. [doi]  [abs]
  71. Jeuland, M; Pattanayak, SK; Tan Soo, JS. "Preference Heterogeneity and Adoption of Environmental Health Improvements: Evidence from a Cookstove Promotion Experiment." (September, 2014).  [abs]
  72. Jeuland, M; Bhojvaid, V; Kar, A; Lewis, JJ; Patange, OS; Pattanayak, SK; Ramanathan, N; REHMAN, IH; Tan Soo, JS; Ramanathan, V. "Preferences for Improved Cook Stoves: Evidence from North Indian Villages." (July, 2014).  [abs]
  73. Evans, WD; Pattanayak, SK; Young, S; Buszin, J; Rai, S; Bihm, JW. "Social marketing of water and sanitation products: a systematic review of peer-reviewed literature.." Social science & medicine (1982) 110 (June, 2014): 18-25. [doi]  [abs]
  74. Bhojvaid, V; Jeuland, M; Kar, A; Lewis, JJ; Pattanayak, SK; Ramanathan, N; Ramanathan, V; Rehman, IH. "How do people in rural India perceive improved stoves and clean fuel? Evidence from Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand.." International journal of environmental research and public health 11.2 (January, 2014): 1341-1358. [doi]  [abs]
  75. Ferraro, PJ; Hanauer, MM; Miteva, DA; Canavire-Bacarreza, GJ; Pattanayak, SK; Sims, KRE. "More strictly protected areas are not necessarily more protective: Evidence from Bolivia, Costa Rica, Indonesia, and Thailand." Environmental Research Letters 8.2 (January, 2013): 025011-025011. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]  [abs]
  76. Miteva, DA; Pattanayak, SK; Ferraro, PJ. "Evaluation of biodiversity policy instruments: What works and what doesn't?." Oxford Review of Economic Policy 28.1 (October, 2012): 69-92. [doi]  [abs]
  77. Poulos, C; Yang, J-C; Patil, SR; Pattanayak, S; Wood, S; Goodyear, L; Gonzalez, JM. "Consumer preferences for household water treatment products in Andhra Pradesh, India.." Soc Sci Med 75.4 (August, 2012): 738-746. [doi]  [abs]
  78. Hamoudi, A; Jeuland, M; Lombardo, S; Patil, S; Pattanayak, SK; Rai, S. "The effect of water quality testing on household behavior: evidence from an experiment in rural India.." The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 87.1 (July, 2012): 18-22. [22764286], [doi]  [abs]
  79. Arriagada, RA; Ferraro, PJ; Sills, EO; Pattanayak, SK; Cordero-Sancho, S. "Do payments for environmental services affect forest cover? A farm-level evaluation from Costa Rica." Land Economics 88.2 (May, 2012): 382-399. [doi]  [abs]
  80. Lewis, JJ; Pattanayak, SK. "Who adopts improved fuels and cookstoves? A systematic review.." Environmental health perspectives 120.5 (May, 2012): 637-645. [22296719], [doi]  [abs]
  81. Pattanayak, SK; Yasuoka, J. "Deforestation and malaria: Revisiting the human ecology perspective." (January, 2012): 197-217. [doi]
  82. Ferraro, PJ; Lawlor, K; Mullan, KL; Pattanayak, SK. "Forest figures: Ecosystem services valuation and policy evaluation in developing countries." Review of Environmental Economics and Policy 6.1 (January, 2012): 20-44. [doi]
  83. Jeuland, MA; Pattanayak, SK. "Benefits and costs of improved cookstoves: assessing the implications of variability in health, forest and climate impacts.." PLoS One 7.2 (2012): e30338. [22348005], [doi]  [abs]
  84. Köhlin, G; Sills, EO; Pattanayak, SK; Wilfong, C. "Energy, Gender and Development: What are the Linkages? Where is the Evidence?." World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 5800 (September, 2011).  [abs]
  85. Saha, S; Pattanayak, SK; Sills, EO; Singha, AK. "Under-mining health: environmental justice and mining in India.." Health & place 17.1 (January, 2011): 140-148. [21130678], [doi]  [abs]
  86. Weber, JG; Sills, EO; Bauch, S; Pattanayak, SK. "Do ICDPs work? An empirical evaluation of forest-based microenterprises in the Brazilian Amazon." Land Economics 87.4 (January, 2011): 661-681. [doi]  [abs]
  87. Pattanayak, SK; Corey, CG; Lau, YF; Kramer, RA. "Biodiversity Conservation and Child Malaria: Microeconomic Evidence from Flores, Indonesia." Economic Research Initiatives at Duke Working Paper 85 (November, 2010).  [abs]
