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Joab N Corey, Lecturer, Senior  

Office Location: 302 Towerview Dr., 174 Rubenstein Hall, Durham, NC 27708
Email Address: joab.corey@duke.edu

Areas of Expertise

    Ph.D., West Virginia University, 2009
    M.A., West Virginia University, 2008
    B.S., West Virginia University, 2005

    Teaching (Spring 2025):

    • Pubpol 303d.002, Microeconomic policy tools Synopsis
      Sanford 04, TuTh 03:05 PM-04:20 PM
    • Pubpol 304.02, Econ of the pub sec Synopsis
      Sanford 04, F 01:40 PM-02:30 PM; Sanford 04, MW 11:45 AM-01:00 PM

    Recent Publications

    1. Corey, J. "The regulation dice game: Teaching the effects of entry barriers on wealth creation using an interactive class activity." Journal of Economic Education 54.3 (January, 2023): 301-326. [doi]  [abs]
    2. Corey, J. "The Economic Principles of My Cancer Treatment: How to Use Medical Experiences to Teach Economics." Teaching Economics: Perspectives on Innovative Economics Education. January, 2019: 63-73. [doi]  [abs]
    3. Corey, JN; Gwartney, JD; Hoyt, GM. "Economics teaching workshops: Past, present, and future." International Handbook on Teaching and Learning Economics. December, 2011: 813-820.

    Joab N Corey