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Natalia S. Mirovitskaya, Professor of the Practice  

Office Location: 264 Rubenstein Hall, Durham, NC 27708
Duke Box: 90237
Email Address: nataliam@duke.edu

Areas of Expertise

  • International
    • Conflict Prevention and Peacekeeping
    • Environmental Management and Policy
    • International Development

Ph.D., Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia), 1981
MA, Moscow State University, 1976

Research Description: Sustainable development; international resource policy; environmental policy; global gender issues; peace and conflict resolution

Teaching (Spring 2025):

  • Pubpol 704.01, Master's project preparation Synopsis
    Sanford 224, F 01:40 PM-04:10 PM
  • Pubpol 754.01, International energy system Synopsis
    Sanford 102, Th 03:20 PM-05:50 PM

Recent Publications   (More Publications)

  1. Mirovitskaya, NS; Ascher, W. Development Strategies, Identities and Conflict in Asia.  The World Financial Review (May, 2016): 30-34. [available here]
  2. Ascher, W; Mirovitskaya, N. Development Strategies and Inter-Group Violence Insights on Conflict-Sensitive Development. Palgrave Macmillan, November, 2015. 340 pages pp.  [abs]
  3. Mirovitskaya, NS. "Development Strategies, Identities and Conflict in Asia." The world financial review (May, 2014): 30-34. [available here]
  4. with William Ascher. "The Nexus of Economic Strategies and Intergroup Violence." Development Strategies, Identities, and Conflict in Asia. Ed. William Ascher and Natalia Mirovitskaya Palgrave Macmillan, 2013: 47-98. [developmentstrategiesidentitiesandconflictinasia]
  5. with William Ascher. "The Conflict-Development Nexus in Asia: Policy Approaches." Development Strategies, Identities, and Conflict in Asia. Ed. William Ascher and Natalia Mirovitskaya Palgrave Macmillan, 2013: 315-320. [developmentstrategiesidentitiesandconflictinasia]


Natalia S. Mirovitskaya has been on the faculty at Duke University since 1995. Her professional focus is on political economy of development and peacebuilding. Dr. Mirovitskaya earned her Ph.D. at the Russian Academy of Sciences (Economics). She has led and participated in numerous national and international research projects and has been a recipient of many awards, including the Excellence in Teaching Award from the Humphrey Fellows Program (University of North Carolina), Japan Foundation Center for Global Partnership Grant, NATO Scientific Environmental Affairs Division Grant, and U.S. National Research Council Certificate of Appreciation for Outstanding Service. Recently, Dr. Mirovitskaya and William Ascher (Co-Founder of the Duke-UNC Rotary Peace Center) have become co-editors of a new book series “Politics, Economics and Inclusive Development” launched by Palgrave MacMillan Publishers. Economic Development Strategies and the Evolution of Violence in Latin America (2012), Development Strategies, Identities, and Conflict in Asia (2013) and The Economic Roots of Conflict and Cooperation in Africa (2013) – all three by Ascher and Mirovitskaya – are among the first books published in this new series; they intend to guide policymakers, development professionals, and activists committed to conflict-sensitive development. Dr. Mirovitskaya has worked with master’s level students and directed masters’ projects for fellows from many countries, including Zambia, Mexico, England, Argentina, Japan, Australia, Philippines, South Korea, Myanmar and Colombia.

Natalia S. Mirovitskaya