  88. Arriagada, RA; Sills, EO; Pattanayak, SK; Cubbage, FW; González, E. "Modeling fertilizer externalities around Palo Verde National Park, Costa Rica." Agricultural Economics 41.6 (November, 2010): 567-575. [doi]  [abs]
  89. Pattanayak, S; Saha, S; Sahu, P; Sills, E; Singha, A; Yang, J. "Mine over matter? Health, wealth and forests in a mining area of Orissa." Indian Growth and Development Review 3.2 (September, 2010): 166-185. [doi]  [abs]
  90. Pattanayak, SK; Wunder, S; Ferraro, PJ. "Show me the money: Do payments supply environmental services in developing countries?." Review of Environmental Economics and Policy 4.2 (August, 2010): 254-274. [doi]  [abs]
  91. Pattanayak, SK; Poulos, C; Yang, J-C; Patil, S. "How valuable are environmental health interventions? Evaluation of water and sanitation programmes in India.." Bulletin of the World Health Organization 88.7 (July, 2010): 535-542. [20616973], [doi]  [abs]
  92. Arriagada, RA; Sills, EO; Pattanayak, SK; Ferraro, PJ. "Combining qualitative and quantitative methods to evaluate participation in costa rica's program of payments for environmental services." Journal of Sustainable Forestry 28.3-5 (December, 2009): 343-367. [doi]  [abs]
  93. Pongsiri, MJ; Roman, J; Ezenwa, VO; Goldberg, TL; Koren, HS; Newbold, SC; Ostfeld, RS; Pattanayak, SK; Salkeld, DJ. "Biodiversity loss affects global disease ecology." BioScience 59.11 (December, 2009): 945-954. [doi]  [abs]
  94. Pattanayak, SK; Pfaff, A. "Behavior, Environment, and Health in Developing Countries: Evaluation and Valuation." Annual Review of Resource Economics 1.1 (October, 2009): 183-217. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]  [abs]
  95. Pattanayak, SK; Yang, JC; Dickinson, KL; Poulos, C; Patil, SR; Mallick, R; Blitstein, J; Praharaj, P. "Shame or subsidy revisited: Social mobilization for sanitation in Orissa, India." Bulletin of World Health Organization 87.8 (Summer, 2009): 580-587. [19705007], [doi]  [abs]
  96. Pattanayak, SK; Ross, MT; Depro, BM; Bauch, SC; Timmins, C; Wendland, KJ; Alger, K. "Climate change and conservation in Brazil: CGE evaluation of health and wealth impacts." B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy 9.2 (January, 2009): Article 6. [doi]  [abs]
  97. Pattanayak, SK; Poulos, C; Yang, JC; Patil, SR; Wendland, KJ. "Of Taps and Toilets: Quasi-experimental protocols for evaluating community-demand driven projects." Journal of Water and Health 7 (3).3 (2009): 434-451. [19491494], [doi]  [abs]
  98. Arriagada, R; Sills, E; Pattanayak, SK; Ferraro, PJ. "Combining qualitative and quantitative methods to evaluate participation in Costa Rica's Program of Payments for Environmental Services." Journal of Sustainable Forestry 28.3 (2009): 343-367. [doi]  [abs]
  99. Whitehead, JC; Pattanayak, SK; Van Houtven, GL; Gelso, BR. "Combining revealed and stated preference data to estimate the nonmarket value of ecological services: An assessment of the state of the science." Journal of Economic Surveys 22.5 (November, 2008): 872-908. [doi]  [abs]
  100. Gunatilake, H; Yang, JC; Pattanayak, S; Choe, KAE. "Good practices for estimating reliable willingness-to-pay values in the water supply and sanitation sector." ERD Technical Note Series 23 (December, 2007): 1-53.  [abs]
  101. Beach, RH; Poulos, C; Pattanayak, SK. "Farm economics of bird flu." Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 55.4 (December, 2007): 471-483. [doi]  [abs]
  102. Van Houtven, G; Powers, J; Pattanayak, SK. "Valuing water quality improvements in the United States using meta-analysis: Is the glass half-full or half-empty for national policy analysis?." Resource and Energy Economics 29.3 (September, 2007): 206-228. [doi]  [abs]
  103. Pattanayak, SK; Wendland, KJ. "Nature's care: Diarrhea, watershed protection, and biodiversity conservation in Flores, Indonesia." Biodiversity and Conservation 16.10 (September, 2007): 2801-2819. [doi]  [abs]
  104. Beach, RH; Poulos, C; Pattanayak, SK. "Agricultural Household Response to Avian Influenza Prevention and Control Policies." Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 39.2 (2007): 201-311.
