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Susanne B Haga, Professor in Medicine  

Office Location: 101 Science Drive, Box 3382 CIEMAS Suite 2180, Durham, NC 27708
Duke Box: 3382
Email Address: susanne.haga@duke.edu
Web Page: http://faculty.duhs.duke.edu/faculty/info?pid=15869

Areas of Expertise

    Ph.D., University of Maryland, Baltimore, 1999

    Teaching (Fall 2024):

    • Mgm 120fs.01, Ethics of genome research Synopsis
      Lsrc d243, MW 11:45 AM-01:00 PM
    • Mgm 138fs.01, Synthetic genomics Synopsis
      Lsrc d243, MW 01:25 PM-02:40 PM
    • Biology 325.01, Genome technologies Synopsis
      Bio sci 113, MW 10:05 AM-11:20 AM

    Recent Publications   (More Publications)

    1. Sperber, NR; Roberts, MC; Gonzales, S; Bendz, LM; Cragun, D; Haga, SB; Wu, RR; Omeogu, C; Kaufman, B; Petry, NJ; Ramsey, LB; Uber, R. "Pharmacogenetic testing in primary care could bolster depression treatment: A value proposition.." Clin Transl Sci 17.6 (June, 2024): e13837. [doi]  [abs]
    2. Pereira, L; Haidar, C-E; Haga, SB; Cisler, AG; Hall, A; Shukla, SK; Hebbring, SJ; Leary, EJW. "Assessment of the current status of real-world pharmacogenomic testing: informed consent, patient education, and related practices.." Front Pharmacol 15 (2024): 1355412. [doi]  [abs]
    3. Haga, SB. "The Critical Role of Pharmacists in the Clinical Delivery of Pharmacogenetics in the U.S.." Pharmacy (Basel) 11.5 (September, 2023): 144-144. [doi]  [abs]
    4. Haga, SB; Orlando, LA. "Expanding Family Health History to Include Family Medication History.." J Pers Med 13.3 (February, 2023): 410. [doi]  [abs]
    5. Haga, SB. "Precision medicine: Overview and challenges to clinical implementation." Principles of Gender-Specific Medicine: Sex and Gender-Specific Biology in the Postgenomic Era. January, 2023: 513-529. [doi]  [abs]

    My research interests focus on issues affecting the translation of genomics to clinical practice. Specifically, I have a strong interest in education, with each of my research projects involving some component of professional, public or patient education, including development of educational materials about genomic research in general, pharmacogenetic testing, and communicating genetic test results, in addition to undergraduate teaching in genetics/genomics, ethics, and policy.

    Areas of expertise: Bioethics and Health Behavior

    Susanne B Haga