Publications of Adele G. DeCruz

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Journal Articles

  1. De Cruz, A; Andreotti, A; Ceccarini, A; Colombini, MP, "Laser cleaning of works of art: evaluation of the thermal stress induced by Er:YAG laser", Applied Physics BNovember,, 2014, 117(2), 533-541 [doi].

  2. De Cruz,A, "Investigation of the Er:YAG Laser at 2.94 μm to Remove Lichens Growing on Stone", Studies in Conservation, December, 2009 [php[author's comments].

  3. A. De Cruz, "., Prove di pulitura a confronto: Metodi chimici e fisici.", in . Congress: Un Progetto di Restauro Intergratto, 2009, Opera della Primaziale Pisana, [abs] [author's comments].

  4. Andreotti, A; Bracco, P; Colombini, MP; Lanterna, G; Nakahara, K; Penaglia, F, "Novel applications of the Er: YAG laser cleaning of old paintings", 2007, VI, pp.239-247, Springer [abs].

  5. Andreotti, A; Bonaduce, I; Colombini, MP; Gautier, G; Modugno, F; Ribechini, E, "Combined GC/MS Analytical Procedure for the Characterization of Glycerolipid, Waxy, Resinous, and Proteinaceous Materials in a Unique Paint Microsample", Analytical ChemistryJuly,, 2006, 78(13), 4490-4500 [doi].

  6. with DeCruz, A., Palmer, R. A., Andreotti, A., Colombini, M.P., Castellucci, E M., Striova, J., Matteini, M.and Sansonetti, A., "Design of a research program on the effects of Er:YAG Laser Radiation on Mural Painting: preliminary results on the case study of the "Cimitero Monumentale” in Pisa (Italy).", Proceedings of the 12th Laser Conference on Laser Optics, June, 2006.

  7. Bordalo, R; Morais, PJ; Gouveia, H; Young, C, "Laser Cleaning of Easel Paintings: An Overview", Laser Chemistry, 2006, 2006, 1-9 [doi].

  8. Colombini, MP; Andreotti, A; Lanterna, G; Rizzi, M, "A novel approach for high selective micro-sampling of organic painting materials by Er:YAG laser ablation", Journal of Cultural HeritageJanuary,, 2003, 4, 355-361 [doi].

  9. Bracco, P; Lanterna, G; Matteini, M; Nakahara, K; Sartiani, O; Cruz, AD; Wolbarsht, ML; Adamkiewicz, E; Colombini, MP, "Er:YAG laser: An innovative tool for controlled cleaning of old paintings: Testing and evaluation", Journal of Cultural Heritage, 2003, 4(SUPPL. 1), 202s-208s [doi[abs].

  10. Cruz, AD; Wolbarsht, ML; Hauger, SA, "Laser removal of contaminants from painted surfaces", Journal of Cultural Heritage, 2000, 1(2), S173-S180 [doi[abs].

  11. de Cruz, A; Hauger, SA; Wolbarsht, ML, "The role of lasers in fine arts conservation and restoration", Optics & Photonics News, 1999, 10, 36-40.

  12. Cruz, ADE; BARSHT, MLW; Hatjcerc, SA, "The introduction of lasers as a tool in removing contaminants from painted surfaces", 1995.

Chapter in Book

  1. deCruz, A; Wolbarsht, ML; Palmer, RA; Pierce, SE; Adamkiewicz, E, "Er : YAG laser applications on marble and limestone sculptures with polychrome and patina surfaces", Springer Proceedings in Physics, 2005, 100, 113-124 [Gateway.cgi].

  2. Baldini, U, "Una storia complicata: gli affreschi del Camposanto Monumentale di Pisa", in Sulle pitture murali: riflessione, conoscenze, interventi. Atti del convegno di studi, Bressanone, 12-15 July 2005, 2005, 17-pl. 3, Edizioni Arcadia Ricerche.