  105. Beach, RH; Poulos, C; Pattanayak, SK. "Farm Economics of Bird Flu." Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 55.4 (2007): 473-485. [doi]  [abs]
  106. Gunatilake, H; Yang, JC; Pattanayak, S; Van Caroline Berg, DEN. "Willingness-to-pay and design of water supply and sanitation projects: A case study." ERD Technical Note Series 19 (December, 2006): 1-50.  [abs]
  107. Smith, VK; Pattanayak, SK; Van Houtven, GL. "Structural benefit transfer: An example using VSL estimates." Ecological Economics 60.2 (December, 2006): 361-371. [doi]  [abs]
  108. Pattanayak, S.K., K. Dickinson, C. Corey, E.O. Sills, B.C. Murray, & R. Kramer. "Deforestation, Malaria, and Poverty: A Call for Transdisciplinary Research to Design Cross-Sectoral Policies." Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy 2.2 (2006): 1-12.
  109. Ferraro, PJ; Pattanayak, SK. "Money for nothing? A call for empirical evaluation of biodiversity conservation investments." PLoS Biology 4.4 (2006): 482-488. [16602825], [doi]
  110. Pattanayak, S; Dickinson, K; Corey, C; Murray, B; Sills, E; Kramer, R. "Deforestation, Malaria and Poverty: A Call for Transdisciplinary Research to Support the Design of Cross-Sectoral Policies." Sustainability: Science, Practice, & Policy 2.2 (2006): 1-12.
  111. Sills, E; Pattanayak, SK; Ferraro, P; Alger, K. "Abordagens Analíticas na Avaliação de Impactos Reais de Programas de Conservação (Evaluating Conservation Programs)." Megadiversidade 2.1-2 (2006): 39-49.
  112. Mansfield, C; Pattanayak, SK; McDow, W; McDonald, R; Halpin, P. "Shades of Green: Measuring the value of urban forests in the housing market." Journal of Forest Economics 11.3 (December, 2005): 177-199. [doi]  [abs]
  113. Pattanayak, SK; Butry, DT. "Spatial complementarity of forests and farms: Accounting for ecosystem services." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 87.4 (November, 2005): 995-1008. [doi]  [abs]
  114. Pattanayak, SK; McCarl, BA; Sommer, AJ; Murray, BC; Bondelid, T; Gillig, D; DeAngelo, B. "Water quality co-effects of greenhouse gas mitigation in U.S. agriculture." Climatic Change 71.3 (August, 2005): 341-372. [doi]  [abs]
  115. Ray, JS; Pattanayak, SK; Pande, K. "Rapid emplacement of the Kerguelen plume-related Sylhet Traps, eastern India: Evidence from 40Ar-39Ar geochronology." Geophysical Research Letters 32.10 (May, 2005): 1-4. [doi]  [abs]
  116. Pattanayak, SK; Yang, JC; Whittington, D; Bal Kumar, KC. "Coping with unreliable public water supplies: Averting expenditures by households in Kathmandu, Nepal." Water Resources Research 41.2 (February, 2005): 1-11. [doi]  [abs]
  117. Beach, RH; Pattanayak, SK; Yang, JC; Murray, BC; Abt, RC. "Econometric studies of non-industrial private forest management: A review and synthesis." Forest Policy and Economics 7.3 (January, 2005): 261-281. [doi]  [abs]
  118. Beach, RH; Pattanayak, SK; Abt, RC; Murray, BC; Yang, JC. "Empirical Studies of Non-Industrial Private Forest Management: A Review and Synthesis." Forest Policy and Economics 7.3 (2005): 261-281. [doi]  [abs]
  119. Pattanayak, SK. "Valuing watershed services: Concepts and empirics from southeast Asia." Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 104.1 (September, 2004): 171-184. [doi]  [abs]
