John H. Willis, Professor  

John H. Willis

We conduct research on broad issues in evolutionary genetics, and we are currently addressing questions relating to the evolution of adaptation, reproductive isolation, breeding systems, inbreeding depression, and floral traits in natural plant populations. Please see our lab web page for more information.

Ph.D., The University of Chicago, 1991

Office Location: 3314 French Science Center, Science Drive, Durham, NC 27708
Email Address:
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Ecology and Population Biology

Research Categories: Evolutionary genetics in natural plant populations

Research Description: We conduct research on broad issues in evolutionary genetics, and we are currently addressing questions relating to the evolution of adaptation, reproductive isolation, breeding systems, inbreeding depression, and floral traits in natural plant populations. Please see our lab web page for more information.

Recent Publications   (More Publications)   (search)

  1. Toll, K; Willis, JH, The genetic basis of traits associated with the evolution of serpentine endemism in monkeyflowers., Evolution; international journal of organic evolution, vol. 78 no. 1 (January, 2024), pp. 111-126 [doi]  [abs].
  2. Marion, SB; Reynolds, JA; Schmid, L; Carter, BE; Willis, JH; Mauger, L; Thompson, RJ, Beyond Content, Understanding What Makes Test Questions Most Challenging, BioScience, vol. 73 no. 3 (March, 2023), pp. 229-235 [doi]  [abs].
  3. Coughlan, JM; Brown, MW; Willis, JH, The genetic architecture and evolution of life-history divergence among perennials in the Mimulus guttatus species complex., Proceedings. Biological sciences, vol. 288 no. 1948 (April, 2021), pp. 20210077 [doi]  [abs].
  4. Leinonen, PH; Salmela, MJ; Greenham, K; McClung, CR; Willis, JH, Populations Are Differentiated in Biological Rhythms without Explicit Elevational Clines in the Plant Mimulus laciniatus., Journal of biological rhythms, vol. 35 no. 5 (October, 2020), pp. 452-464 [doi]  [abs].
  5. Coughlan, JM; Wilson Brown, M; Willis, JH, Patterns of Hybrid Seed Inviability in the Mimulus guttatus sp. Complex Reveal a Potential Role of Parental Conflict in Reproductive Isolation., Current biology : CB, vol. 30 no. 1 (January, 2020), pp. 83-93.e5 [doi]  [abs].