Publications [#289127] of William A. Darity

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Journal Articles

  1. Darity, W. "On the long-run outcome of the Lewis-Nurkse international growth process." Journal of Development Economics 10.3 (June, 1982): 271-278. [doi]
    (last updated on 2025/02/25)

    This essay formalizes the model of international growth advanced by W. Arthur Lewis in his 1979 Nobel Prize address and by Ragnar Nurkse in the 1950's. Both of them employed the model to support their respective cases for pursuit of a 'balanced growth' strategy by the LDC's. The purpose of the formalization undertaken here is to examine the theoretical consequences for the secular ratio of LDC to MDC incomes as the Lewis-Nurkse growth process unfolds. The paper explores whether or not growth in Lewis-Nurkse fashion must mean persistent poverty for the LDC's. In addition, the formalization provides an explicit characterization of economic 'dependence'. © 1982.

William A. Darity