  120. Pattanayak, SK; Abt, RC; Sommer, AJ; Cubbage, F; Murray, BC; Yang, JC; Wear, D; Ahn, SE. "Forest forecasts: Does individual heterogeneity matter for market and landscape outcomes?." Forest Policy and Economics 6.3-4 (June, 2004): 243-260. [doi]  [abs]
  121. Pattanayak, SK; Sills, EO; Kramer, RA. "Seeing the forest for the fuel." Environment and Development Economics 9.1 (January, 2004): 155-179. [repository], [doi]  [abs]
  122. Pande, K; Pattanayak, SK; Subbarao, KV; Navaneethakrishnan, P; Venkatesan, TR. "40Ar-39Ar age of a lava flow from the Bhimashankar Formation, Giravali Ghat, Deccan Traps." Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Earth and Planetary Sciences 113.4 (January, 2004): 755-758. [doi]  [abs]
  123. Pande, K; Pattanayak, SK; Subbarao, KV; Navaneethakrishnan, P; Venkatesan, TR. "40Ar-39Ar age of a lava flow from the Bhimashankar Formation, Giravali Ghat, Deccan Traps." Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Earth and Planetary Sciences 113.4 (2004): 755-758.  [abs]
  124. Pattanayak, SK; Mercer, DE; Sills, E; Yang, JC. "Taking stock of agroforestry adoption studies." Agroforestry Systems 57.3 (September, 2003): 173-186. [doi]  [abs]
  125. Smith, VK; Pattanayak, SK; Van Houtven, GL. "VSL reconsidered: What do labor supply estimates reveal about risk preferences?." Economics Letters 80.2 (August, 2003): 147-153. [doi]  [abs]
  126. Ray, JS; Pande, K; Pattanayak, SK. "Evolution of the amba dongar carbonatite complex: Constraints from 40Ar-39Ar chronologies of the inner basalt and an alkaline plug." International Geology Review 45.9 (January, 2003): 857-862. [doi]  [abs]
  127. Snider, AG; Pattanayak, SK; Sills, EO; Schuler, JL. "Policy innovations for private forest management and conservation in Costa Rica." Journal of Forestry 101.5 (January, 2003): 18-23. [doi]  [abs]
  128. Pattanayak, SK; Sills, EO; Mehta, AD; Kramer, RA. "Local Uses of Parks: Uncovering Patterns of Household Production from Forests of Siberut, Indonesia." Conservation and Society 1.2 (2003): 209-222. [repository]
  129. Snider, A; Pattanayak, SK; Sills, E; Schuler, J. "Policy Innovations for Private Forest Management and Conservation in Costa Rica." Journal of Forestry 101.4 (2003): 18-23.  [abs]
  130. Smith, VK; Pattanayak, SK. "Is meta-analysis a Noah's Ark for non-market valuation?." Environmental and Resource Economics 22.1-2 (June, 2002): 271-296. [doi]  [abs]
  131. Whittington, D; Matsui-Santana, O; Freiberger, JJ; Van Houtven, G; Pattanayak, S. "Private demand for a HIV/AIDS vaccine: evidence from Guadalajara, Mexico.." Vaccine 20.19-20 (June, 2002): 2585-2591. [12057616], [doi]  [abs]
  132. Pattanayak, SK; Mercer, DE. "Indexing soil conservation: Farmer Perceptions of Agroforestry Benefits." Journal of Sustainable Forestry 15.2 (May, 2002): 63-85. [doi]  [abs]
  133. Pattanayak, SK; Murray, BC; Abt, RC. "How joint is joint forest production? An econometric analysis of timber supply conditional on endogenous amenity values." Forest Science 48.3 (January, 2002): 479-491. [doi]  [abs]
  134. Smith, VK; Van Houtven, G; Pattanayak, SK. "Benefit transfer via preference calibration: "Prudential Algebra" for policy." Land Economics 78.1 (January, 2002): 132-152. [doi]  [abs]
  135. Whittington, D; Pattanayak, SK; Yang, JC; Kumar, KCB. "Household demand for improved piped water services: Evidence from Kathmandu, Nepal." Water Policy 4.6 (January, 2002): 531-556. [doi]  [abs]
  136. Shrivastava, JP; Pattanayak, SK. "Basalts of the Eastern Deccan Volcanic Province, India." Gondwana Research 5.3 (January, 2002): 649-665. [doi]  [abs]
  137. Cassingham, KM; Sills, EO; Pattanayak, SK; Mansfield, CA. "North Carolina's natural heritage program: A case for public-private cooperation." Journal of Forestry 100.5 (January, 2002): 16-23. [doi]  [abs]
  138. Pattanayak, SK; Murray, BC; Abt, R. "How Joint in Joint Forest Production: An Econometric Analysis of Timber Supply Conditional on Endogenous Amenity Values." Forest Science 47.3 (2002): 479-491.
  139. Cassingham, K; Sills, E; Pattanayak, SK; Mansfield, C. "North Carolina’s Natural Heritage: A Case for Public-Private Cooperation." Journal of Forestry 100.4 (2002): 16-23.  [abs]
  140. Whittington; D; Pattanayak, SK; Yang, JC; C, BKK. "Do Households Want Improved Piped Water Services? Evidence from Nepal." Water Policy 4.6 (2002): 531-556. [doi]  [abs]
  141. Pattanayak, SK; Kramer, RA. "Worth of watersheds: A producer surplus approach for valuing drought mitigation in Eastern Indonesia." Environment and Development Economics 6.1 (February, 2001): 123-146. [repository], [doi]  [abs]
  142. Shrivastava, JP; Pattanayak, SK; Singh, C. "Gold grains in Fe-rich tholeiitic lava flows from amarkantakin the Eastern Deccan volcanic province, India." Journal of the Geological Society of India 57.5 (January, 2001): 455-458.  [abs]
  143. Pattanayak, SK; Sills, EO. "Do tropical forests provide natural insurance? The microeconomics of non-timber forest product collection in the Brazilian Amazon." Land Economics 77.4 (January, 2001): 595-612. [doi]  [abs]
  144. Pattanayak, S; Kramer, R. "Pricing Ecological Services: Willingness to Pay for Drought Control Services in Indonesia." Water Resources Research 37.3 (2001): 771-778. [repository], [doi]  [abs]
  145. Shrivastava, JP; Salil, MS; Pattanayak, SK. "Clay mineralogy of Ir-bearing Anjar intertrappeans, Kutch, Gujarat, India: Inferences on palaeoenvironment." Journal of the Geological Society of India 55.2 (January, 2000): 197-206.  [abs]
  146. Shrivastava, JP; Pattanayak, SK; Giridhar, M; Chouhan, PKS; Mohanty, WK. "Petrochemical studies on the epicentral region of the recent Jabalpur earthquake." Current Science 77.8 (October, 1999): 1100-1104.  [abs]
  147. Pattanayak, SK; Mercer, E. "Valuing Soil Conservation Benefits of Agroforestry Practices: Contour Hedgerows in the Eastern Visayas, Philippines." Agricultural Economics 18.1 (1998): 31-46. [doi]  [abs]
  148. Salil, MS; Shrivastava, JP; Pattanayak, SK. "Similarities in the mineralogical and geochemical attributes of detrital clays of Maastrichtian Lameta Beds and weathered Deccan basalt, Central India." Chemical Geology 136.1-2 (March, 1997): 25-32. [doi]  [abs]
  149. Kramer, RA; Richter, DD; Pattanayak, S; Sharma, NP. "Ecological and economic analysis of watershed protection in Eastern Madagascar." Journal of Environmental Management 49.3 (January, 1997): 277-295. [doi]  [abs]
  150. Kramer, R; Richter, D; Pattanayak, SK; Sharma, N. "Economic and Ecological Analysis of Watershed Protection in Eastern Madagascar." Journal of Environmental Management 49.3 (1997): 277-295. [doi]  [abs]
  151. Salil, MS; Pattanayak, SK; Shrivastava, JP. "Composition of smectites in the Lameta sediments of central India: Implications for the commencement of Deccan volcanism." Journal of the Geological Society of India 47.5 (May, 1996): 555-560.  [abs]

Papers Accepted

  1. Beach, R.H., E.O. Sills, T. Liu, & S.K. Pattanayak. "The Influence of Forest Management on Vulnerability to Severe Weather." Encyclopedia of Forest Environmental Threats  (2008). forthcoming
  2. Sills, E., R. Arriagada, S. K. Pattanayak, P. Ferraro, L. Carrasco, & S. Cordero. "Private Provision of Public Goods: Applying Program Evaluation to Evaluate ‘Payments for Ecosystem Services’ in Costa Rica." Ecomarket: Costa Rica’s Experience with Payments for Environmental Services. Chapter 10  (2008). forthcoming
  3. Ross, M., B. Depro, & S. K. Pattanayak. "Assessing the Economy-Wide Effects of the PSA Program." Ecomarket: Costa Rica’s Experience with Payments for Environmental Services. Chapter 11  (2008). forthcoming


  1. S.K. Pattanayak. "Rough guide to impact evaluation of environmental and development programs." Working Paper, SANDEE. (2009). [pdf]
  2. Poulos, C., S.K. Pattanayak, & K. Jones. "Guidelines for Impact Evaluations in the Water and Sanitation Sector." Doing Impact Evaluations. No. 4 Washington, DC: The World Bank. (December, 2006). [pdf]
  3. Gunatilake, H., J-C. Yang, S.K. Pattanayak, & C. van den Berg. "Willingness to Pay Studies for Designing Water Supply and Sanitation Projects: A Good Practice Case Study." Economic Research Department, Technical Note No. 19 Manila, Philippines: Asian Development Bank. (2006).
  4. Miller, J., S. Saha, E. Sills, & S. K. Pattanayak. "Forest livelihoods and iron ore mines in Orissa, India." Sylvanet 19.1 (2006): 10-12.
  5. van den Berg, C., S.K. Pattanayak, J. Yang, & H. Gunatilake. "Getting the Assumptions Right: Private Sector Participation Transaction Design and the Poor in Southwest Sri Lanka." Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Board Discussion Paper No. 7 Washington, DC: The World Bank. (2006).
  6. Pattanayak, S.K., J.C. Yang, K. Jones, H. Gunatilake, C. van den Berg, C. Agarwal, H. Bandara, & T. Ranasinghe. "Poverty Dimensions of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Southwest Sri Lanka." Water Supply and Sanitation Working Note 8 Washington, DC: The World Bank. (2005).
  7. Sills, E., & S.K. Pattanayak. "Reflections on West Africa." Sylvanet 17.1 (2004): 19.
  8. Foster, V., S.K. Pattanayak, & L.S. Prokopy. "Do Current Subsidies Reach the Poor?." Water Subsidies and Tariffs in South Asia (Paper 4) Washington DC: The Public Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility, The World Bank. (2003).
  9. Foster, V., S.K. Pattanayak, & L.S. Prokopy. "Can Subsidies be Better Targeted?." Water Subsidies and Tariffs in South Asia (Paper 5) Washington DC: The Public Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility, The World Bank. (2003).
  10. Schuler, J. & S.K. Pattanayak. "Costa Rica’s Innovative Conservation Initiatives: A View from a Bus." Sylvanet 15.2 (2002): 10-13.
  11. Pattanayak, S. K. "Forest Dependence: Orissa, India as a Natural Laboratory." Sylvanet 14.1 (2001): 3-5.
  12. Kramer, R., D. Richter, & S. K. Pattanayak. "Spatial Dimensions of Environmental Impacts." Valuing Tropical Forests—Methodology and Case Study of Madagascar World Bank Environment Paper 13., Washington, DC: The World Bank. (1995): 42-50.

Subhrendu K. Pattanayak